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Everything posted by rodndonna

  1. In our case, I eventually just decided it wasn't worth the effort or frustration anymore trying to get it resolved with Fligtease. At the time ( a few weeks ago) I still had a glimmer of hope it would just get changed again before departure or that potential weather issues would come up in the days preceding our flight which would allow us to reschedule our flights to avoid the weather system (we have done this a number of times with Air Canada in the past). Alas, no luck with either, so a pillow and blank-y it will be. Maybe try calling at a different time of day than you did before. Not sure when they are the least busy, but I think someone on here said the best time to call is towards the end of the day.
  2. Thanks - I think it should be up for the worst ever planned flight award. 🥳
  3. Indeed - your flights stink - are they this bad though ... London Ontario to Fort Lauderdale next week - our flight was changed due to earlier departure of cruise ship by one hour. Was originally an early London departure to Toronto and then in Fort Lauderdale arriving around noon - it is now ... London around to Toronto 7:30 PM Friday - 4 HOUR layover in Toronto Toronto - to Ottawa - another 4 HOUR layover in Ottawa Ottawa to Montreal - 1 hour layover Montreal to Fort Lauderdale - arrive Saturday 11:45 Uggh - we made some attempt to have it changed (it is on AC and we can see decent flights available, but have to go through FE and they just said - "too late it was ticketed" after spending an hour being bounced around the phone with them to different people looking into it. We just gave up. Funniest part is when I go into Flight Ease it comes up with a big warning that we 'a' 4 hour layover - I'd be happy if I just had 'a' 4 hour layover at this point. Anyway - trying to make the best of it and bringing a pillow and blanket to snooze at the airports. 😑
  4. We typically do insides for the obvious cost saving reason. For our cruises, I like to look at that savings as money to be spent elsewhere on that cruise. Usually spent in port or for excursions, so it's not so much that we 'save' on that holiday, but we spend with a different priority. This is especially the case when sailing for a unique itinerary like Alaska. We have a cruise next week which is an exception where we are treating ourselves to an aft balcony. It is a Caribbean/Bahamas cruise where we are not anticipating any major expenses off ship as its more about floating around the ocean in warm weather type of holiday.
  5. This wasn't just a typical fight. This was a drunk obnoxiuos passenger harassing other passengers to the point where a Carnival Casino employee called in Security to have him dealt with (this implies he was identified by Carnival as an instigator and a threat to other passengers). For whatever reason (others for Security to deal with elsewhere), Security never came to deal with the problem passenger. I won't pretend to imagine I know how I would behave after being harassed for 10 minutes and then called racial slurs (I am not a visible minority). I don't think they were not equal parties in this altercation, from what I understand of the original post (and it would seem that was Carnivals opinion)
  6. It is sad that HAL is faced with having to be the parent to the parents who allow their kids to use the adult only areas. Hopefully it was an anomaly for the holiday week having more kids on board, and it won't be an issue next week (on our cruise). At least we are sort of braced for it now anyway ...😑
  7. Thanks. That would definitely be a downer for us.
  8. What could HAL have done in this case? Is the aft one the adult only one (Seaview?)
  9. We were on a HAL cruise in the fall and a passenger (and wife) just took the wrong bags. We were on the bus to the airport and a HAL rep came on and asked for Mr XYX. They then managed to determine they had Mr ABC's luggage who was still back at the terminal. I think at the terminal, Mr ABC was left looking for his luggage and the only bags remaining were Mr XYX, yet HAL knew he was on our bus to head to the airport. Anyway, HAL coordinated the switch back at the airport.
  10. Quite a mystery .. I'm going with he was not in the water all that time. The delay to be reported by his family seems suspiciously long. Possibly an attempt to claim a life insurance policy being involved.
  11. HAL flightease does not allow, that but others have said they have put a reservation on 'hold' and then have a booking number to check flight costs with. It would still have to be within the 300 (or 330 day?) window though.
  12. My husband and I are from the Canadian east coast- and our collective vote would be Sydney - Fortress Louisbourg Halifax - Peggy's Cove Corner Brook (this was my husband's vote, as I have never been o NFLD so couldn't vote) - Highlights (scenic drive and photo ops) Have a great trip!
