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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Good morning. It is only reaching 50 later and is sunny and 34.We have a decent recycling program here and I used to make Bundt cakes when the children were around. The recipe sounds interesting. I love the miso flavor. We were at the port on our VOV cruise on the Veendam. My DB and DSIL were with us and I remember many fun meals together.DDDH and I walked all over the town . The weather was sunny and in the sixties that day.
  2. @HAL Sailer,Melisa,I am glad to hear that your DH is participating in PT and will receive an injection for the pain. I wish it could occur sooner. I am glad that he does the homework. I am retired from PT but fondly remember the patients who “did the work”. It is always tough with pain like that to make progress. Continued prayers for both of you. And yes, there is a lot to be grateful for but I do dream of BHB’s!
  3. Good morning. It is sunny and going up to fifty later. I will celebrate children and girls, have not been to New Zealand and like the idea of the recipe if someone else does all that slicing. The gas line replacement project in our neighborhood has reached our narrow one way street. Last week the police car was parked at the top of the hill but allowed vehicles to enter and then exit the wrong way. That was a little daunting for me as drivers around here are frankly idiots. Yesterday one had to strike a deal with the policeman as he moved down the hill and let no delivery trucks in or out. I went out to talk to him yesterday and explained that we were expecting medical equipment and also medication for our Tana. I had to explain that she was a hospice patient and the equipment was heavy. I was assured the truck would be let in. Our deliveries came about an hour later. I was so relieved. I was so sorry to read about Annie @marshhawk getting so sick on the cruise. I hope things are improving now but it sounds very serious. Sending prayers and hugs your way. @kazu, I can just picture Ivan looking wistfully at his favorite spot after it was blocked. I would probably relent too. He is such an interesting and sweet dog.
  4. @Crazy For Cats, Jake, a VeryHappy Birthday to you! and a Happy Birthday to Sandi’s DS. @StLouisCruisers! He is a very busy man. Bon Voyage to Roy @rafinmd. I am enjoying traveling with you vicariously. It was 32 when we went outside this morning. It will only get up to 42 as a high today. I may even break out the big coat but it seems too soon, We are very well acquainted with pneumonia here. It has a really long recovery period when there have been multiple episodes. Tana says that she is feeling better but she is quite debilitated physically this time. We have no aide on the weekends but slowly work through the necessary tasks together. I told her it was Happy Hour Day and we both had a good laugh. I would love to see today’s port. Maybe some day. Thanks to all that post pictures. And thanks to all for the Daily. It is such a positive part of the day for me.
  5. @Cruzin Terri, I just saw your lovely wish for us, thank you. I hope Jim feels better today and that you both enjoy the cruise.
  6. Good morning. It is a sunny cool morning and won’t go beyond 50 today. I salute all the veterans past and present.We had quite a few in the family and there are three who serve actively now. Mac and cheese sounds good and would make a nice meal tonight.I have tried lately to try new recipes and it is funny how the reviews go. I am probably better sticking to the old favorites. I once caused a huge hubbub trying to change some of the Thanksgiving recipes. Thank you again to @cat shepard and @StLouisCruisers for your good wishes for us. We are up and down here but managing. @GTVCRUISER,Bon Voyage!
  7. Good morning. It is cloudy and drizzling on and off with a temp of 50. I think that will be the high of the day as well.I am not a good accountant and am grateful for those who do this work. Vanilla cupcakes are my preference, I am odd in my food choices. I was in the hospital recovering from surgery when the Berlin Wall came down. It was fascinating to watch on cable TV while stuck in a bed. The recipes look so good but I would have breakfast for dinner and try the second one. Thanks Debbie @dfish. I found a PBS Masterpiece series that takes place in Sardinia and the surrounding islands. The scenery is great but the show itself is an Italian soap opera. It is called “ Back to the Island”. Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers, for the great photos. Have a great day today everyone.
  8. Bon Voyage to @Heartgrove. My trusty weather person just said it will be sunny later this afternoon in time for your sail away. Have a great cruise.
  9. Good morning. It is 45 and cloudy here and will go up to 60 later. I made potato leek soup and vegetarian chili so far this morning. I woke up at 3:30 and never went back to sleep. I guess I put the time to good use. We have many art museums to choose from and if time were free I would revisit the Met. Believe it or not even Yonkers has a museum. It sits on the Hudson and often has interesting exhibits. I despair over the world situation and the times we live in but I have to hope for freedom for all of us. The quote makes my head hurt. I do like butternut squash but wonder how it would be received here as a pastry. The port looks beautiful in the pictures. Thanks to Sandi @StLouisCruisers, for taking us there. @ger_77, I am happy to hear your DH is feeling better and I hope the pacemaker check goes well today. Have a great day everyone!
  10. Good morning. It is chilly and will not get much above 45 or so. The sun is out. I look forward to the recipe as today’s dinner has yet to be decided. I have not been to Albania but we have several families on our street who came from there. One family has opened a small grocery on our main drag and I enjoy shopping there. Yesterday I walked the three blocks to our usual polling place and was told it had been changed to a downtown location. I had the card the Board of Elections sent with the usual place indicated on it. I walked the two miles there and back and was very aware of the steep hills , especially coming home. I wonder why the change was made…. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I was so glad to read yesterday that you had pain relief at least for a while. Let’s hope it continues in that direction. Have a great day everyone!
