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Everything posted by Laszlo

  1. Yes, always cross pack, most important thing.... meds... clothes, electronics etc... in carry on
  2. If your luggage is 24 x 16 it should fit, any larger I won't. Our carry on bags are 22 and they seem to just fit as far as I remember
  3. You can't take full size luggage on, I've seen it attempted
  4. We had a Haven Spa cabin on our last cruise. We were taken up to the Haven restaurant (Getaway) with our rolling carry on's. A butler came up to us and said your cabin is not ready you can put your luggage in the room if you want. I took both bags, and went down two decks to our cabin. Our room steward was finishing the cabin and I dropped my bags off
  5. 2024 Cruise are going, 2025 a little up in the air. With lawsuits this will drag out
  6. My wife and I tried it once. It was nice however the food was warm. I had a steak and the mushroom soup for Le Bistro, everything was brought together. The soup was not hot and by the time I got to the steak it was warm
  7. It's pretty simple, keep your crap off the doors..... its not your house lol
  8. At Noon on March 13th 2020 the state announced my company would be shutting down. They were going off rules / laws that were 50 years old. Our reps and lawyers were able to fight it and we won, sort of. At 5pm it was announced we were able to stay open. We are a large printing company and we do work for some hospitals. Driving my 20 miles into work on the 16th was truly bizarre. It was like a snow day without the snow. The one bright spot at least for me was the couple of months of code red. Instead of taking 60-75 minutes to get to work it took 25-30 minutes Lol
  9. You can do a search..... Lots of talk about what to give. It really depends how much you use the butler and concierge. 7 day cruise we will typically tip the butler $100, concierge $50..... Lots of options. Last cruise it was $150 for the butler and nothing for the concierge... we didn't use them and only spoke to the person once
  10. I have so many stickers on our luggage it makes my cringe Lol
  11. And I thought I was the only person who takes picture of our check luggage Lol I do it right before I give it to a porter. I also make sure I have a copy of our plans inside the luggage and I use two luggage tags (ours) and I also put on two of NCL luggage tags on each bag. Maybe its overkill but knock on wood haven't had an issue yet. Cross pack and make sure any meds you take, electronics, camera etc.... stay with you in a carry on and or backpack. Yes I'm one of those people you see rolling there carry on onto the ship
  12. I don't tip any TA and my TA does more than any PCC does
  13. Never did it but I know a couple who did. The only reason they did because they like to drink. And the Vibe has their own bar and the Haven sundeck does not. To me thats not a good enough reason to spend a couple hundred dollars more. I can wait 10 minutes for a drink Lol
  14. You are welcome I like to think when TSA see's them they will pass on making a random luggage check Lol. They are great if you are like me and overstuff your checked luggage
  15. Bingo We have only left our luggage out twice on 14 cruises, thankfully I have very large luggage straps with our initials on them and I use AirTags These are the straps I use.... https://amzn.to/3T9P7w5
  16. We went last year, I'm pretty sure it was Eden Beach...... https://www.google.com/maps/@17.1112898,-61.8998242,3a,59.5y,7.37h,92.19t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN-vRLc0DjgdsBtv9Tc_vd8Id5rZ5OI4zyR9aNW!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipN-vRLc0DjgdsBtv9Tc_vd8Id5rZ5OI4zyR9aNW%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya124.72594-ro-0-fo100!7i11264!8i5632?entry=ttu
  17. Nice review..... As far as motion sickness goes I swear by Reliefband Premier. I don't get motion sick often but when I do this will work in 5 minutes. I bought one for a friend when he was going thru chemo for cancer in 2013. He was horribly sick and not of the drugs that are supposed to help did much for him. The band works, my wife and I each have our own and I keep two spares. They are pricey but that price is well worth https://amzn.to/3Pedwzp
  18. Probably 2021 or 22 Personally I would give up Bar Harbor for another day in Bermuda but that is not happening
  19. If you bring your own you will have a better choice, go to Total wine and get what you want
  20. If girl scout cookies were sold year round I would be 400lbs Lol
  21. Not to derail the thread.... how much luggage are you taking? We thought about taking Amtrak up from 30th street but I thought all you could bring was a carry on size
  22. It's really not that involved, the parking area for the ship is above the cruise terminal. Its really pretty easy. Of course their are other parking locations a little farther away and cheaper you can use. We have taken 6 cruises out of NYC (driving to the port) Its easy peasy
  23. Yea driving around in a circle is just crazy. Strange you have never been allowed to drop luggage off. Might be a time thing, we normally get there between 9-9:30 and pull over... see Red Oval on screen shot
  24. Unless someone is in a wheelchair or having mobility issues their is zero reason to get in line to drop someone off and then circle around to park. The traffic normally is a nightmare near the entrance. You would need to drop them off, drive down to the light, do a U turn and then drive up 7 blocks to the ramp to the parking garage. They have porters on the parking deck
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