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Mr. Boston

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Everything posted by Mr. Boston

  1. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report and lists. What a nice collection of days, I like them all. I agree with the quote we’re all personally responsible for our conduct. The meal and drink suggestions sound good to me. I haven’t been to today’s port, the pictures sure are nice. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today and for the victims of the recent tornados. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events.🍻
  2. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. I think I’ll skip today’s meal suggestion and celebrate deep dish pizza! I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for dandelions although I haven’t seen any yet. Not sure about the quote three guests don’t seem like a pest. I have been to today’s port but only to transfer from a ship to a catamaran. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events!
  3. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report and lists. I don’t know any newsmen to hug. It’s usually wise to walk around things. Hats off to all school librarians, your work helps to form young minds. I’ll have to wait and see about the meal suggestion but the drink sounds like it might be tasty. I haven’t been to today’s port but looking forward to seeing the photos. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events!
  4. Since I don’t contribute photos very often here is one I took from my office this afternoon. You can see the Custom House, the Old North Church and the USS Constitution (Old Ironsides) in the distance.
  5. Good morning everyone. I wish my work were fun but really, accounting? Sorry, I have to go to work today. I hope to find a rainbow but I don’t own any tweed. Love today’s quote. I’ll pass on the meal and drink suggestions. @StLouisCruisers thanks so much for the nice photos of places that I walk by every day on my way to and from work, I can’t believe how much I just take them for granted. I guess maybe I’ve already found my rainbow. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events today!
  6. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report and lists. My favorite children’s book was Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel as read to me on TV by Captain Kangaroo. Probably around the time that I would regularly have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Many of our security guards are currently observing Ramadan and not eating during the daylight hours. I’ll be attending Palm Sunday mass in an hour. I like today’s quote and The Picture of Dorian Gray is on my retirement reading list. I’ll pass on the drink and meal suggestions today. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  7. Good morning everyone from a cold 32F, yet again, Boston. Maybe I’m just getting antzy, but the warm temps of Spring are sure taking their time. Wow, I haven’t thought about crayons or a Bunsen Burner in a long time, here’s to them. Clams Casino would be nice. I like the qoute, it makes one pause. The meal and drink suggestions sound great. I haven’t been to today’s port, it sounds so exotic. Prayers for all on our prayer list. Happy _______ to those of you celebrating today! 🍾
  8. Good morning, brrr it’s cold in Boston this morning 32F. Hooray for all of the doctors who give lives of service to keep us or make us well. A walk in the Boston Public Garden sounds like just the thing today. I love today’s quote an active imaginative is a wonderful thing. I’ll skip the meal suggestion today, too much salt two days in a row. Haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today. Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events today!
  9. Good morning from a chilly 35F Boston. Thanks for the daily report. I like the collection of days, I’ll have to buy my lunch today at a mom and pop sub shop near my office. I appreciate manatees every time that I see them, such quiet, majestic creatures. I like today’s funny quote. The meal suggestion sounds nice. Can’t wait to enjoy the photos of today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events today!
  10. Good morning from a cool, rainy Boston. Something on a stick? A popsicle? Not sure about weed appreciation today. Shouldn’t you respect you cat every day? Funny quote today. The meal suggestion sounds very good. Can’t say that I’ve been to today’s port, I wish I could though. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today. Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events!
  11. Good Monday morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. I’m drinking a cup of joe as I write this. Happy theatre day all you thespians. Most days must be scribble day if you looked at my penmanship. I think today’s quote is true. The meal and wine suggestions sound great. I love Quebec City and was last there ten years ago when we sailed on the Veendam to Boston. Unfortunately I can’t seem to locate my photos though. Prayers for all on our prayer list today. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events!
  12. Good morning everyone and happy third anniversary of this thread! I hope we all live long and prosper. I’ll have to add spinach to today’s menu. I love Mark Twain’s quote. I’ll pass on the meal today but will add that yesterday’s salmon with strawberry relish was delicious. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on the prayer list. Cheers to all celebrating happy events today like us!🍾🥂🎉
  13. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report and lists. Pecans and waffles are two foods that I enjoy. I like the quote, so true. The meal suggestion sounds really interesting as does today’s drink. I have not been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events todat!🎉
  14. Happy Friday everyone. Thanks @StLouisCruisers for today’s report. Haven’t had a cheesesteak in ages but it sure sounds good. Glad chocolate covered raisins have a day, I like them a lot. I’ll have a mai tai please! I like Dr. Seuss’s quote, fantasy helps to keep us moving forward. The meal suggestion sounds very good as does the drink, it is cocktail day after all. I have not been to today’s port, I’m sure there’ll be some nice photos. Prayers that all on our prayer list get better soon. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today, like @richwmn crossing the Equator!
  15. Good morning everyone. Thanks @StLouisCruisers for the daily report. Nice collection of days, who can resist a puppy, or in that case chips and dip! You don’t really see melba toast as much as before, it used to be a staple with a house salad. The meal sounds interesting and I agree that the drink could be dessert. I haven’t been to today’s port but am enjoying the photos. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and for those who need them. Cheers to all celebrating happy events today!
  16. Good morning. Thanks for the daily report. What a fun collection of days we have to choose from. I pick goof off day only because I can’t. I really like the quote, very motivational. The meal suggestion sounds very nice. The drink sounds nice if you were coming down with something. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on the prayer list today. Good luck to @dfish with her procedure. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events! 🥂
  17. Good morning everyone on this first full say in Spring. We pay our credit card balances every month. I wear cologne most every day. I appreciate good poetry but admit to not reading it regularly. Interesting quote. The meal suggestion sounds nice and light. I think I’ll pass on the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port but I am enjoying the photos, looks nice and sunny. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list, good luck @dfish with your surgery tomorrow and for @rafinmd’s continuing recovery. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  18. Good morning. Thanks for the daily report and lists. I hope to avoid an alien abduction today but I all for happiness and earth day. Happy Spring at 5:42pm, it’s time. I like the quote, just do my part the best that I can. Not sure what the meal is but the drink and wine sound like winners to me. Haven’t been to today’s port.prayers for everyone on our prayer list and cheers to those celebrating happy events today.
  19. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report with such an interesting group of days. We are all indebted to those who have made supreme sacrifices. I love the quote by Albert Einstein, the simpler the better. The meal suggestion sounds really tasty. I haven’t been to today’s port, I’ll enjoy it through the photos, again. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  20. Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone. Enjoy your corned beef and cabbage. I have claustrophobia so submarines don’t interest me. A nod to all camp fire girls. Not sure that I agree with the quote. The meal suggestion sounds very nice. Prayers for all on our list today. Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events and to those drinking green beer 🍺! ☘️
  21. Good morning and thanks for the daily report. Yesterday’s Nor’easter was a big nothing here. Not sure how it was reported around the country but but I had several out of state friends inquiring about my welfare! Buzzards play an important part in the ecosystem. You can be dumbstruck when you realize that everything you think is wrong. Nice quote today. I like the sound of the meal suggestion. Have not been to today’s port. Prayers for all on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today.🥂
  22. Good morning everyone. Thanks for another interesting daily report. Butterflies are interesting creatures that are fun to watch. I can’t resist potato chips. I always remember pi day as it’s my mom’s birthday, happy birthday mom! Great quote and I love jazz! I’ll pass on the meal as we had the real deal last evening. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list I hope healing comes soon. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  23. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report. A fun collection of days although I’m ready to ditch the ear-muffs. Interesting quote. Not sure what today’s dish consists of so I’ll wait on the recipes. Same goes for the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today.
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