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Everything posted by 1of4

  1. Thank Jan for the beautiful pictures! Glad you managed to get to the flamingo show. We hope you are starting to heal. Lake-effect snow due this weekend from the remains of hurricane Nichole meeting the cold air from the west over the Great Lakes so enjoy the sunshine 🌞
  2. In my experience it always happens as I try to open the door. I guess they don’t like that🤷🏻‍♀️ But often times the doors to the accessible toilet stalls swing closed so you have to push on it to see if it is vacant. They probably don’t realize this because they don’t actually need to use it and the doors to all regular toilets are usually open when not in use.
  3. Yeah, don’t get me started on bathrooms and how the accessible stall is used by able bodied people who give you a dirty look as they exit it when you have only one and they could have used any number. Very nice of HAL to mark which bathrooms are accessible.
  4. Not surprised at all, unfortunately. Most of the world is inaccessible.
  5. Thinking of you today. Try to relax and let the crew take care of you through embarkation. Let us know, when you can, that you are safe and sound in your suite.
  6. So very happy you were able to get out of the hotel for dinner. Yeah for Jan and hubby for springing you! The hotel sounds amazing but walls start to close in on a person and a change is scene (and food) is so welcome. 🤞 for tomorrow and testing your foot.
  7. They wouldn’t even allow us to use a mat, with supervision, for my 12 year old (at the time) to keep up her stretches for competing gymnastics!
  8. OMG Jacqui! I’m so sorry to read this. I hope some rest and ice make a big difference for embarking the cruise. yes, we always have photocopies of our passports, probably because we had the two children and some ports won’t let you back on the ship without proof the children belong to you….due to international kidnapping and child sex workers. I tried to delete the picture but CC wouldn’t allow it. Nice tote 😉
  9. What happened and why do you need special needs? We hope you are okay and still enjoying Barcelona.
  10. When my son was ahead of me in tender line (people pushed him so he ended up about 4 people ahead) his card was scanned and the security staff immediately looked up to find me. We met eyes so he was allowed through but had to stand aside until I caught up.
  11. Thinking of you today as you fly across the Atlantic. Looking forward to reading about your adventures.
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