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Leo's Rule

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Posts posted by Leo's Rule

  1. I just booked my first 7 day on Magic for Oct. Previously I've been on

    the Triumph and have some idea where the price can go to.


    What is the lowest price you have seen a 7 day on the Magic go to.






    I just booked my first on Magic last year for this October. I would say the cheapest is the rate I booked. Normally Magic is very high IMO...I come out better or paying the same rate leaving from Miami or San Juan after airfare & hotel.


    The October rate has gone up. I paid less than what's showing on the site.


    Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Forums mobile app


    Off to the Casino. I'm casual tonight wearing shorts. No, I did not go into the Dining Room. After about an hour and half after giving my usual donation, time to use the restroom. I'm a big girl, 5'9" and about 30 lbs over weight. The bathroom stalls are made for a 5'4" 110 lb girl, no room in these stalls. Get up off the toilet and ouch!!! Look down and there is blood everywhere. I had slashed my upper outer thigh. Oh terrific and in the bathroom (germs). I had cut my leg on the square metal guard hanging over the toilet paper. Cleaned it the best I could in the restroom, grabbed some toilet paper to compress the wound to stop the bleeding. Really needed a paper towel or napkin, but only dryers in the restroom.


    Walked out the to Casino Bar to get some napkins, freaked out the bar tender and she took me straight to the Infirmary. Got there the Dr said I needed stitches, but it will cost quite abit and I need to keep pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. Forget it, give me some band-aids and anti-bacterial ointment. Best deal on the whole ship, only $3. Now the adrenaline has stopped, this thing really hurts and very bruised and deep, but only 4" long.


    On to Friday, not feeling well. By the evening I'm running a low grade fever. This better be the flu and not an infection from the injury. Saturday, self quarantine in cabin all day. Sunday disembark, still running a fever, I want to go home.


    Get home, received Carnival's survey. Explain what happened, I get an email stating they are sorry, will let the proper department know so this will not happen to anyone else. Well, at least I got a less than heart felt apology.


    So in all, next time I fell the urge to cruise with Carnival all I have to do is look at my leg to remind me that I will NEVER cruise with Carnival again!!!!! By the way it's over a week and the skin around the wound is still red and uncomfortable.


    I'm not concerned about your shower, but about the cut you received from the bathroom stall. I haven't gone through all posts, but I hope by now you've gone to your Dr....especially if the Dr. on the ship stated you needed stitches.


    For your sake I hope all is well with you and staph or something else hasn't set up house in your wound.

  3. We stayed at the same hotel and LOVED it. Our room faced the condo that was across from us and many residents kept their drapes open. I wonder if they didn't know that people staying in the hotel could see into their apartments. One morning, we got a show...nothing too bad but just a guy in skivvies. Anyway, we just kept our curtains closed because I'm sure that if we were able to see in their place they could see into ours. If we stay there for our upcoming cruise, I'm going to try to request a room not facing that condo. Our son LOVED the pool. I loved the anti-steam mirror in the bathroom.


    That's what it was, the mirrors were anti-steam! I feel like a dunce. LOL I loved that hotel and would love to stay there again. But I would like to know when did Hamptons start charging $200+ a night. That's how much the hotel would have cost me pre-cruise (I guess something was going on that same week). And you're absolutely right about being able to see into the windows of the condos across fro the hotel.


    Thanks very much for the review Leo, been reading and keeping up with posts for a couple of weeks and although i am really sorry you were sick on the cruise i am also pleased that you did get to enjoy at least part of it and that you are all better.


    Its really good to hear other peoples opinions on things, be they good or bad, these things are subjective and you are entitled to have your own opinion, whenever i read anyones views of things I always take this into consideration, and I appreciate you taking the time to let us know how, you coped with being ill on board ship and how you enjoyed what was left of your cruise


    We are really looking forward to joining the Breeze in May x


    Thank you for reading. And you are correct; everything is subjective to our own views and what we've grown accustomed to and expect to occur.


    I hope you have a wonderful time on your upcoming cruise!

  4. Thank you for the review. Sorry you were sick, but glad you are better...and glad it was not caused by any food eaten on the Breeze.


    I feel your review, while thorough, was tainted (for lack of a better term) by your being sick as there are many, many reviews that are more positive. However, I will say that had I experienced your sickness and had written a review, mine, most likely, would have been "tainted" also.


    In any event, it has not deterred me from still being extremely excited about my first cruise, on the Breeze, coming up in March.


