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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. @bennybear, Brenda, I was sorry to read about your friend. Sending my condolences as well.
  2. @kochleffel. Ooops. Wrong cat, sorry. DaVinci! This is a picture of Natasha, a next door kitty. I think she is beautiful.
  3. Good morning. It will get up to forty today but we will not see the sun yet. It makes me laugh to appreciate a social security check. It is money I have been putting in since age 15 and my first job. No brandy or gorilla suits here. i like the recipe idea and we had something similar last week but with black beans. I find that chickpeas take ages to cook when I use them in recipes.DD DH and I were in Belfast on a British Isles cruise with DB. We all went to the Titanic museum. Yesterday we had both a Hospice doctor and nurse here. I don’t know if anything in particular will help at this time but we persevere. It is a challenge to balance rest periods and activity at this point. We both thank all of you for your support. I am afraid that Tana is starting to show the cold symptoms now. Bon Voyage to Jim and Terri.! I hope the Hawaiian cruisers are enjoying themselves. It can be a little rocky leaving San Diego. @kochleffel, Paul, I am glad the procedure went well and that Mona Lisa allowed you to pet her. I hope the pain is less today. Enjoy the day everyone
  4. Thanks so much Jacqui, Graham and Sandi. Tana appreciated all the good wishes and the hug.
  5. @kochleffel. Paul, sending best wishes to you during your surgery today.I hope all goes well.
  6. Good morning. It is going up to 35 or so but remains cloudy. I probably could draw a dinosaur but won’t. I would love a croissant but there are none nearby.I would very much like to escape and will continue to daydream. A huge Bon Voyage to our travelers: @dfish and Sue, @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda and Steve, @Sharon in AZSharon and Craig , and @summer slope, Dixie and George. I am sure you will all enjoy your Hawaiian cruise and it is fun to think of all of you together! @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, Posture during activity can be a huge contributor to shoulder pain. A forward head position with elevated and rolled forward shoulders puts a lot of stress on the tendons that have to occupy a small space. It leads to more inflammation. The left arm is working to stabilize and hold the shoulder blades appropriately. My DD has had cervical spine surgery and a rotator cuff tear repair-due to an accident and gets frequent shoulder pain. I nag her incessantly about posture while working especially as she is at a computer all day. Now I am nagging you! Sorry! Also, I think the pain patches are truly awesome, try them. Today we await the Hospice nurse. I am concerned about the shortness of breath Tana is still experiencing . She is on a high level of O2. We know that this is part of the disease but hope there is something that will give her even temporary relief. I am hoping that she does not get the cold symptoms the other half of the house has. Have a great day today and stay safe.
  7. I feel for you Terri. My DD DH suffered from anxiety and depression and his illness exacerbated that. I spent a lot of time reminding myself to remain calm as things could turn quickly sideways. It was better for both of us. Enjoy your cruise as best you can.
  8. Thank you @0106 for taking us along. It sounds as if you are both off to a good start!
  9. @HAL Sailer, Melisa,a very Happy Birthday to you! @0106Tina, Bon Voyage! I had a snowy ride home yesterday until I reached Waterbury CT when it turned to rain. There were accidents and spin outs galore as it was right at the freezing point. I kept talking to my ancient but dependable Subaru to keep myself calm.I cheered when I passed the NY border. They will get a lot more snow today but we will have rain. Tana’s wonderful friend stayed here Thursday to Sunday so that I could go see the DGC’s. Unfortunately DD and DSIL are sick with something and could not help much. So far they are negative for Covid but will test again. It is always something, right? I would use chicken thighs instead of drumsticks and always enjoy crackpot recipes. I noticed one of the spun out cars yesterday was a BMW but I had seen it going way too fast down one of the many hills just a few minutes before. Ice is a great equalizer. Have a great day everyone
  10. Good afternoon. I just returned from the DGS’s two basketball games. My DS is the coach and it was just so much fun to see all the interactions. Tonight they are taking me to a nice restaurant for a belated birthday celebration. I decided I better head home tomorrow as snow is forecasted for both here and back home in NY. I hope to get home before it starts. @dfish, Debbie, I agree with you about Ann Frank’s optimism in terrible times. I will never forget being in that house in Amsterdam and how it felt. I had quite a few patients over the years that were survivors of concentration camps. They often felt the need to tell their stories and listening often felt physically painful but so necessary. @ger_77, I hope the pacemaker adjustment and medication changes bring relief for your DH. @luvteaching, Enjoy the family party today. Have a great day everyone
