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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. @dfish,Debbie, I am glad you are home and going to bed soon.We are all hoping you can recover quickly. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi,I am so sorry to hear of Buddy's serious problems.I hope the surgery can help with the pain relief.Prayers for all of you.
  2. Good morning. It is remarkably cooler this morning and I celebrated by taking the dogs for a very long walk. I have used the Heimlich twice with relatives and it is important to know.I am no longer very daring but will flip a coin. The recipe looks great to me but I would need alternatives for the carnivores. I think I will make bean and cheese enchiladas today since everyone likes them.Thanks Debbie, for the recipes. We hope to gear all is well later today. Yesterday I made dog sitting arrangements for a few days on July.We will join DS and family at the Cape.We will again be close to National Seashore beaches. I am looking online for portable beach chairs that will be easier to get out of.Last year DH was in a lower one and thank goodness there was sufficient help to get him upright. Enjoy the day everyone! Terry
  3. Congratulations on your new DGS! Good to hear everyone is fine.
  4. Good morning from a hot and humid NY.It will be in the 90's . @Vict0riann,Happy Birthday to Pat @aliaschief,I vividly remember swimming in that very cold lake water with my brothers on Memorial Day.We did it no matter what the weather was!Ah, youth.... My executive Chef requested bean and pasta soup for dinner tonight. It is simmering on the stove already. @dfish, I will be thinking of you and praying that all goes well tomorrow. Have a good Tuesday Terry
  5. @marshhawk,DH and I were in a Porthole cabin on the Veendam from NY to Bermuda and back.It was quite cozy( ha!) and we felt the motion of the ocean a lot more.It was a great cruise though.
  6. @GTVCRUISER, very Happy Birthday to you @cunnorl, I am relieved DD was not hurt but that must have been so scary.I am also so happy that you were able to enjoy the family wedding. @ger_77, and @Quartzsite Cruiser, we are so very fortunate to have such helpful and caring neighbors. Tana told me later that it made her feel so good to be outside with everyone. It was a very good day for all.
  7. Good morning to all. There will be a ceremony later on our main thoroughfare honoring all of our veterans. It is a clear sunny day but it will be hot.My father in law had MS in the days before the present medications were available and he became quite disabled.I will salute MS day and Innovation Day. Yesterday we managed a family BBQ on the patio.This house is built into the side of a hill and there are 8 steps from our side to a walkway and 10 more to reach the patio.Our 2 great neighbors helped with oxygen equipment and eventually WC and Tana carrying.It was a lovely late afternoon and evening . I would make the recipe today with chicken.Only 2 of us would like the tofu. Thanks @dfish, Debbie. We will try the first one,I think.I will save it for tomorrow as there are enough leftovers for another meal today. We have been to Kona on the best ever Hawaii cruise.I would love to return. Terry
  8. @Sharon in AZ,Bon Voyage!Your trip sounds wonderful.
  9. Good morning everyone. It is going to be a rainy day so I think we will celebrate Hamburger Day tomorrow.I will certainly salute Amnesty International and Jazz. I made the Czech burgers last night, @marshhawk and they were well worth the effort.The recipe for today sounds like a great idea. We have not been to the port. I always love to see pictures and look forward to it.
  10. Thank you Lenda,very well said. @kazu,Jacqui,I hope you continue to post when you feel able. I am one who found a refuge and safe place here.I lately don't have much to say that isn't downright depressing and I am very aware of that. I am sorry but the present reality is difficult. Anyway I hope things can be smoothed out amongst us. Take care everyone
  11. Good morning everyone. Today is my DS's 45th birthday. We spoke on the phone as he was headed into work.He is a School Superintendent and said that this has been the most difficult week he has ever had.The students and parents to are just devastated by the shootings in Texas as we all are. The executive Chef and I decided on recipe number one.Thanks Debbie @dfish! I am making a huge amount of potato salad in anticipation of the rain stopping by Sunday.We hope to BBQ outside and get Tana and her wheelchair up to the patio. Stairs are involved.She wants to try it so I am grateful. Take care everyone Terry
  12. I tried a similar one and it was not good for me.DH says there is little room in the bed for him with all my pillows.I presently have 4!
  13. Good morning to all. I was a redhead before turning gray and like @kazu, my DH also remarks on both my quick temper and wicked sense of humor. I will salute Sally Ride and Dracula. We have not been to the port and will pass on the recipe. We have had several days of Tana doing poorly and coupled with the school shooting in Texas ,the general mood of the household was low. We did have a better night last night. Hopefully things will continue to improve. @grapau27 Graham, I hope the steroid injections help and that you get some pain relief. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, have a wonderful cruise! Terry
  14. I feel much the same way.I can't stop thinking about this and all if the rest of the senseless violence.
  15. @rafinmd,Roy.I am sorry to hear of your friend Phil's passing. I am sending my prayers to you and his family. It us especially hard to get news like this when one is not home. @AncientWanderer,So sorry DH is ill.I also hope the case is mild and that you don't get sick as well.
  16. Happy Victoria Day to all of our Canadian family. Crohn's and Colitis are very hard to live with and could use continued research. We have not been to the port and look forward to pictures. The executive Chef and I decided that the last recipe would be our dinner tonight. I was able to find avocados that were not prohibitively expensive yesterday. Thanks Debbie @dfish as always. DH and I have started walking to our nearest grocery store for both fitness and economical reasons.We are fortunate to be able to do this.Gas prices here are averaging $5.35 for regular unleaded. Thanks for the Daily and all of its contributors.
  17. Holy smokes.I don't know how you even managed to reply to something so asinine. We have heard some truly awful remarks from people who hear about Tana's situation.Sometimes I have just walked away. I am sorry this happened to you.
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