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Starry Eyes

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Everything posted by Starry Eyes

  1. If you watch even a bit of their marketing, you will see Royal Caribbean aims their marketing toward active families and a youthful demographic (including the young at heart). That demographic tends to be more casual…or dresses up at their own pleasure and timeframe. Little remains of your beloved dress code of old. You are free to embrace or reject new reality. The Royal Caribbean Group has another cruise line that might suit you better in Celebrity. They even provide Elite benefits as you are Diamond.
  2. Royal Caribbean has a refund policy for covid until April 30, 2023. So, currently there is a refund policy for covid, but unless it is extended, it will have expired before your group sail date of 5/7/23 Are the woman and her son both in solo cabins? Or are they sharing with others?
  3. Eventually language may not matter.🤣
  4. Also, if you wind up sitting in the terminal waiting to board, see if you can log onto the app with ship wifi. Sometimes you can make restaurant reservations in the app while still in the terminal. YMMV, but you can try if you are sitting there.
  5. Whether there are 1, 2, 3 or 4 occupants, the amount entered on the RoyalUp bid page is doubled. I really wish they would make it a per cabin bid; it would be easier for everyone to understand.
  6. Have a great time! Maybe use some of the money you saved for a Bloody Mary that morning to help set the mood
  7. The numbers before the dash on my two set sail passes bear no resemblance to our reservation numbers. Nor do DH’s two. Do you mean the seaboard account number?
  8. So, we know there is a &50 OBC on your reservation. So now you sign out. Then have your husband or son sign in. See if there is $50 on that second reservation, too.
  9. I’d expect it to start at midnight (or soon thereafter) in Rome.
  10. Yes, and whenever we feel cruising no longer offers a good value for my vacation dollar, we will opt for other vacations.
  11. That information is included in threads with a full full description of the trick. The OP on this thread indicated that their set sail pass had a deck and muster station; that indicates there is an assignment hidden the OP’s barcode. Thus the OP did not need the info about still having Gty after the dash. OTOH, I bet you are not in the same situation. I bet you do not have a deck or muster station on your set sail pass. In the not too distant future Royal could still make a hidden assignment in your barcode. Or your assignment may appear in in the app and barcode at the same time. I have had it happen both ways. Within the past year I waited until 4 or 5 days before sailing for a balcony gty assignment appeared in app (no hint in barcode or app before then). Of course, each passenger’s set sail will different numbers before the dash…they encode for an individual passenger.
  12. That’s wishful thinking. There is no reason to believe the two are connected. Royal Caribbean does it’s own gty assignments, while they farm the RoyalUp upgrades out to a separate company. Whether or not Royal has assigned a cabin, you can win RoyalUp.
  13. I understand your concern. Here’s what I would do: I would pick one (or two) responsible person out of your group of six who comfortably separate from the rest of the group, board first, and make reservations for the whole group (we will call her sprinter😉). Then I (with help from any other competent team members) should regularly go on the app to see if any earlier check in times open up. Sometimes only one or two slots opens; rarely will six slots open. If an earlier slot opens up, it goes to sprinter; keep looking until the you get sprinter as early a check in time as you can. If you are successful, Sprinter will board before the rest of you make your reservations then join the rest of you.
  14. Yes, a linked spouse (or child) gets your status. Yes, they have their own point count. Your last sentence is not true. If your spouse is a Diamond, then your spouse is a Diamond, and your spouse gets Diamond benefits. That the spouse is “only” a Diamond because he is linked to your account does not matter; he will be treated as a D when sailing without you. His card will say Diamond; it will not have his point total. Now, if hypothetically he continues to sail alone (and you no longer sail with Royal), to get to D+ he must raise his own personal point total to 175. Your point total does not help him get to 175.
  15. On Royal Caribbean, your accounts should be linked. If you are Diamond, your spouse is Diamond. If your accounts are properly linked, when he logs in on Royal’s website, he should see your point total. Your accounts are not properly linked, call C&A
  16. Married couples are linked in the C&A system. The points acquired by partner with the higher number of points (I’ll call that person the couple’s point leader) will show when either spouse logs in. when the point leader reaches a new level , both partners gain the benefit if that level. If you personally to call Royal Caribbean, you would find they are tracking your number, too (but it is lower) Use this info wisely if you can. If there were ever a time that three of you were going on a cruise in two cabins, try to put your wife as the solo (double points for the point leader). If you take a short cruise with a friend, your hidden total tracked by Royal will increase, but, unless your new total surpasses your wife’s old total, the number you see when you log in won’t change.
  17. Check in opens 45 days before sailing. On the app, you can go straight to step2 to grab the time you want. You still about 6 weeks to do step , leisurely
  18. Umm, you’ll need to cross the first two off your list because the OP hit those, LOL. The OP did complained about “chair savers” and, though there was a typo, the OP also hit on the upcharge for lobster on short cruises.
  19. I wonder if they have restricted the quad cabins to groups of four on some sailings. When do a mock for the OP’s sailing for four guests, I see CP balcony availability. When I tried three guests, no CP balconies.🤷‍♀️
  20. I have not seen a filthy cabin nor have I seen Royal use a torn or worn sheet. On the other hand I can easily imagine a certain type of guest celebrating the first day of their four night cruise with confetti poppers then later complaining about the lingering bits of confetti. (How else does a poster know it was a confetti popper vs loose confetti?) I can certainly imagine sheets being torn and requiring replacement during a cruise.
  21. The balcony design has been discussed. Beyond that, I don’t recall a substantial number of balconies designated as obstructed in Adventure. There are the aft ones, though most of those tend to be fairly popular.
  22. Got it. Well, taking the friend is oncoming an expensive potential addition to the gift. You know your daughter and whether this would be money well spent or if there might be a better alternative.
  23. Tell your kid this is a family only vacation as it would cost 4K to add the friend. (And besides, four in a cabin, including an unrelated child, is pretty tight). Maybe some other trip.
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