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Everything posted by amajaa

  1. The problem is not everyone is computer savvy which is why there are questions on social media asking for advice. I know you might say if they can use social media they can navigate the P & O website but it isn’t always as easy as that.
  2. We are on Arcadia next Christmas/New Year. We normally eat as soon as the Freedom Dining opens, so at 6 o’clock. So my question is for all you who have sailed on Arcadia recently. Is Freedom Dining normally busy that early? If it is would we just be better booking First Sitting, we usually get a table for 2 now as my Husband is nearly deaf now so can’t hear the conversations etc. I realise if we ask for first sitting we probably won’t get a table for 2 but hopefully won’t get an 8 or a 10. Of course all of this might be immaterial if all these rumours about Arcadia being the next ship to go are true.
  3. We came across lots of people onboard who hadn’t used their vouchers so they threw them away. They didn’t realise you could use them at any time it didn’t have to be the day they were issued or issued for, but it was a bit late when we told them that as they had already disposed of them. We used our sailaways ones on a sea day and the celebration ones on a casual night.
  4. Well you were lucky we never had the choice of beer in November just the other ones in you list. I had the sparkling wine , my husband the red wine. Does anyone know if they are still doing the Welcome aboard lunch for the higher tiers on Arcadia. It will be our first time being eligible and wondered if it was still going.
  5. Hi, yes we had to fill in the questionnaire in November but it isn’t there to fill in for our January cruise, apparently it has now been scrapped. I was wondering if you had to fill in one in the terminal like you used to before Covid ( which I’m sure people didn’t fill in honestly)
  6. It’s not showing on ours at the moment yet last time, a few months ago, it was easy to see when we went into our booking. Where about are they asking for it when you go into your booking?
  7. Okay thanks, do you have to fill one in at the terminal as per pre Covid ? Although I’m sure it was all a waste of time before, as if anyone had a cough/cold and got as far as Southampton I don’t believe they would then fill a form in saying they were ill and risk getting turned away. What about the photos it doesn’t seem to be asking for that either now?
  8. Thanks, that’s a shame then we were hoping to spend the OBC on something useful . Hopefully we will get some feedback from Arvia re the shops when they return from the first few voyages.
  9. When we travelled in November we had to fill in a Heath questionnaire a few days before we travelled plus we had to provide a picture ( which they never used anyway as they took another one in the terminal) . Don’t they do either of these things now as they don’t seem to be on the ‘before you travel ‘ page on our booking?
  10. Anyone have an update as to what shops Arvia has onboard please. I expect we will have to wait a few weeks for people to get back off the first cruise. A friend told us over Christmas that they had written to P & O to ask if they sold mobile phones on board Iona and the answer came back No. So I am hoping they still do sell other electrical items.
  11. Although Christmas Dinner did seem to generate lots of negative reports, before Christmas Day there were reports of not being able to get into the MDR because there is only 2 of them. We are on Arvia in April so I hope we manage to get in and at a reasonable time as for medical reasons I can’t eat late.
  12. Reading other social media the main problem seems to be with the MDRs or lack of them , there are 4 on Iona but they have used two of them for speciality restaurants on Arvia. Two MDRs for over 5000 passengers does not work. It seems Christmas Dinner was horrendous with some including families with very young children not eating till 11 o’clock. Apparently there were tears and arguments, it was so bad that the Captain put out an announcement the next day apologising saying it wasn’t up to P & Os standards. It appears Iona wasn’t much better with the same sort of problems and they had two extra MDRs there.
  13. Well normally between 8 and 8.30 a.m. otherwise I would have put 20.30 😀😀
  14. Don’t shout me down everyone but I can’t help feeling the problem with the clientele new or otherwise is the drinks package. People making sure they get their monies worth. We saw it on Royal Caribbean years ago where people were drinking pints of beer as we went to breakfast at 8.30
  15. Did you get the VAT off yours because as I said earlier we didn't . We bought ours on Ventura but I understand it's a different supplier on different ships. 'In Motion' are apparently only on Azura and Ventura.
  16. We bought a phone on our last cruise with the OBC , it was slightly less than we could get in the UK, although for some reason we didn't get it tax free.
  17. We had an email giving us £150 for April a few days ago. Think it is to stop people cancelling and then rebooking etc.
  18. Oh dear, what has the internet gone up to now then
  19. Perhaps you need to ask as we had them on Ventura recently
  20. Well why would I when I know them and if they had Noro Virus or anything else.
  21. You have to download the PDF version , just printing the statement doesn't show your name or date.
  22. The first thing I do on any cruise line is take the cushions and runners off the bed and put them at the top of the wardrobe and ask the cabin Steward not to put them back. The reason being I never know if they have been laundered between each guest, I assume not. I have done this since we started cruising 2 years ago. Also do it if any hotels have the same.
  23. We have just come off Ventura on Saturday and got a table for 2 in Saffron every day at 6 o’clock with no problem.
  24. Following on from above, although the only thing to cone up on the page was as above I then clicked on link posted and it opened on another page and went in so I can now see my points etc. Thanks
  25. Trouble is when I try and log in all that comes up is Sorry, there's been a problem. THE PAGE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR CAN'T BE FOUND. so I don’t even get a name come up that you say don’t click on
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