  11. Pippin. I call him “ puppy man” and he likes that. He is good company.
  12. Good morning. It is 33 and pouring in New Hampshire. I am home with the grand pup and will venture out in it with him later this morning. He is such a sweet dog and good company. I often felt conflicted about time spent mostly at home but with my orthopedic difficulties and DD DH’s rapid onset of cancer last winter I did not get much DGC time. I am glad I made the trip yesterday as DGS played well and scored a few points for his winning team. Tonight DGD plays soccer. Dental drills have their place but I can’t get too excited by them. I have not been to the port and make a vegetarian version of the recipe. @kazu, Jacqui, I am glad you were able to get out but so sorry about the pain. @ger_77, I hope there is forward momentum today for a plan but so glad your DH is comfortable today. @aliaschief, all pictures are appreciated. The cruise looks wonderful! @JazzyVThe pain and lack of sleep for so long is so worrying. I hope you are able to get something lined up soon. Have a great day today
  13. I drove up to New Hampshire today and every time I stopped I checked to see about Maurice. I hope the doc is able to help today. My grandson wanted me to see him play basketball tonight so of course I drove up. I suspect there will be more post birthday celebrations here. I watch all the Britbox detective shows as well and enjoyed reading the books by Ann Cleeves for Vera and Shetland. DD includes me in her Amazon prime subscription so I also watch all the Scandinavian series as well. They are sometimes more gory but I have found real life to be gory as well. We very rarely watch regular TV here anymore. The urgent care centers in my urban environment are only a little less busy than the ER’s. People have a hard time finding a PCP and then getting an appointment. I will never forget Lou’s PCP not even agreeing to see him once he had the first chemotherapy treatment. We went to the ER which was what I should have done anyway. Best wishes to all today
  14. Oh my. I hope the cardiologist urges a quick appointment or ER trip. I am sending prayers your way.
  15. Good morning. I will leave beer and their cans for others. I hope I changed our dogs and cats lives for the better over the years. The two dogs that live with me and the kitties (5) next door are members of the family and well loved. It will be raining and dreary today and possibly in the high thirties. I like the recipes today and may try one later. It is up for review with my executive chef. We had a very nice dinner last night with the group that I didn’t cook! @cunnorl, Congratulations on the new baby in the family. Yikes on 10 lbs! @dfish, congratulations to Sue on the birth of her grandson. I hope everyone is doing well today. Have a great day everyone.
  16. @Cruising-along, Carolyn, Happy Birthday to you. A birthday on a BHB is the best. Enjoy your day
  17. I am enjoying a lovely birthday and would like to thank all of you for such wonderful birthday wishes. Thank you all so much. @bennybear, @quilty964, @cunnorl, @aliaschief, @1ANGELCAT, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @Seasick Sailor, @tupper10, @dfish, @superoma, @marshhawk, @Haljo1935, @ger_77, @Nickelpenny, @Mr. Boston, @seagarsmoker, @StLouisCruisers, @kazu, and @cat shepard. Wow! I am a very fortunate woman and appreciate all of you. @Seasick Sailor, So sorry to read about your friend Ron and I am sending prayers his way. I also loved the picture of Oliver the other day. He looks like a lot of fun.
  18. Good morning. It is going to be a day of snow,sleet and rain today. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes @puppycanducruise, @rafinmd, @JazzyV and @grapau27! A very Happy Birthday to Sue @DWAliaschief! In spite of the early hour I have received several phone calls and other birthday wishes. Everyone knows we are up early here. I plan to do as little as possible today and will be treated to a special take out meal later. Tana has had a difficult two days but we hope she is turning the corner now. I was grateful to have extra help yesterday when her good friend, a nurse as well, came for a few hours. @Cruzin Terri, I was so sorry to read about your need for another trip to Jacksonville. I hope all goes well today. @RMLincoln Prayers for both of you today. I am glad you missed the icy mix coming down today. Take care of yourself as well. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I am so glad you were able to help the neighbor with the damaged mail box. We look out for each other on this street as well. @marshhawk, ok where is the blue bubble, I enjoyed your descriptions of Rome. I like the gnomes too. I look forward to more! Thanks to all for the Daily
  19. Good morning. It will be 30 later and that sounds good to me. I like the quote and have not been to the port. I often roast the vegetables here and would add some chicken to the sheet pan the way Debbie does. @dfish, the party sounded great and I know you and Sue will love your Hawaii cruise. Happy Birthday to Tyler! Sandi ,@StLouisCruisers. Thanks for the pictures as well. Thanks to all for the Daily
  20. @atexsix,Bruno, I am glad your DD will receive more help on hospice and send both of you my prayers. I found that the support staff were very helpful to me both with my DH and our Tana. We have had to hire aides ourselves as the hospice aide could only come for a few hours with either patient. Take advantage of any help possible so that you can get a break.It was good to hear from you.
  21. Good morning. It was 17 earlier but went up a whole degree since I had breakfast. I went to visit my BFF yesterday so that could be considered a play date. It was so good to leave the house behind for a few hours. Sweatpants are ok but I prefer my jeans. I leave the fun socks to everyone else. Singapore looks like a wonderful place to visit. I loved the pictures , Sandi @StLouisCruisers. Those early days with newborns are so precious. Your two grandsons have lead very exciting lives so far. @aliaschief, Bruce, thanks for the pictures and commentary on your fantastic cruise. It is fun to travel along with you . @kochleffel, Paul, I hope you are feeling better today. Maybe try the squash cure? There are no particular plans for the day here which is fine. I had a request for bean and cheese enchiladas for dinner later and that is an easy fix. I hope everyone has a good day and enjoy the football watching.
  22. Good morning. It is all of 15 degrees now and apparently will feel colder with the wind chill.Cheese is always welcome here and disappears quickly. I will celebrate the days and would love to go to Bari, Italy. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I love the penguin pictures, thanks. I am sorry that your twin, niece and DBIL are ill and hope they start feeling better soon. Today I would like to escape the confines of the house. I don’t care what I do or where I go, I need to do something different! Have a great day everyone and stay safe
  23. @seagarsmoker, I am very happy for you and hope you enjoy the work. It is great that you start soon! @Vict0riann, Ann, very sorry to hear that your Pat has to have an aortic valve replacement. I hope it can be scheduled soon so that you both can feel better.
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