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Wishing on a star

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Everything posted by Wishing on a star

  1. We ARE John Doe..... That is so simple and profound. Love that!
  2. Wow..... seriously????? Those would be completely unforeseeable and possibly tragic issues. Corporate mismanagement... a whole 'other thing.
  3. The system here is showing A308, which is mid FWD, and between the mid and forward elevators. Mid AFT, there is. A618 and A622 on Port. A619 and 623 Starboard. There are several nice Premium balconies located right at the mid-ship Elevators. C430, C432, and C434. Port, and C433 Starboard I would highly recommend one of these on Caribe.
  4. Yes, GK95, I have posted about this and I agree.... This whole thing goes from bad to worse, to almost disturbing.
  5. I would never, ever, criticize anyone for having a package, or for NOT having a package. I have not been seeing that here, at all. However, when somebody asks, and is automatically told "NOT WORTH IT"... That is simply not true.... And, as somebody who participates here, I think truthful objective info is important. It does not take many waters, coffee drinks, casual uncharge dining, alcoholic drinks, etc... to be WORTH IT. And come out ahead. The value and worth of any package is determined by what benefit somebody expects to get from it. Not from another persons opinion.
  6. Most people know that the loungers can be all sold out very very quickly... especially since those who are sailing back-2-back, and are onboard the prior sailing, can book beforehand. People literally line up to board as soon as they possibly can, and take the quickest route directly up to the Sanctuary, hoping that the days and loungers they want might be available. The cabanas seem to have a better chance of availability, possibly due to the cost. We do not wish to pay that much per day for a cabana... but with very slim chance of loungers being available on our next cruise on Enchanted (boarding for the second half of a 20 day voyage). we will definitely consider that if any are available. If you rent a cabana, make sure to get to know the staff and be ready to let them serve you.... They will be more 'available' based on the perceived message from the guests. Enjoy!
  7. We have the total incompetence and issues with the new APP... We have the total incompetence and issues with Princess customer service... ( reps who know NOTHING.. CHAT that does not work for days... etc... And, the latest seems to be all of the confusion ad incompetence with the way Princess has handled the roll-out of the new ship. On... and on... and on.... (why is this refrain from that song stuck in my head now!!!!) Of course, all of us here know the realities. That there are huge issues with this corporation, from the very top down. Unfortunately, 90 something percent of people will remain oblivious and continue to book up these cruises.... Princess knows this and that is why they are doing EVERYTHING in their power to keep these negative comments and information away from the general public eye.
  8. Rex... I find it interesting that this rep from Princess. (Glad she was helpful and knowledgable!) asked you to take your post down. Again, assuming that you are very sure that you heard correctly, is more 'control', 'backpeddling', and most importantly censorship... Does she not know that you can not even edit posts here after they go out. I assume that you would have to try to contact Cruise Critic and make a request to take the post down. And, they would do it... But, if you shared information that you are certain that you heard/understood correctly.. I would have second thoughts about doing that. Princess can try as hard as they might to control the PR on all of this.... But, we live in the age of instant information, and as we all know... once something goes out there, it can be forever. You had stepped out there and identified yourself as one who would share as much information as possible... And, I can understand your commitment to stand on that.
  9. Uggghhh.... the 'very friendly' curtains... Tip... WET the curtain down first, so that it isn't light and breezy and dry.. It will 'behave' and not be too clingy!!!!!
  10. Will anyone else admit that they might consider booking the first inaugural cruise, expecting to get a full refund plus the additional amounts offered when it gets cancelled.... Just thinking' out loud !!!
  11. I just wanted to make sure you know that only the extended part of these balconies are visible. The space of the standard balcony is covered and not visible. Best of both worlds... More space.. Sun if you want it... and the standard covered area. Also, I have not double checked... but it is possible that these balconies have an actual table on them, not just the two chairs and little footstool side-table thing. Hope this helps!!!!
  12. Please consider bringing a few bills for tips! We are not huge tippers, but there have been some times when I wanted to. One time when we happened to not have any cash! Do the vendors that are in the Port take medallion now?