    Than you again for being thorough.


    Oh yeah, I'm glad you're not letting my review taint your views of the Breeze. I really had nothing bad to say about the Breeze because I didn't really get to experience her. I hope you have fun on your upcoming cruise.


    I always hate the sea days on the last day of the cruise because it is depressing to know that it is almost over and it is back to reality the next morning... At least you got to relax some those last few days.

    Yeah, the last sea day always sucks. I wasn't trying to relax during the last few days; I spent too much time in the beginning relaxing. LOL


    I was soooo sick when I had the chicken pox. Late 1996 or 1997, I believe. I was about 15 or 16 at the time and they say that the older you are when you get it, the worse it is. I have a few scars to this day from all the pox I had. I was in bed for a week literally, and was delirious for a few days and did not remember anything. Funny thing is, I almost got vaccinated against it weeks before but I had a cold at the time and they didn't want to introduce the virus while I had something else. I have interestingly though, never had a flu shot. My sister has done it numerous times, and gotten sick every time. No thanks.

    Good Lord! I can't imagine being sick like that. I'm thankful I got chickenpox at a young age. My cousin probably hates me because I gave them to him. I itched so and had him scratching my back for me. My scars are gone, but it took some years for them to go away.


    If I am in charge of planning, I pick a more reasonable priced place and use the money saved for onboard and in port spending. Call me cheap. :p Don't feel bad about not being great at parallel parking. Unless one does it every day, it is hard to be an ace at it. I can sort of do it but I don't have to do it every day so it's not a skill I really excel at. I really don't even like backing into parking spaces in a parking lot. lol But that parallel and pay to park stuff is what you will get in any city. It's just something that has to be factored in when going into a city with a car.


    I don't blame you and don't consider you to be cheap. I feel the same way too. I pay less than $60 for certain rooms. The most I'll pay is $120 per night; including taxes. I can honestly say Miami is the only place I've visited where you had to pay to park just about everywhere you went. The one shocker for me was when I went to San Antonio; you had to pay to park at the mall! That is just unheard of here...unless you're downtown. If you're there after a certain hour, street parking is free.


    I do think it is awesome that you can cruise and spend time with your mom like you do. I am the same way - my mom and I cruise together at least a few times a year. It honestly is some of the best quality time we get to spend with one another. She's retired so she is always on the go with her grandchildren or seeing friends, etc so it is good to both spend time doing something we both enjoy. I have learned to really cherish the time I get to spend with loved ones because you just never know when you won't be able to anymore. Life is so uncertain, especially these days.


    I'm glad you can spend time with your mom too. And you're so right; life is a precious gift and tomorrow isn't promised to any of us. Express your love every moment you can.

  5. didn't see anything about it being a wheelchair accessible room when we booked it. may have just missed it, if someone needs the room we would understand and not have a problem moving. just thought it was a different size room because of where it was on the ship.


    It's stated in the description of the room. If there was no mention in yours, then you should be fine. :)


    Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Forums mobile app

  6. I haven't stayed in a 4J on the Triump; I had one on Valor. I found that the rooms are spacious and does provide natural light if you must have it/prefer it. The rooms also have a fridge.


    I can't say whether or not the closet space was smaller simply because I was traveling solo; it was enough for me. :D


    You also have the added benefit of utilizing the private balcony (well, anyone can use it, but most people never do).


    I looked into booking a 4J on Triumph for my August cruise, but decided not to get it. But I say this because they do have 4J cabins that aren't just needed for wheelchair users.


    If you do book one that is wheelchair accessible; like a poster above mentioned, you will be booted from that cabin if it's needed. My guess is they'll put you in an OV room (I wouldn't want it because of the lower decks), but who knows; they could put you in a balcony cabin.


    Enjoy your cruise!

  7. I went on a Red Hatter's cruise years back without DH. I always accused him of jinxing me because I left him at home. Day of embarkation I had a tickle in my throat that by day 3 was a full-blown bout of bronchitis. On day 2 my 'friend' showed up after almost a year without one. Day 4 I woke up with a swollen eye, I thought I had pinkeye but it was gone the day we arrived home). Same day, tripped and bruised a kidney. I figured I really pee'd in God's corn flakes that week- He really paid me back in spades! It was the most miserable cruise I've ever been on, health-wise.


    BUT as miserable as all of that was, I would go through it all again rather than deal with what you went through, Leo! I hate nausea and diarrhea worse than anything which is why I live in fear of getting Noro on a cruise.


