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Everything posted by MJSailors

  1. @BklynBoy8 Reading your posts about German restaurants brought back some good memories. I recall the huge Christmas tree in Luchow’s and the good food. Growing up,I lived near Neiderstien’s and often went there with my parents. My HS (Christ the King) was a few blocks away from the restaurant. I have heard that there is an Arby’s there now. My father, at one time, worked for Domino Sugar in Brooklyn, not far from Peter Luger’s, I think, as he would often go there for lunch with coworkers or clients. My hubby and I would often go to Sardi’s for a pre theater dinner. We also liked Smith and Wolinski’s and Rothmans steak house. I did not mean to hijack the OP’s thread, just thought I would let you know that I enjoyed your post! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  2. @h20skibum You certainly have a lot packed into your Disney schedule! I am wondering who will cave first-the kids or the adults. Good to see you have some pool time scheduled too. Hoping you and your family enjoy your vacation. IMHO-Disney is enjoyed best through the eyes of the grandchildren! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  3. @Luckynana Thank you for the info about the Vermont Seasoning. I will google it to see where I can get it. 😊 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  4. @HBE4 I had the same text yesterday. Knew it was bogus because we haven’t been into NYC for at least five years. So, I hit the Delete Report as Junk and the text went poof! @Momof3gurlz Great photos of the Wilderness Lodge. Good to hear that you bad a good Disney stay! @Sea Dog Great idea fjr a psrty! Hoping to see photos of tbe event. I am sure that you will be the designated bartender. Enjoy! Wishing all on Dani's thread a pleasant weekend! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  5. @Luckynana I did not know about Vermont Seasoning. Where can I purchase it? The coffee served at the Dorset Inn was so delicious! The brand is The Vermont Coffee Company and I did see it offered on Amazon. A bit pricey, but worth it for an occasional treat. On the topic of fresh tomatoes-our local farms provide delicious tomatoes at the end of July into August and into the Fall. There is nothing better than a fresh tomato and mayo sandwich. We look forward to enjoying that treat every Summer. I can’t bring myself to buy supermarket tomatoes after enjoying the fresh ones. If I need tomatoes for a salad in the colder months, I buy cherry tomatoes. If possible, support your local farmers by buying their produce from markets and farm stands. They work very hard to bring delicious fruits and vegetables to people to enjoy. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  6. @On The Balcony @OnTheJourney Thank you. Wished it was a shorter trip for us though. I tried to edit the first CCname. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  7. My DH and I recently spent four days in Vermont visiting friends who moved there from LI. They live in Dorset,six miles from Manchester. It is a lovely area-quite peaceful. We stayed at the Dorset inn, very charming. We visited the Vermont Country store for some retail therapy. It was a pilgrimage of sorts for me as I have bought items from their catalogue-very interesting store with all kinds of goods and gadgets. Our travel days were about seven hours and that is taking into account a ferry from LI to Connecticut, with a few stops at Mickey D’s. It was worth the trip to spend time with our dear friends though. Wishing all here on Dani’s thread a pleasant Thursday! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  8. Hello Graham-Popping over to the P&O forum to read about your latest cruise adventure. Glad to read that you and Pauline enjoyed the cruise on the Arvia. I am thinking that it is a new ship. Always fun to experience a ship with all new bells and whistles! Are P&O ships similar to Princess ships ? We are Princess customers and have enjoyed many cruises with them over the years,hence we are very familiar with the layout and decor. As always, wishing you and Pauline pleasant days! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  9. Just reading about folks here keeping in touch with longtime friends by text and/or phone. I am blessed to be in close contact with seven of my HS friends. We have known each other for close to sixty years! Actually, I enjoyed a girls’get together visit with three of these friends last week. We shared a suite for an overnight visit. There was a lot of laughing, memory sharing and catching up with each other. We had a great time and hope to get together again soon. Old friends are the best! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  10. Hi Wildra-You certainly covered a lot of ground on Day 2! The Met is one of our favorite museums. We had membership there for many years. There was/is a rooftop gallery that showcased various sculptures and art pieces on a rotating basis. The views from there were great! Thank you for visiting the 911 memorial. Many friends and neighbors experienced the attack,luckily none perished. We have yet to go there. I think experiencing that destruction first hand was enough for us. I am grateful that the memorial is there though and the Freedom Tower was built-symbolic of life continuing and hope for a better world. I really like the photos of the Brooklyn Bridge-glad you got to experience that too. It really is a work of art! I noticed in your photos that there were not many people in Bryant Park, Central Park and in front of the library or the Met. Either you have great timing for your shots or there were not many people on the streets. Thank you for candidly speaking about the quality of life issues you encountered while going about the city. The photos of the trash in the street and your mention of people with apparent issues being on the streets-not getting care they need and the pot smoking was disheartening to read about, but also confirming what we have heard about the state of NYC. To see and read about a place that we loved, having so many problems is saddening for us. We last visited NYC in 2019-pre Covid.I am not sure if we will return though. We are in our early 70s and don’t move as quickly as we used to to keep up a pace. Because the city is having financial difficulties,many services have been