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Posts posted by Fishkillbill

  1. I booked a cruise on the Summit three days ago. The June 5, 2019, 11 day cruise to New England and Bermuda.  I test booked a Veranda room. The cost was $5,025.86. That cost included free Wifi and Classic beverage package. I wound up booking a Concierge room with Celebrity picking the room. Within one day, I saw that Celebrity gave us room 8148. Now, we won't get free wifi or free drinks, (which we would hardly be using), for a cost of $3,625.86.

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  2. On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2019 at 7:37 PM, Jim_Iain said:

    I know you can in a suite by just writing it on the order form.   You could always try.

    Yes you can get a pot of hot water delivered.   


    I wouldn't confuse them. I'd just order 4 cups of tea. You will get a pot of water, with some tea bags. Then just use your own tea bags. 

  3. We were there two weeks ago. What a dream! I pulled up to the front door around 9:30. An attendant took our bags out of the back of our car. Then we were directed to the parking garage. A man guided us to the first spot on the first floor, ( we have a handicap thing). A short walk next door to the terminal. Maybe 15 minutes to check in. Then were sat with a bunch of other people, until about 10:40. Then on board for lunch and relax until 1:00, when the rooms are ready.


    The way home was even easier. An attendant put our bags on a cart. Direct through customs. Then we followed him to our car. He put the bags into our car and off we went. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, kingston13 said:

    If you are coming from Fishkill you may want to consider going to Newburgh ad picking up Yankee Trails Cruise Express. they make a stop there at Walmart and you can leave a car  there. It is $90 pp R/T but they put your luggage on the bus and when you arrive at the port, the porters unload it and take it away. And they are waiting for you when you get off the ship.


    Wow, I never heard of them. I'll check them out. Just not sure about leaving my car in Newburgh for a week.

  5. On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 11:47 AM, reallyitsmema said:

    We always have insurance so we are covered. The captain made an announcement that consultations were free in an attempt to get people to go get checked out. It was clearly explained to us that we would be charged if we chose to see a doctor.  Due to pre existing conditions, we chose to see a doctor, even though the nurse was just giving us DayQuils which neither of us can take. Test proved we made the correct call. 


    How much does a consultation cost, otherwise?

  6. What a morning. We woke up in room 8116, at 6:30 this morning. Showered and went to the Windjammer for breakfast. They called our number, (27), at 7:30. We got off the ship, got our bags. A porter asked if he could help, no charge. No one in front of us at customs. We followed him to the parking garage. He loaded the bags into our car, (gave him $5). We drove out, 68 miles up to Dutchess County, New York. Home at 9:45 and wife had a load of wash in the machine by 10 o'clock.

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