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Mr. Boston

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Everything posted by Mr. Boston

  1. Good morning everyone. Thanks for our daily report, recipes and lists. It’s going to be a beautiful day here today. The only thing on our agenda is to meet with our closing attorney in preparation of the sale of our condo next Tuesday. The time has finally arrived, the movers will be packing us up on Thursday and Friday. Three nice days to celebrate. We are all seafarers so hats off to us! The quote is humorous, some people (myself included) need to work on their patience. The meal and drink suggestions sound tasty. I’m glad I’m not vegetarian, it seems to add an extra layer of complexity to life. I do like to have meatless lays though. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events. Happy birthday to @Crazy For Cats DH Juan!🎂
  2. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily updates. Looks like it will be a pleasant day here today. Perfect for the last minute errands that have popped up over the weekend. I’ll celebrate diplomacy in any fashion. I took back the lunch break when I retired. I like the quote; often doing the right thing isn’t very easy. I would like today’s meal suggestion as a side dish and I think I would pass on the drink. I have not been to today’s port. Praying for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today. Happy birthday to @Sharon in AZ and happy birthday to @StLouisCruisers’s DD! 🎂🎉!
  3. I can still hear the CKLW station jingle in my head. Sort of like the WLS jingle from Chicago.
  4. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily updates. Three nice days to celebrate. Being originally from the Detroit area and growing up in Michigan I had never heard of Detroit style pizza until a couple of years ago out here. We have a niece who was named as one of the top 100 women engineers in the US a few years ago. Boy did she bust through the glass ceiling of the farty old boy company where she had been working in MN landing a director’s position at a different company in Oregon. I love the quote, nothing better a good laugh as a tonic for what ails you! Both the meal and drink sound nice, perfect meal for the gloomy day we have. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events. A very happy birthday to Roy @rafinmd! 🎂🎉
  5. Good morning everyone from an overcast and cooler Boston. Thanks for our daily dose of useful knowledge. I’ll most happily celebrate radiant peace and positive media. I think I’ll ignore the third. I agree with Euripides on today’s quote. I’m not sure that I would like today’s dish as eggplant is not my thing although I don’t think that I’ve ever seen Japanese Eggplant. The drink sounds like it would be a good brunch beverage. I’ve never been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list and for those who are in need of them. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events. Enjoy your Saturday!
  6. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily updates. An evening thunderstorm came through yesterday and broke the heatwave that we were experiencing. Now it’s 70F and a bit humid, I’ll take it. I’ll celebrate yoga and making music, I’m really good at the savasana pose! I really like today’s quote, so much to take away from it. I’ll pass on the meal and maybe try the drink. I haven’t been to anywhere in Norway yet. Praying for those on our list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  7. Good Thursday morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Happy first day of summer (at 4:51pm), it has certainly felt like summer all week here! I’ll certainly take the flitch of bacon. I have my research for today with Nystagmus Day. I think surfing is such a cool sport, friends of ours moved to Biarritz and the surfers abound there. I really like today’s quote, it’s a call to look inside and see if there is any room for improvement. I think I’ll pass on the meal but since each drink recipe sounds tasty I’d try them both. I have not been to today’s port but am really enjoying your photos. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
  8. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report and all of your contributions to it. It’s going to be another hot one here today, thankfully it didn’t get really hot yesterday until after I got home from the dentist with my temporary crown. Happy Juneteenth and the end of slavery in Texas. I haven’t seen Garfield in a long time. I hope that there is an end to sexual violence. Don’t know what the other day is all about. The quote leaves me baffled. Both the meal and the drink sound like a nice light meal for a hot day. I haven’t been to today’s port, it looks kind of desolate. Praying for those on our prayer list. I hope our friend @StLouisCruisers feels better soon and can enjoy an agreeable dinner this evening. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  9. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Happy birthday to Clark Kent. Conquering hate speech is a noble endeavor unfortunately too much of it is learned at home. We enjoy sushi about once a week at our favorite sushi Douzo in Boston. I wonder if the quote is true. Books can change minds but not always for the better. Today‘s meal sounds nice but I would pass on the drink. Off to the dentist this morning to have a broken molar looked at, cha-ching! Prayers for those on our prayer list, hoping that things improve. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  10. We loved the proximity to the back deck which was quasi-private with easy access to the seaview pool, bar and lido restaurant. The bathroom has definitely seen better days but the stewards kept it spotless. The room itself was very well laid out. It was our first experiment with a non balcony or Neptune Suite as we recently retired and don’t need all of the frills to which we’ve become accustomed. Just know that your room will be either very warm or very cold, there is no adjusting the temperature. Not sure what a fan would have accomplished when it was very warm other than function as a convection oven!
  11. Yes @shuconn we definitely had cabin temperature issues with our oceanview cabin 7086. When we boarded the ship in Montreal our cabin was incredibly warm and stayed that way for the first two days. After bringing it to the attention of guest services twice and to our cabin stewards twice the problem was not resolved. It wasn’t until we reported the issue in the Navigator app “Tell Us How We’re Doing” feature did an engineer finally resolve the issue. And resolve it he did, our cabin then remained Very Cold like 62F for the remainder of the cruise. The thermostat in the room was useless as it never made a difference both when the room was very warm and when it was very cold. It may have been due to where the cabin was located but we were not pleased. This was related to our cabin only.