  13. For Canadians, we can see it on CTV and it is also in their on-line recorded program site https://www.ctv.ca/shows/mighty-cruise-ships/nieuw-statendam-s4 We'll be on it in about a week - so will have to watch this one 😄
  14. I'll be waving back virtually! I believe waving is one of the most underrated activities on a cruise ship. I love (for some bizarre reason) to wave at anyone I can get to wave back on shore or on another cruise ship. Enjoy you cruise and happy waving!
  15. We're those fast walkers - looking like we are on our way to be somewhere important and with purpose! ( must be something happening on the other side of the ship ! ) We have a cruise next week, and it will be our first with our Fitbit - so looking forward counting steps instead of laps - woohoo!
  16. I guess we're in the minority, we've used the Promenade deck ALOT on our 3 HAL cruises this year (it is my primary form of exercise both on and off ship), and I have yet to come across someone jogging on the Promenade.
  17. We had one of these in June (Koningsdam) and I think it was two "full" baths, one with shower, and one with bath/shower combo. Even for just 2 of us, it was nice to have, but for 3 women (I think that is the OP case) could be really convenient. Edit: I was wrong, It is a second "half" bath, as there was no toilet in the second bath (just shower and sink area)
  18. Again - not advocating for jogging on the Promenade, but the fact that the OP is asking and wondering if possible during off busy time (early morning) I am assuming they are in the "responsible jogger" category. It's like the lap swimmers in the pool , they know they can't swim laps when people are in the pool, and they look for times when it is empty to get their laps in (first thing in the morning or at the end of the day). I think the OP was just hoping the promenade might be similar somehow, but it's just not allowed regardless. I've only seen one incident on a Promenade and it was a solo incident. It was during the "walk for a cause" and a young woman in the group in in front of us (they were walking briskly) turned to talk to her friends and walked smack into a steel beam. It was a loud bang to the head. She tried to shake it off, but left the deck shortly thereafter.
  19. Yikes - How fast do you think the jogger is going? We powerwalk on the promenade, no issues bypassing other walkers, loungers or knocking someone onto the deck. I'm not advocating for allowing jogging on the HAL promenade, just saying they are not as dangerous a menace as you may believe and I don't think it was an unreasonable question to ask. Most cruise lines have only one track, and both joggers and walkers share it without issues. And as walkers, we have been known to walk on the jogging track (and they haven't given us grief or knocked us over for being their turf) 😃
  20. For a domestic flight in Canada, the requirement is to be at the airport 90 minutes before your departure time - so you have lots of time ...if you haven't already look at Skytrain to get to and from the airport (30 minutes, cheap and super convenient). Have a good trip!
  21. I guess when I read your post, I misunderstood and thought it was FlightEase you were referring to. Even when you are not booked them, it is still a great guideline for acceptable flighttimes for airports and flights you are not familiar with. When you do a search against your itinerary, you then know what is the latest arrival and earliest departure times they allow for "day of" flights and so can use those as a 'safe' guideline.
  22. I didn't realize your were on Flightease - for sure there I would see no reason to change to a later flight them. In the unlikely event the ship arrival or disembarkation is delayed and you miss your flight, then you should just be rebooked to one of those later flight options. In my experience with Flightease, if the timing is not considered adequate, they would not book or keep you on that flight. Our flights next week were rescheduled by Flightease to meet an hour earlier change in ship embarkation, and we now have the world's crappiest flights (even though I really believe the original flight arrival would have been fine - it's like 20 minutes off their window of acceptable times and we're pretty fast - haha). Ah well, not the first time we have had to deal with crappy flights ... at least we're going on holiday (-:
  23. I would be OK with that flight personally, especially with it being a domestic flight, but depends on how comfortable you are though. I would do self-assist off the ship and check-in on-line the day before when the window opens.
  24. Somewhat related, assuming you are "likely" looking at AC as one of your options and those nasty baggage fees are coming into play, if you don't already have an Aeroplan Visa card, they are worth having just for the free luggage on AC (one free bag each). It's annual fee is covered pretty quickly if you use AC and would have to pay baggage. Just need to be cardholder, don't need to book flights with it.
  25. Have you tried using google flight? . It's not a booking tool - but great for reviewing options and air fare. https://www.google.com/travel/flights
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