cut or eliminated. Therefore the quality of life has suffered too. I thought the trash in front of a business was the responsibility of the business owners and managers. Maybe they do try, but if the sanitation trucks don’t pick up regularly, what recourse do they have to control the trash? Both Bryant and Central Park looked neat though. Please do not take my words as a downer for your review. Most of the photos you posted are reminders of the city we have loved and enjoyed. Those are good memories. I am so glad that you made the effort to make the most of your visit to NYC! PS If you revisit NYC, you don’t need to get a hotel in Times Square. There are many nice hotels on the East Side in the Lexington Ave area. That would be less congested and quieter. You were in a room overlooking the Port Authority Terminal. Very different from Grand Central Station! Even in the good days, it had a reputation of nefarious activity and constant activity and noise. I am looking forward to reading more of your review. Hoping to read about the cruise soon! Take care🤗 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  11. Hi Wildra-I am enjoying your review with the info of your precruise stay in NYC. I am a native New Yorker-born and lived in the borough of Queens, and know “the City” like the back of my hand. My mother started taking me into the City when I was about three for shopping trips and shows at Radio City. I am impressed that you (safely)managed the subway system! Glad you got to the Empire State Building and saw the Statue of Liberty with a ride on the ferry and saw a Bdwy play.All true NYC experiences! I am looking forward to reading about how you and W spent the next day of your visit. Oh, and your cruise review will be interesting to read too. 😉 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  12. @cruisingrightnow Sounds like a cheap rate. Remember,you get what you pay for! 🙄 MJ
  13. @tauep24 Perhaps a 14 night cruise is not the best vacation choice for you and your DW given her present health needs. You might consider a shorter cruise or land based vacation to accommodate her for now. Hopefully, in the future, she will not need the port for the infusions and you can plan a more lengthy vacation. MJ
  14. @Sea Dog A bit late as I am now catching up hereafter a few days away. I was going to suggest if you could ask for a pill to help you relax for the MRI. They can be nerve racking with all the noise that goes on during the testing. For one I had about a year ago, the tech asked if I would like music to listen to during the test. I chose Motown. It help somewhat. Hoping you get your results soon. Waiting can be difficult. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  15. @akcruz Your grandog a handsome boy! Beagles are my favorite. We had one on our street belonging to our neighbors, but everyone loved him. Max had the best personality and he was handsome too. Once in awhile, his “Mom” would put a red bow tie on him for various neighborhood gatherings. He wore it well! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  16. @HBE4 Thank you for the info re:Sherwood Island. All LISound beaches are rocky. We have Town beaches on the Sound, but we prefer our neighborhood beach which is on the Peconic Bay. The sand there is easier on the feet! Glad to hear that you are taking a cruise with friends. Wishing you a most enjoyable time! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  17. @HBE4 Is the beach on Sherwood Island (I might have the name wrong). I have seen the sign for it off if 1-95 near Norwalk CT. It is another 10 weather day here on Eastern LI. We have been blessed with these days lately. Thursday prediction is 90! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  18. So very sorry to read about the loss of your dear Maureen.Wishing you love and support to surround you in the days ahead. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  19. @lenquixote66 That is a lot of dental work the dentist has planned for you. I hope it all goes well for you with little stress and discomfort. Take caee MJ👩🏻
  20. @Momof3gurlz Welcome to Tyler Joseph. He is a handsome boy! Wishing for blessings to all who love him. MJ👩🏻
  21. @firefly333 I have a suggestion for furnishing your condo. Is it possible to look at models of condos that are furnished? Not necessarily your complex, but maybe condos in the area that have been newly built ? Or, open houses for condos that are up for sale? That way, you can see furniture in the spaces and get ideas. Also, some furniture places have decorators that can suggest pieces that you fit in your space. Take dimensions with you and a rough drawing of the features of the condo-windows, mini bar etc so the decorator has an idea of the rooms. Is there a Haverty’s in your area? When we furnished our condo near Ft Pierce, we bought a few pieces from them. Very helpful and good delivery service. It will all work out-just takes time. MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  22. @h20skibum My DH says no more changes, or painting or renovations also. But, I think he knows better. It is just a matter of time! 😉 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  23. Hi Wildra- Sending up a 🙏 that you will soon get to writing about your latest cruise. Wishing you and W a pleasant Sunday! MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
  24. @h20skibum You are a good hubby to go along with all the choices for the renovated bathroom. My DH is also one to give suggestions when we renovate rooms in the house. I did learn something from my MIL- white towels in the bathroom - so the towels can be bleached if necessary. Colorful towels are pretty, but white towels do the job and make for an easy decision. As for decorating an entire house-the youngest generation to do this (20s-30s) have a minimalist view. I do understand this. After taking down all kinds of wall decorations, tabletop things and the contents of two bookshelves (floor to ceiling) and then putting most of it all back after a recent paint job of our large family room, this minimalist idea is a good one ! No need for crystal pieces, Hummel or Llardo figurines or other decorative items. Clean lines and limited decoration may be the way to go. Hoping your wife is pleased with the bathroom redo. What room is next ? 😊 MJ🙋🏻‍♀️
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