  12. Good morning all. Another nice day in store here before the heatwave starts here tomorrow. I’ll celebrate the days with a diet Stewart’s Root Beer and toast the other two days with it. It seems like the quote can be interpreted two ways. One way is she just wants life over with and the other because you know that it comes around once you cherish it more. I’ll go with the second interpretation. The meal sounds like it has potential and I would like the drink, I think. We spent two nights in Talkeetna near the train station. We enjoyed our stay there very much. It’s from where we flew around Denali. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to those celebrating happy events. Happy birthday to @durangoscots and congratulations to @StLouisCruisers’ Cruise Critic anniversary! 🎂🎉
  13. Good morning everyone. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there. They were out in force at Mass today! Three important days to recognize. I like the quote, it’s one of those thinking kinds. I’ll pass on the meal but say yes to the drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
  14. Good morning evening everyone. Thanks for today’s updates, much better than reading the news in the morning! Three nice days to celebrate, my friend Tom’s birthday is today so I never forget flag day! The quote made me chuckle. Both the meal and drink sound tasty. I like a well made Mai Tai from time to time. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and a special one for safe travels today for @Cruzin Terri. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today. Bon voyage to @Lady Hudson🍾🚢
  15. Good morning everyone. Thanks for today’s report. Another beautiful and warmer day in store for us. It’s been a busy week scheduling utilities and services shutoffs and startups. Today will be exploring house insurance options and my annual physical. Out of the three days I think that I’ll celebrate axe-throwing. My old company did that at one of our summer outings and it was a blast, kitchen klutzes may wish to abstain! No to today’s meal and drink suggestions, I prefer my radishes crisp and cold or more preferably, fresh out of the ground and washed. A nice quote by Plato although DH, who studied philosophy, just rolled his eyes when I read it out loud. I haven’t been to today’s port but I am enjoying all of the photos that folks graciously share. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Happy ________ to those of you who are celebrating today! 🥂
  16. Good morning folks. Thanks for today’s daily report, recipes and lists. Looks like it will be a beautiful day here. Three good reasons to celebrate today, Cachaca, falafel and Loving Day. I really like the quote today, sometimes the smallest task can have the most impact. Yes to today’s meal suggestion, it sounds delicious. No to the drink Americano but yes to the Americano that we were served in the Explorations Cafe on the Volendam last week. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today. Happy birthday to @catmando! 🎂
  17. Thanks for your review @Bostonjetset. We were on this same cruise and really enjoyed it as well. We have sailed this itinerary twice. Both times we visited Sydney we rented a car and really enjoyed that stop. The first time we drove up the Cabot Trail and this time we visited Baddeck and the Alexander Graham Bell Museum. Just a thought if you find yourself there again. I couldn’t agree more with your assessment of the Volendam, such a lovely vessel and the perfect size for us. We rarely waited more than a few seconds for an elevator that we usually had to ourselves, unlike our cruise on the Rotterdam this past February. We canceled our bike tour through Acadia due to the rain at the last minute. Instead we had a very nice breakfast in Bar Harbor, got back on the ship and finished a book that had to be returned to the library that evening. I think I’m starting to prefer creature comforts in my old age! Sure was nice hopping into a cab and being home in ten minutes at the end! Welcome home.
  18. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily update, recipes and lists. Looks to be a nice day to get outdoors. This daily thread helps to make life beautiful for us. No one living here to crowd us but I did see a fledgling sparrow yesterday hopping around on the ground so those nests must feel a bit crowded now. I like today’s quote, it takes awhile for societies to adapt to changing circumstances and knowledge. I like the meal, which could be breakfast. I also like the drink, very refreshing in the summertime. I have not been to today’s port. Since the buyer of our condo passed the financing contingency date yesterday it appears that all systems are go. Today will be spent scheduling the utility shutdowns here and startups there. Lots to do that will keep me out of trouble! Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
  19. Good morning and thanks for today’s daily report. It’s a beautiful morning here, sunny and 58F here. Three nice days to recognize today. I like to have a lot of ball point pens at my disposal as my writing mood doesn’t always stay the same. Not sure I’ll be a miracle but a glass of iced tea might help. I resemble today’s quote, we aren’t really TV watchers, I think my grandfather would be very proud of me. He always referred to it as the idiot box and they would only watch the six o’clock news. Think I will pass on the meal but would definitely try the drink. Haven’t been to today’s port so thanks for the beautiful photos of it. Prayers for those on the prayer list today, I hope things improve for them. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
  20. Good morning everyone. It’s overcast and mild with occasional rain here this morning. It was nice to wake up in my own bed this morning. Thanks for the daily updates. Three nice days to recognize and explore. I’m currently reading a book that I bought in Baddeck Nova Scotia of the archived letters from Mabel Bell, Alexander Graham Bell’s wife. A fascinating woman who lost her hearing at the age of five from Scarlet Fever. The quote is a welcome bit of humor this morning. The meal sounds delicious but I’ll pass on the drink. I don’t like alcohol in coffee for some reason, including Baileys or Kahlua. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today!
  21. Good morning everyone from a beautiful, partly sunny Boston. We just returned home from our cruise on the Volendam. It’s so nice to not have to fly home afterwards! The cruise was great and we really enjoyed the Volendam especially the Crows Nest, such an elegant space not all chopped up like the other HAL ships. Thanks for today’s report, recipes and lists. Best friends are just the best! Not loving today’s quote but the meal and drink suggestions are both a yes for me. I have not been to today’s port. Praying for those on our prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
  22. Good morning everyone from beautiful Charlottetown PEI. it’s sunny and 50F and get to 60F today so we’ll need to dress warmly before going ashore. The trip so far has been great. Quebec City was beautiful on Sunday, much warmer than today. Yesterday was our sea day as we moseyed up the St. Lawrence at 9.75 Nautical Miles per hour, it was mostly overcast which added to the mystery. Thanks for the daily report, three important days to recognize although I have no cat to hug. Funny quote by W. C. Yes to the meal and drink suggestions, sounds like brunch to me! I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!
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