    Good for you that you made the best of it!


    Shaded Lady, you did more than pee in his Corn Flakes. LOL I'm glad you survived it! OMG, I would hate to be on any vacation and my friend came unexpectedly. :eek: I know plans change, but if I really had my heart on doing some activity or didn't pack the right clothes for her...I don't want to imagine it.


    Amazing review!! I was homesick and stranded while traveling for work in your hometown waiting for the ice to melt.. And your review was really comforting! Thanks for the company ! I had to buy the wifi on the plane to continue reading.. Haha!



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    Wow, I feel like a low key author; you purchased wifi to read my lil 'ol story? :D Well, I'm glad I could keep you company while you waited in my hometown. Hope you made it home safely.

  8. Thank you for sharing your experience. It was a good read on this icy day.


    You're welcome. And thank you for reading.


    Thank you for the great review, Leo's Rule.


    I got sick after I got home from my first cruise in 2009. I was very sick with high fever and vomiting and diarrhea for three days. I am sure it was Noro. At least it hit AFTER the cruise. I also caught the cruise bug. I don't think I will ever get over that bug. :D


    You're welcome and thank you for reading. Ugh, I hate being sick, but at least you enjoyed all of your cruise, but I'm sure it sucked having to nurse yourself back to good health afterwards. I wonder if your employer gave you the side eye after returning from vacation and then becoming ill when you were due back to work; assuming you were due back to work. :D


    I wouldn't want to lose the cruise bug either. :p

  9. Ok...I fell asleep responding to posts. I was in bed before 9 pm or in the 9 pm hour. :eek:


    PLEASE tell me there is no sad story on your dog...please. I own 2 dogs and would hate to read about anything happening to your dog.


    I wonder if my sentence stating that I'll leave out talking about my dog has you concerned. I just left out how happy she was to see me. She didn't know how to act. Her actions were heartwarming.


    But I thank you for your concern; my baby is fine. She is laying next to me as I type this. :D


    Wow, I just read thru this entire thread and it is quite entertaining. Nice trip review, Leo's Rule. I know I have had some similar experiences just before a cruise that you had when you were already onboard. It seems like you did have fun once you were feeling better and I am glad to see that you didn't let it completely ruin your trip. And don't pay attention to people who rip your reviews. It takes time to write good, detailed reviews and unless you want to sit down for 24 hours straight (nobody's got time for that lol) and type until you are completely cross-eyed, it cannot be done all at once. I know it took me the better course of a week to write each of my reviews, and I didn't even have a lot of pictures to include in either one. [/Quote]


    Yes, I did enjoy myself afterwards; I just wish there was more to do on the last two sea days. Though I couldn't remember what I did, I do know the nightly activities seemed to be non existent for me. I had a sinking feeling that all of the good times were had while I lie in bed. LOL


    Now, I remember I got a horrible flu about 2 days before a cruise I took in October of 2009. The Wednesday before, I was very tired. Thought nothing of it. I got dinner that evening, got a horrible pain in my stomach, and shortly after, I was sicker than I could remember being since maybe 1997 when I had the chicken pox. Laid in bed the next day, unable to move much. Had to work the next day because I was flying out that evening and I cannot call out and then fly but whatever. Was so sick then. My folks actually thought I was getting appendicitis. It coincided with the H1N1 outbreak of that year, so in hindsight, it was probably that. It wasn't the most pleasant trip down to FLL that afternoon and evening, just believe that. I was better but sore by Saturday, embarkation day, so were good to board. I had a hard time eating for the first day or two of the cruise but other than that, I was fine. It would have devastated me to miss out on a family cruise that was in the works for about a year. I couldn't imagine being as sick as you got while onboard though. I have heard that apples and ginger ale do help cure upset stomachs while at sea. I have eaten at the wok tons of times and never had a problem. I just make sure that the guys cook the meat all the way through when I go there and it's all good. [/Quote]


    At least yours happened prior to the cruise and you were able to enjoy all of yours. And the chickenpox had you sick as a dog? I don't recall being sick when I had them; I just itched like crazy. LOL


    Though I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the Mongolian Wok, the fact that the sauce is what did my gallbladder in has me leery to eat it again. I find that most foods that caused me to puke, it happens again when I eat the food. It's possible it's a mind thing, but I don't want to take any chances.