  13. I do not know if the availability that you are seeing is different than we are showing here in the U.S... But, the system is showing several balcony cabins mid-FWD and mid-AFT on decks 11 and 12. If you are showing any balcony cabins that have interior cabins across the hall... that might be good. The advice about booking with other cabins around you is oft repeated! I would also encourage you to book one of the premium cabins on deck 10. Those balconies are NICE. And, you might find one that is surrounded by other cabins.
  14. I had heard of passengers being 'stuck' with no real effort to make things right on NCL... That is interesting to hear about Viking.
  15. One of many good questions.... Who knew what and when....
  16. I am not sure why I am even still here on this thread!!! But, about the toilet... These toilets do not seem to have the full rinse-and-flush as household toilets... It does not take long to notice the odor.... I occasionally take a bottle of hot water (which is sometimes very very hot on a cruise ship) and do my own quick rinse-and-flush.... Just a tip !!!!
  17. If YOU cancel your cruise... it will be subject to all normal cancellation policies and fine print... You would be giving up any refunds and/or goodwill that would go to those who still booked, and then Princess cancels. They are trying to HIDE this... Remember, there are hundreds and possibly thousands. (1000 said to have been onboard, and then required to leave) who have already been on this ship for some time. LEGAL issues and CYA, for certain.
  18. WOW.... Just wow..... Yes... when serious legal and health liabilities are involved..... Hide, and deny, at ALL costs.... Now it comes down to 'censorship'. Seriously... I wish the price-point between Princess and other lines like Viking was not so huge now... which totally puts it beyond our pay-grade.... I would be seriously considering the cancellation of bookings with Princess Corp. as in TODAY.
  19. RocknRoll, I was once asked to leave the wakeview area of a ship, that was NOT crowded, as I went to admire the view and snap a photo, by a woman who said... something like... "I don't like to be around people" or too close... I was polite.... but I was thinking. WHAT!!!!! Like, are you serious... on a cruise ship????
  20. Yes, thanks Wally... I did already go back and edit that... what a strange typo/autocorrect!!!! One of them is still wrong, as the time window for editing expired!
  21. Somebody needs to cal a time-out and assess what is going on with this company.....
  22. Hey.... everybody has their 'things'.... This poster did not start out making negative comments. They asked a clear and respectful question. Several have done their best to advise..... Everyone, remind yourselves to think twice before hitting SUBMIT.
  23. O M G.... WOW.... Should we all begin to see what exactly this corporation 'Princess' is that we have been dealing with.... I know that everyone booked is probably very very upset and angry and overwhelmed. I am just wondering what the heck is going on, systemically and at the upper levels... Talk about total lack of trust and credibility. Is this total dysfunction or what!!!
  24. Karen, with recent changes... Alfredo's/Gigis is now an additional upcharge... You will have TWO visits to these casual, but uncharge, restaurants with your package. O'Malleys is also one of the casual, but upcharge, dining options. With your package you will have TWO full meals at these 'casual' venues. You can also go and order an item or two, Ala carte. like just a pizza at Gigi's/Alfredo's, or just a burger at O'Malley's. You can use one visit at each of these, or two visits at any one of these. I am among the many that recommend Gigi's/Alfredo's! I can't give an opinion on O'Malley's. Crown Grill, Sabatini's, The Catch, are specialty dining restaurants... and they are not included in the Plus package. Enjoy!!!!
  25. If you have a good room Steward, they will be very receptive to your needs/desires. (Of course, some are better than others) They will usually try to introduce themselves and speak with you as you get settled into your cabin on the first day. You might be able to speak with them then, and simply arrange that you will take care of straightening your bed, cleaning your bathroom, etc... I would bring some small trash bags, and then you can collect your trash and leave it in the front of your cabin, just inside the door, with your used towels. Which your steward would just open your door and exchange.... I think a direct approach... along with a nice pre-paid tip and a smile, would be the best way to take care of it. They will probably be required to enter the cabins at some point, just to see that everything is satisfactory and if there are any maintenance tasks. The steward should be happy to speak with the guests, and find out if they want plenty of ice everyday... an extra top-sheet for the bed... things like that. That is what they are there for. (we always like a fresh ice-bucket of ice left in our mini-fridge) These ships are big!!! Front desk is busy.... And, hopefully you would not mind to have the steward open the door and make a quick exchange of trash and towels... As, I would never advise leaving things like this, room service dishes, etc... in the doorway/hallway. And, cruise hallways are very narrow!
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