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Everything posted by graphicguy

  1. Love this…..my sister had the 45 of this and played it. I remember as a small kid running around the house singing… ”On Saturday night they need some excitementJane gets right and the monkey gets tightAnd their voices unite, in the pale moon lightAnd it sounds alright, yeah, it's dynamiteIt's outta sight” My Mother got tired of my recitations and finally forbade me from singing this in the house…. 🎶 BaBy!!!!!!…….
  2. I/we used to pack a large suitcase, a couple of rollaboards, a back pack. The more we cruised, the more we realized we WAY OVERPACKED. Rule of thumb…as long as you don’t sweat like a heathen or spill anything on yourself, and you shower daily, you can get 2 days out of ANY outfit. 7-day cruise…to a hot clime -7 boxers -3 shorts -1 pair of workout shorts -2 workout t-shirts -1 pair of khakis for LeBistro -3 button shirts (usually Hawaiian) -1 pair of tennis shoes -3 pair of workout sox -1 pr of colored socks -1 pr of crocs for specialty restaurants -med pack -toiletry bag Fits in an overhead roll aboard. I bring a back pack with my headphones, iPad, cables/plugs, cruise paperwork that fits und the seat. I also bring some soap packets (just discovered those soap sheets..much easier to pack) to wash clothes in the sink (hung to dry on the little chord in the shower).
  3. Day before…sometimes the morning of if I’m flying out the same day.
  4. Didn’t pay that close attention. I know they were behind me. I had already entered the theater, but heard the ushers say the the show was for 18+ and the parents and what I’ll assume was a teen just turned around and left. Don’t know what happened after that.
  5. I saw them turn away some young people at a Rock of Ages show. Not sure how old they were, though. Some of the comedians can get pretty blue. Doesn’t bother me, but I can see how some teens being subject to the show might be influenced in ways you probably wouldn’t want.
  6. Sorry…misunderstood. Personally, I wouldn’t go anywhere near what sounds like a fiasco in the making. I’d make certain my cabin was far away from hers. And, if/when I saw her on the ship with a guitar case in tow, I’d head in the opposite direction. In my life I’ve known way too many people who are focused only on themselves all the time and are attention seekers with no regard to the wishes of anyone else around them. I just don’t get along with those kinds of people.
  7. I can see a Butler coming to offer a bowl of M&Ms when called to appease the jeering crowd! 😉
  8. Just thinking out loud, if I saw someone checking into a cabin near mine, and they had a guitar case with them, I’d immediately ask for a change of cabin. OP…in all seriousness, this scenario is NOT going to work out the way your GF envisions it. Save her some grief and dissuade her from bringing her guitar or attempting to perform in any other venue other than when they do Karaoke (as that’s why they offer it…to provide an outlet to those who “think” they are talented). If not, she’s not only going to have her cruise ruined, but by default, yours will be ruined, too. Women scorned…..never ends well!
  9. Thanks for the review. Agree about the excursion waivers. I always wondered what would happen if someone would refuse to sign the waiver halfway through the excursion? Drop you off in the middle of nowhere to find your way back? I understand what they’re trying to do….shield them from liability on an excursion they have no control of. But, Lord forbid something did happen. Those waivers provide NO recourse. Generally speaking, I think NCL is going through cutbacks overall. I have no knowledge other than I’ve sailed them a lot. I do. Believe they’re trying to do away with MDRs in favor of pushing people to the Buffet and/or the Specialty Dining rooms (at extra charge). I was on the Breakaway last mont and had none of your issues. But, that’s before the recent reports of cutbacks and layoffs. Tough thing to do, though. You can bet Celebrity, Royal, etc are chomping at the bit to take their customers away.
  10. I have yet to get anything close to a decent cup of coffee from ANY cruise line’s “included” coffee machines. I think they do that on purpose so you buy the Starbucks coffee on board. Although, those Nespresso machines in the Haven Suites make a good cup of coffee. And yes…NEVER had a good cup of coffee from ANY Keurig machine….always weak and bitter.
  11. Yeah…you don’t want that to happen. Feeding another’s ego is NOT a good reason to allow them to perform on the cruise ship, as you suggest. Again, if that’s her “thing”, tell her to ditch the guitar and the thought of going to someplace like Spice H20 and expecting a warm reception by people who have been drinking all day. My guess is she’ll be more than deflated by their response. Even worse in the Atrium, where security may pay her a visit at guests’ requests. Besides, the Atrium is usually either being set up for a game or the ship’s performers. They won’t her in the way of that. In the pool area, her guitar may end up in the pool if it’s crowded and some folks don’t “appreciate” the talent she thinks she has. Best to tell her to stick to the Karaoke venue, when they offer it.
  12. Amen to that. Rush, rush, rush and wait. I don’t see the sense in that. Get there around 11-ish. Walk in…check in….walk on.
  13. Your Husband will be able to get his photo taken at the check in area. You’ll all be able to get your key cards at check in, also. Actually, they may take your picture again at check in.
  14. Ahhhh...the infamous RIF. Spent decades at a certain large copier company when I was right out of college. Saw them stubbornly stick with their business model though even the lowliest employee could see where the market was going (and it wasn't up). RIF after RIF after RIF until they finally got to me. NCL sounds like they're changing their business processes and more RIFs will certainly follow. I'm not a financial wiz, but my gut told me to sell my NCL stock last week. Seems like my "gut" was right.
  15. SIX is a really good show. Enjoyed it more than Priscilla, and it wasn't close.
  16. Excited for you and your husband. You’re going to have a great time.
  17. Thanks! Appreciative of the advice. But, I try not to work that had while cruising. I take some pics, post them on CC…give my impressions…try to do it in real time. That’s the extent of it. That’s time consuming enough. 😉
  18. Got a topper last month when I sailed on the Breakaway. Requested it from the cabin steward.
  19. I empathize. It's tough remembering requests for posting menus, or crew names, or drinks, or anything else while on board. I try to be mindful when doing a live post. But, I'm also trying to have a good time instead of chasing down requests. It's understandable that some people want to know about certain things on board. So, not discounting their requests. It's just that we're trying to enjoy ourselves vs going on scavenger hunts tracking down requests or remembering to take pics or post something someone wants to see.
  20. Same issue. I post from my iPhone or iPad. So, composing to a program (like word) is not an option. So, I have to endure the CC dumping entire posts for unknown reasons. Doesn't happen on my home computer (like me typing this right now). Cruise Critic seems to have some sort of incompatibility with ship based internet service.
  21. Not going to reiterate what others have posted here. Generally speaking, Haven has better Concierges. They seem to be able to get you into sold out shows, restaurants, make billing problems disappear and solve internet problems, seemingly like magic. YC Concierges are good. But, if you want reservations anywhere that you can't get on your own, neither can they. Still, they're polite and helpful if they can help. YC Butlers are around all the time. From the time you drop off your luggage at the sidewalk YC tent at the pier, to serving drinks at the YC Lounge, they are very visible and willing to help. Haven Butlers are a strange bunch. Sometimes they're always around, sometimes they disappear for days. Sometimes the follow instructions to a "T". Sometimes they just ignore them. If you've booked a Haven Spa Suite, you also get unlimited access to the NCL Spa. Depending on the ship, the spas on NCL are some of the best at sea. Again, YC spas are nice (depending on ship). I just like NCL's better because of the varied areas of the spa. Bottom line...both are good. They do have differences, however. Let us know your priorities and we'll recommend which like does it better.
  22. 👏 Really looking forward to this....first, I've never sailed Princess....2nd, you do great reviews.
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