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Posts posted by Isklaar

  1. I'm claiming this one as it was within 24 hours of my saying 'by the end of today' ha ha ha. :o


    Seriously, glad you finally have it.


    If there's anything of interest about my allocation process I'll add it to this thread. Since Tilly's post yesterday I've already checked about 3 times - really must get on with some work so I can continue to afford SB.


  2. Thanks for posting this reply.


    I'm looking forward to trying The Grill in a few weeks.


    I was on the Odyssey for the TK menus last year and have been curious to know how The Grill has been working out. There hasn't been too much feeback so far. It sounds like classic steak house fare which I know is the intention.

    Thanks again!

  3. I can see the thread from three hours ago but it shows it as page 33 of 32 pages! Perhaps the gnome who assigns GTY suites is having some fun with this thread.



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    I thought you were the one who'd broken it Chairsin. Good Gnome/Evil Gnome depending which suite it (he?) allocates!


    Pleased to read that others are having issues too, and not just me going doo lally. I'll track down the CC techie email address and report it.

  4. Ok this is odd.


    I can see that a new post has been added today to the Dress Code Thread (Sticky) at the top of the board. But when I click on it, it shows the last post as one by Chairsin on 3rd September. I'm unable to view the newest post. Have tried in two different browsers, no luck. All other threads are fine.


    Anyone see it ok? Anyone else can't?

  5. We will soon be at 200 days on SB (Dec 2016) and have been at many hosted dinners over the years. Those of us that go back to the little sisters know that the passenger/passenger/crew interaction has changed. I am not saying we don't like the new larger ships, we do. The smaller ships had fewer places to hide, less entertainment options, and smaller public areas. People actually talked to each other, all the time... Most of the people that are frequent travelers on SB have traveled extensively, very fun/informative to talk with. We travel with our adult kids and friends, but most trips its just us two. When it is just us two, we get invitations to hosted dinners almost ever night. There are a few that we just do not turn down, the HM,CD, and of course the Captain. These dinners allow you direct input into your current cruise, and future cruises, they do listen. Furthermore, you will get great input on future travel destinations from crew and passengers.

    I do want to say that we turn down many of the innovations, don't feel obligated, they will not be insulted. SB understands that you travel for quality time/experiences with friends and family, but a hosted dinner night can be a nice break on a long cruise. Cheers...




    We often turn down invitations when we're travelling together, also I travel solo quite frequently and on shorter cruises I usually prefer to not join the hosted tables. I reply to invitations as soon as I can and even when I offer up a 'no thank you' it's not been a problem.

    For me it does depend to an extent who the invitation is from, rare to turn down an invitation from Captain or CD. Whenever I've joined a hosted table it's been a very pleasant evening. So far!


    JPH - did you dine at The Grill? How was it? What are the menus like?

  6. Ok, now for more confusion! Our friend is travelling on Odyssey in 19 days and today have been assigned their guarantee cabin. So SB is truly working in very mysterious ways!


    See now I've read this I'll now start checking for my assignment twice a day. Or more :eek: . Over three weeks to go but I may as well start looking !


  7. We sailed on Odyssey in Jan/Feb 2016 from LA to Sydney and Sojourn in July 2016 in the Med and we found the Odyssey WiFi not as good. We also did the Sojourn in 2015 from South Africa around Asia and Myanmar and I would still say the Wifi on Sojourn was better. I am no techy so maybe it was where we were sailing but I noticed a difference.


    I did find on Odyssey I had much better results when I went up to Seabourn Square. My husband had better results with his 2015 Surface Pro in our room then I had with my 2013 Macbook.


    The crew and cruises were wonderful I just had to modify my patterns with my computer.




    WiFi on Odyssey was (notoriously) 'upgraded' in mid December 2015 just before the Panama Canal holiday cruise.

    It was terrible to the point of being barely usable on the holiday cruise. Even Steve Wozniak with all his expertise and gizmos struggled to get a decent signal! ;)


    I haven't commented on this thread as I've not been on Odyssey lately, but I hadn't realised the problems were ongoing into Jan/Feb this year when you were onboard. I wonder if it's been resolved yet?


  8. Let me add another thought to Zentravrler's query. On most cruises an upgrade can be a good thing but on the Antarctica cruises even though deck 8 is our preferred location we booked deck 5 midship for our a Holiday Antarctica cruise this year. The reason is with a number of days traversing the notorious Drake's Passage I want to be where effects of the motion of the boat are reduced (hence low down and midship). Clearly others had the same idea because those suites booked up quickly. So maybe this is not the cruise to accept an upswell even at a good price?



