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Everything posted by derorim

  1. That's a whole lot of fun. We did that one summer with our granddaughter. The life cycle is fascinating. Those guys can sure eat a lot of milkweed!
  2. Love your chicken. I followed an ESC fb group for a while. These chickens are a really big deal! I thought about making the crochet version but β€˜chickened’ out. πŸ˜€
  3. The videos looking down the side of the cliff did indeed give me the heebie jeebies!
  4. I always enjoy reading about the things you do with your grandkids. Tonight we spent the evening with our granddaughter. We had dinner at a new place called β€œI ❀️ Mac and Cheese.” Afterwards we took her to the car wash. Funny the things that amuse a kid. We are going to have her every Tuesday and Thursday this summer. Our car is going to stay very clean!
  5. Can't wait to see your new kittens. Here's a couple pics of Marcel. He turns 17 next week. He stole my seat. And my pillow, too. Now he wants to give me a big juicy kiss. Ewwwww.
  6. Things that make you go hmmmmm.... We saw these in our doctor's new office building this morning. πŸ€” 🀣
  7. So delicate, intricate and beautiful! I can't begin to imagine what the instructions look like in order for you to know how to do that.
  8. Oh no, now I have that song stuck in my head! Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier! Hahahaha! Haven’t heard that in ages!
  9. @Sea Dog Greg, Happy Birthday to one of the nicest people on this thread. Best wishes also to your lovely wife Linda from Andy and me. Cheers!
  10. Thanks for sharing pictures of your sweet dog Oliver. I know you miss him terribly. May he rest in peace. Hugs to you and your family.
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