    I was on the Sensation at Halloween of this past year. I don't think the costumes were quite as elaborate as what you described on your sailing but there were decorations throughout the ship and some people, including crewmembers, did don interesting costumes. Kudos to you for going all in with the costume choice though. It seems you had a lot of fun with it. I am too reserved a person so I am not sure I could do something like that but it is something that lots of people really enjoy.

    This was my first one and I hope to do another Halloween sailing. I saw a couple of people who chose to do the gory side of it, but it seemed like everyone had playful costumes. I guess I should count my blessings and end on this note, because I would hate to be on a cruise where the majority of cruisers decided to depict the 'evil' side....but I guess that would only happen on a chartered cruise...unless there was a large group. Looks like I'm talking myself out of doing another Halloween cruise.



    I think I stayed at the holiday inn (it might have been something else - I don't remember) right off Biscayne Blvd before a cruise once also. I actually prefer to stay out of the beaten path when I go and get a cab or bus into town as it is not as expensive but there is plenty to do in that area of Miami for sure.


    It is interesting what the ship crew does to try to contain illness outbreaks though. I never really knew about the quarantine rules until just recently and knock on wood, I will never have to see the inside of the infirmary on a cruise ship.


    So, anyway it was a blast living vicariously through your review. :) Thanks again for posting.


    It's possible you were at the Holiday Inn; a lot of people from my roll call stayed there. I will have to stay in the Brickell area again. It was easy to use their bus and the metrorail and metromover. My first time in Miami I stayed in SoBe, but I had a car; I was there for a week, and I was in for the surprise of my life; you had to pay to park just about everywhere you went AND you had to parallel park!!!! I can't parallel park to save my life. LOL We don't have a lot of parallel parking here unless you're downtown.


    I pray you never find yourself in the infirmary on the ship and I pray the same for myself; well that I don't find myself there ever again.


    Thank you for reading the review; I'm glad you had a blast. :p

  10. Thanks for that great review, it was quite a story! My wife and I took that same cruise on the BREEZE, and we had an amazing time, and we loved the ship! So far I have to say she is my favorite, mostly because the crew was amazing.


    Glad you are feeling better, your review brought back lots of great memories! Thanks again!


    Thank you for reading the review. Did you do a Carnival excursion or an independent one in DR? The unorganized way the taxis were handled has turned me off, but I sure would like to see Bayhibe. And I'll agree that the crew were amazing.


    Glad I could help you relive some of your cruise. :D


    Thanks for sharing your review! I enjoyed it. I am so glad you are feeling better now. Vacation is not the time to be sick! :)


    You're welcome, thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm also glad I'm feeling better and you're absolutely right, vacation is not the time to be sick. My Dr. tried talking me into a flu shot today; I said no way, I leave in 19 days and can't be sick on another cruise.

  11. So sorry you got sick but at least you got a little fun right?

    You and your mother are like my DD and myself (sisters):)


    I'm sorry too, but I did enjoy 10/31/13 a lot.


    Lol...we hear it often (sisters).





    I love the chocolate melting cake. Yum



    :thumbdown: Lol





    Enjoying your review! We're booked on the Breeze in September & are staying at the Hampton pre-cruise so anxiously awaiting your feelings on the hotel/area & how your ride to MIA on the rail went. Want to try that from MIA to Hampton & the metro-mover to Bayside also!



    I really liked the hotel. I would've stayed there pre cruise too, but I refused to spend $200 for one night. MIAs public transportation system is awesome IMO, it runs circles around Houston's. I don't think you'll have any problems at all. Research your route beforehand.





    Thank you for your review! I enjoyed your pictures with your mom. It personalized the review and it made me think of my mom so much. I wish we had cruised together.


    Sent from my HTC6435LVW using Forums mobile app



    Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. Don't bring me to tears again.





    Great review Thank you for taking the time to write it and post the pics. So glad you are feeling better and they found out what the problem was.



    Thank you for reading it. And I'm glad too.





    Great review! We were on Breeze her first season out of Miami, she is my least favorite Carnival ship. Love the Dream, however! I must say, though, Red Frog Pub has some of the best food ever! And the beer is good, too!



    I'll be on Sunshine next...so I will try RFB. I don't drink beer, but I want to try theirs. Now I'm hungry.





    Enjoyed your review. I liked cruising on Halloween on the Legend. I've never been on the Breeze but there were people on the Legend who felt the same as you.