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    This is an excellent point.

  9. No rhyme or reason to it. I have just checked my reservation and the embark and disembark information has gone missing. I bet they send me to a different port and forget to send the ship. Thanks all who are participating in my holiday!




    Must admit I started panicking before my cruise last summer when it seemed like everyone but me had their allocation, those few days were very bad for my mental health!


    Seriously, I'd say the system is currently performing its magic with inventory and reckon you'll have a suite number by the end of today. Do let us know!


  10. Interesting question as I'd like to know how to find this out also.


    I have many nights on SB and have never had my cruise with them affected by a large group. However, I suspect there's a large-ish group on my upcoming Quest cruise. If so, it would be the first time for me on SB and unfortunately I don't share your positive attitude about groups!

    My only experience of it so far was on SS, a group of around 25 people who were ill mannered, drunk, loud, entitled and basically took over the ship. Had no clue about basic manners, shoved people out of the way when in the queue for tenders etc.


    Ok that's my whine for the day, let's hope someone knows the answer to how we would find this information. I've tried Googling for my cruise but nothing came up.

  11. How did your allocation compare to that of your friends? Indeed did you book before or after them? Are you at the beginning or end of the alphabet? The anticipation of the cruise is almost as much fun as the cruise itself. Still I'm in the final week, starting packing soon.


    Good questions!

    We booked on the same day, with the same UK TA. I'm towards the beginning of the alphabet (D). Friends are J and T. They were allocated a V5 on deck 6, I was allocated a V6 on deck 8. I'd have preferred their allocation actually. When I'm choosing a veranda suite I always go for midship deck 6, it's my preferred location.


    Agree about the anticipation. I've just over 3 weeks before mine. :D


  12. Also to add. Last summer, almost 3 weeks out before my cruise some other CC members had their suite allocations.

    I started to check in My Seabourn twice a day :o . Nothing.

    My friends had their allocation 14 days before. Me, still nothing.

    My allocation came in exactly one week before departure. No idea why I was so far behind the others. As I said SB moves in mysterious ways.



  13. Still waiting for allocation, are the decisions made in Seattle? Just thinking time zones.


    I believe so, but it's been mentioned that once the upsells have been cleared then it's an automated process so the time zone shouldn't be an issue. Really not 100% though.


    I was talking to a group of SB friends yesterday evening and this topic came up. I mentioned earlier in the thread that in my own experience suites tend to be allocated 7-14 days before embarkation but friends who've taken OB this summer have said that recently it's been more like 3-5 days before. I think this is in line with what we've been reading here at CC lately?

  14. There is no Yellow Fever in either Malaysia, Thailand or Vietnam. The vaccination can have unpleasant side effects and would be completely unnecessary.


    Have visited each of those countries in the last couple of years. No vaccinations were essential but my GP advised me to make sure my Hep A/B and tetanus and typhoid were up to date.


    That said, I agree with the advice to talk to your own GP. They know your health risks better than anyone at CC does!

  15. Well we are two boys and have read the threads about not overpacking so we think we will be bringing the bare minimum, we've two tuxes for events we are going to off ship, some shorts, pair of jeans and a few shirts. We are -trying- to pack light so we should be ok with the helicopter allownce if we take it through the husband is a bit fearful of heights so may need some talking into!



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    Tell him there's nothing to be frightened of - it's absolutely exhilirating ;)

    Or you can take it alone and put him in a cab for the tedious - and expensive - autoroute drive back to the airport. :D


  16. Can anyone tell me if Truvia is available on board? Not stevia in general but Truvia specifically. If not I will take with me



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    I don't know the answer to whether it's already on board or not, but if you give sufficient notice you can contact Seabourn and ask them to have it on board for you. It's not unusual to make specific requests like this, and in my experience with SB they are very cooperative.

  17. Well we're a British / American couple, so either way we will get along splendidly.


    Through all this excitement and encouragement, we are actually contemplating taking a helicopter as a transfer between Monte Carlo and Nice.


    It sounds romantic (and terrifying!). Has anyone by chance done this? Flight time is 7 minutes and they depart every 30.


    We need to catch a flight out of Nice Airport at noon, so this would get us there in a jiffy.


    The helicopter is an amazing experience although I've never taken it when joining/disembarking a cruise because of baggage limits.


    Highly recommended, it's your honeymoon and the only way to arrive in Monaco, dahhling ;):D Eidited to add, or to leave Monaco as in your case!


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