    My DH had gall bladder issues which were hard to diagnose and would happen at random times so I understand what you went through. Hate that it happened on your cruise.


    Hope the next cruise will be better. Will be looking forward to your next review.



    I'm hoping the next cruise will be great!


    Is your husband able to eat his normal foods again?





    Thank you for your review of the Breeze!

    We loved the Breeze & are excited to sail her again some day,

    we are not show going peeps though,

    so maybe that's the difference of opinion catalyst?


    My DD had the gall bladder attack and removal also,

    so I know how much that hurts...sooo glad you got diagnosed & are better!

    She has a lil Yorkie baby with a wardrobe ta boot.


    Okay, now for the big question.....what is your mama's secret?

    Do tell... PLEASE :)

    She looks young, young, young!!

    Lovely 2nd formal night and Christmas dresses, very nice.

    I LOVE your PJ's....saweeeeeeettt !


    If the shows continue to be horrible, I will stop going to them.


    Please post a picture of her dog. My baby has a limited wardrobe. My favorite item of hers is her coat...it has a faux leopard fur collar.


    As for my mother's secret; it's in the genes. My great grandfather was 102 when he passed & he looked every bit of 80.


    Sent from my Galaxy S4 using Forums mobile app

  12. There were some things I forgot to mention:


    1) The night of Halloween, one of our dinner mates told us about this guy who got his butt whooped for disrespecting this lady. The guy let his children run up and down the halls late at night and they were loud. A lady asked the guy to stop the kids from running and her called her a female dog. Her husband heard the exchange, walked out of the cabin and Deebo'd the guy. You have to have seen the movie Friday with Ice Cube and Chris Tucker to get the reference. Basically, he knocked him out. What's funny is this was a couple of doors down from our cabin. I remember hearing the kids one night, but after that, I have no recollection. That might explain the note I saw on the cabin door, it read they had been moved to a different cabin.


    2) A lady's cabin was ransacked. She left her room key in the door and someone entered her cabin and stole items from her. This was told to me by someone on that floor. The lady wasn't in the room when it happened, but it really is sad.

  13. The finale

    We had an 8 am flight out of Miami so we had to be out of the hotel no later than 5:30/5:45 to make sure we were on the 6 am express rail. That morning I had a dream we were on the rail and we were sightseeing other areas of Miami, but the rail went a route it wasn't supposed to go. I didn't question it at first but the further we went I became worried. I asked the driver when we'd make it back to our originating spot and she told me 6:30 am! I panicked and jumped out of my sleep. I looked at my phone and it was 5:15 am!!! We've overslept! :eek:


    I woke my mom and told her we had to get a move on. Thank God we had taken our showers the night before. Faces washed and teeth brushed, we head out the door (after getting dressed of course). I'm bummed because I couldn't get my waffles. The rail station is a 5 minute walk from the hotel. The train arrived by 6:05 am and it's smooth sailing. The airport was the last stop; it took maybe 20 minutes to get there.


    One crazy thing that happened at the airport (You had to take the mover to get to the correct terminal for your departure/airline) was this guy walks up to me on the mover and asks me a question in some language I've never heard before. I just shook my head and told him I didn't understand. He said ok and then walked off. LOL I've been told I don't look American; I guess it's pronounced (my non American features) when my hair is braided.



    Mom waiting on the mover in the airport


    The flight is fine. We arrive in Houston on time. We wait for our shuttle and then we're dropped off at my car. I hit my alarm; nothing. Hit again, still nothing. I get closer to the car and notice the light for my alarm isn't blinking so I use my key to get in my car. I crank the car so we can leave and nothing! WTH??? I have 2 hours to get to my Dr's appointment and my car isn't starting!


    The shuttle driver noticed I was in distress and offered assistance by giving me a jump. My house is an hour from the airport so I assumed having the car running for that amount of time would be enough time for my battery to recharge itself. Thank God my mom suggested we stop to get her car; she didn't want to chance my car not starting again once we left the Dr. Turns out my car wouldn't start again after I killed the engine.


    We switch cars and I head to my appointment. I explained what occurred on the ship and my Dr. ordered a stool sample and an ultrasound. Both had to be completed at a later date.


    I'll skip the part about me going to pick up my baby and getting my battery replaced on Tuesday. :) My ultrasound was 2 days later (Wednesday). I've had an ultrasound before and it normally takes 15-20 minutes to complete, but I knew something was wrong because this one lasted an hour! It hurt like hell any time the tech would press a certain area of my stomach.


    After I was released, I went to talk to my Dr's nurse about needed documentation for my claim and I received a phone call while there. For those of you who guessed something was wrong with my gallbladder, you were right! It became inflamed on the cruise and it was still enlarged on the ultrasound. Who knew something so small could cause so much pain? That explained why my stomach would swell. There were times I'd look like I was pregnant. My previous Dr. never found anything; he kept saying it was due to my hernia. Anyhow, I digress. I was told there was a chance my gallbladder would have to be removed.


    I met with the specialist a week later and he confirmed he was taking my gallbladder. I had surgery a week before Christmas and I'm all better now. If I could post a video that my mother took after my surgery, I would. She was so cruel for recording me. LOL


    I was off from work for almost two weeks. This is how I spent my time at home when I wasn't sleeping like a newborn child:



    That's my Eyore PJs. I went to the hospital in my Minnie Mouse PJs. I also have a leopard pair and a cow pair. Don't judge me. LOL


    I would have worn my PJs on Christmas, but I needed to feel pretty, so here I am:



    Me and my baby


    Thank you all for reading. Hopefully you enjoyed my review and if you didn't; well, maybe you'll come across someone else's review that better suits your tastes.


    In conclusion I have mixed feelings about the Breeze; the ship is huge and I didn't get to experience everything simply because I was sick. I need to give her another chance but I'm not sure when I'll have the opportunity.


    My cabin was on deck 1 and I can't do it again. Once the meds no longer had me doped, I could hear what I thought were waves crashing against the ship and it sounded like chairs or something heavy was sliding around outside. The sound was creepy and freaked me out, but to my surprise I fell asleep. My mom however didn't have peaceful rest on the ship; she said it sounded like that every night.


    I also noticed a sewage smell in one area on deck 1. I must admit my nose is keen and I smell just about everything, but I don't think my mom smelled it.


    Guy's Burger Joint was ok. The Blue Iguana breakfast tacos were awesome. I'm no longer eating at the Mongolian Wok on any ship and I must try the Red Frog Pub.


    The shows were horrible, but I liked the Hasbro game. My mom didn't like Breeze at all and never wants to sail her again. She said the shows sucked and it felt unorganized on the ship. I'm wondering if she really felt that way because we sailed during Halloween.

  14. 1010557_10200630089589210_1938292396_n.jpg

    I want one of these in my house.



    I wanted this shoe; they actually had my size, but it ran small. I found it online, but can't find my size. Bummer



    I took a picture of this because it made me think about the rapper O.D.B.



    This was taken on the way back to the hotel



    Also taken on the way back to the hotel.



    Me on the MetroMover



    It's nightfall and we're still at Bayside. I was supposed to go to Bubba Gump's for dinner, but I was still full, so I went for dessert instead. Yeah, I know; I was being greedy. The dessert looked like it was good, but I wouldn't know because by the time we made it back to the hotel the dessert was cold and wasn't the greatest.


    On the way back to the hotel we took the wrong mover and to get off and catch the correct one. Then to top it all off, we got off 2 stops too early and to wait for another mover!


    When we exit, we go to the area where the metrorail is and talk to an employee. (The metrorail and metromover are in the same location except they are on opposite ends and the mover is free). We wanted to verify we were in the right place for the rail and the employee assured us we were. He advised us to buy our passes for the rail that night instead of in the morning.


    After purchasing our passes we walked to the 7-Eleven across the street so we could have snacks on the plane. We get back to the hotel and I attempt to eat my dessert. Afterwards we head to the Business Center to print our boarding passes, research the times for the metrorail, and I check my email to see if my Dr's appointment was scheduled. The appointment was scheduled for 2 pm! We take more pictures and then call it a night.

  15. I entered the Disney Store to purchase something for my Godson and his sisters, but I ended up purchasing what you see on my head too. I'm such a kid at heart.





    I wish I had one of these growing up



    These were neat. These are light fixtures.



    I fell asleep in here. I didn't want the massage to end.



    Mom beat me; she took a picture with the guy running the Aqua Massager



    This picture was taken while in Chili's.

  16. 1512471_10200630061788515_1799111894_n.jpg

    This is one of the pictures taken on the way to Bayside Market.


    Pictures while at Bayside


    That's what I am; an Island Queen. LOL










    There are more pictures but I will take a break for now.


    While walking around I noticed what I thought was a car out of my peripheral and had to see it. It turns out it wasn't a car but some sort of massage pod. The guy who was operating it told us how much it cost and we promised to come back. I didn't commit immediately because I wanted to make sure there wasn't another person providing the same service for cheaper.


    We found the Chili's and decided to eat. While eating we watched our Dallas Cowboys beat the Vikings. Who knew there were so many Cowboys fans in Miami? We outnumbered those who didn't like them. After eating I was full as tick but we make our way back to the massage guy and received heavenly massages for $2 cheaper than he originally quoted and we received an additional 10 minutes.


    More pictures are coming up.

  17. Check in at this hotel is unique. You stop at the front desk and once your reservation is verified, you're sent up to the 6th floor to check in. This is also where the bar is located as well as where you'll go for breakfast.


    Our room was on the 12th floor. We had to use our keys to get to any floors higher than 6. If memory serves me correctly, they had to be used to go down as well. We put away our belongings and i took pictures of our room.





    View from the entrance of the door



    The bathroom



    The room



    Our beds



    View from our window. Do you see the pool on the roof top?


    We watched tv for a moment then we looked up nearby places to eat. Mom and I couldn't agree; I wanted seafood and she wanted her usual, yep, you guessed it; chicken strips. (If you've read my Victory review you know my pain). I had my heart set on going to Bubba Gump but I found a Chili's on my GPS and agreed to go there for lunch and we'd do Bubba's for dinner.


    Our plan was to do a trial run with the rail to get to the airport, then we were to come back and eat, and do some sightseeing. Well, we didn't do the trial run, but we did head to Bayside Markert via the Metromover. It was maybe a 10 minute ride on the mover and a 10-15 minute walk from the drop off.


    We took pictures along the way. Once we made it to Bayside we walked around and took more pictures.

  18. I was loving everything about your review until the chocolate melting cake dis lol.....how can one not love that? :confused::confused::confused:


    J/K. I am fully aware we all have different opinions and that's why I love reading people's reviews.


    My place is marked for me to come back to.


    LOL. It's not cake; it's more goo than cake for me. It's like eating melted chocolate.

  19. Debarkation & Post Cruise

    I slept as late as I could; I was in no hurry to get off the ship. I don't recall if I had set clothes aside the previous night or if I held on to my luggage. Maybe I held on to them; it's not like we needed to rush off the ship.


    I pose with the towel animals and then I said bye to my room.



    Don't talk about the room. Towels from the morning's shower were on the bed.


    There were some nights I didn't receive a towel animal because I never left the room. When I did receive towel animals I would place them in the window sill, but they would be gone when I returned to the room. I left a note for the room steward explaining that I liked to keep my animals and asked that he no longer remove them. I also asked if he could remake the ones he removed and to my surprise, he did!!!! I was overjoyed. I guess I should have asked him to make the 3 I didn't get. :D


    When we left the room we were in search of our room steward so we could give him his much deserved tip and then we headed to the Lido deck. I took some pictures after eating at the Blue Iguana and let me tell you; those breakfast burritos were huge and good.



    A ship that was in port while we were eating breakfast.



    The cute iquana.


    For some reason it took the crew a moment to get through some of the numbers for disembarking, but I was cool with it; we couldn't check in to the hotel until 3 pm, but then they started picking up the pace. We waited as long as we could on the ship, but decided to stop avoiding the inevitable.


    Going through customs was a breeze. :p Once outside we hail a cab. Prior to the cruise I researched rates from the port to the hotel using fare finder; let's just say it was off; the actual fare was higher (the site does give three price ranges) and the site didn't list the $2.00 surcharge that is added on. Had I known about the surcharge I wouldn't have accused the 1st cab driver of trying to cheat me and I would have let him take us to the hotel. Actually, no I wouldn't have because the inside of his car looked like a death trap.


    We arrive at the Hampton in no time. I was totally prepared to have the hotel hold our bags since check in wasn't until 3, but to my surprise, our room was ready.


    My stomach is craving food. I'll be back later to wrap up the review.

  20. That is cute of your mom. Your picture wasn't bad though:)


    What was with the tiny funnel (Carnival funnel)?


    So does Aruba have mountains? I am confused:)


    I forgot to answer your question about the funnel; those are a part of the golf course.


    Enjoying your review so far, and personally I'm glad you are telling every detail, even the bad stuff. It's all part of the experience, and that's what makes a good review! Sorry you were sick!!!


    Thank you.

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