  11. @ger_77, Geri, I keep thinking about the I’ll fated ice rescuers and the little girl. That is just so sad. I also meant to say yesterday that your Thanksgiving for your Ukrainian friends was a wonderful thing to do.It sounded like a huge success and their dessert offering sounded tasty. Plus, you have great leftovers!
  12. Good morning. It will be a little warmer today and the rain we had overnight has stopped. I think most families have dealt with the realities of cancer. We are still shocked here by the rapid decline DH had. I met others while going for treatment and medical appointments who have been dealing with their illnesses for years. I have not been to Turkey but thank Sandi for the nice photos. I have chicken that needs to be cooked today so await the recipe from Debbie. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, the motor home looks so nice. I admire your driving skills . I can’t imagine backing that up! @JazzyV, Vanessa, what is up with the Social Worker? I wish there was more of a push on the medical folks to find a solution for you. I was so fortunate last year to get my hip surgery done very quickly.Like you, the pain was much worse at night when lying supine. I must have had five different pillows in bed with me in an attempt to find a position that was manageable. @dfish, I am glad River has you and Sue to go to but it must break your heart to hear a six year old say she doesn’t want to go home. I am almost seventy years old but still remember my wonderful aunt who often took all three of us for a week at a time. We always knew we could call her when the home front became too chaotic. Have a great day today!
  13. @rafinmd Roy, safe travels today and Bon Voyage on the 12th. I always enjoy your great trip reports and I am so glad you can travel again. @grapau27, I am also very happy to hear that your appointment went well. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, Congratulations on the new motor home. I was glad to read that you will be traveling soon to your winter home. It sure sounds like a lot of work. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I remain very concerned about the severity of your pain and the associated numbness and tingling. I wish something could be done to help soon.
  14. Good morning. It is 45 and partly sunny going up to 52 later. The dogs here are of course confused by the time change. I usually do what Jacqui @kazu does and gradually change their dinner time by fifteen minutes. I heard that the cats next door were irate. Basketball has always been popular here . We have always been Celtics fans. My grandchildren are going to a game at the gaahden for their birthday next week. The recipe might be interesting to the carnivores as anything carbonara is popular. I have not been to the port but I am fascinated to read tales by those who have. Those Komodo dragons are scary to me. I don’t know if I would feel safe even being in their neighborhood, in spite of the guides that go with the travelers.I am afraid of the large raccoon that lives under our shed and won’t bring out the trash after dark. Have a great day everyone.
  15. Sandi. @StLouisCruisers, I am very sorry to hear about Susan’s brother Mark. My condolences to her and the family as well as you. I was happy to hear that her husband Scott will be closer to her. I hope he continues to improve.
  16. Good morning. It is. 46 going up to 63 later today and partly cloudy. My hair was once red and I did love it but it is now gray. We have been to the port and I even think there are pictures somewhere.The recipe sounds good and I like the Vonnegut quote. I think my DD DH would have loved his gathering yesterday. We were in a basement room called a “Speakeasy” which was decorated with pictures taken over the years in frames. There was the capability for a slide show but DD and I felt we would not be able to look at it without tears. Of course, there were tears anyway but an awful lot of people told me how kind Lou was and how missed he will be. He was a man who loved his family and his work. My great niece told me yesterday that she studied to be a Social Worker because of him. It was great to see everyone and be out in the world for a few hours. A huge thank you to all who wished us well yesterday. I truly appreciated your support and good wishes.
  17. I wish I lived closer!Great presents for your friends though…..
  18. Good morning. It is chilly at 35 now but going up to 50 later. We have beautiful sunshine and I look forward to nice walks with the dogs. Two of our out of town visitors arrived yesterday and are staying with DD next door. We will have seven here for dinner tonight and I am making a vegetarian lasagna this morning. We were in Liverpool on our Prinsendam British Isles cruise. It was great fun to go to the Beatles museum and ride the ho ho bus. I remember a church on a hill that we saw. It had been bombed during WW2 and was left in that condition. I took lots of pictures that I subsequently lost due to a computer failure and my failure to back them up. @superoma, I am so glad things went well and that you have improved vision. @JazzyV, I am very concerned about the pain you are having and I really hope the PM and R doc as well as the neurosurgeon’s PA can get things going to help. @Cruzin Terri, I hope UC is of help today with Jim’s knee @grapau27, I always enjoy your pictures and I am glad you were able to park by the sea today. I often go sit for a few minutes by the Hudson River to just see the water. It always helps with things! There is a pier in downtown Yonkers that is across from the NJ Palisades and I never tire of the view.
  19. I just read about baby Murphy and it certainly is good news. I am also glad your hand surgery date is sooner@cruising sister. @Cruzin Terri, I must echo the others and ask Jim to really think about X-rays and an MD eval. The knee can have a host of potential problems and swells because of trauma or inflammation.
  20. Good morning. It is quite nippy here and we remain very grateful that the boiler is working well.I have progressed to wearing my heavier winter jacket as well as gloves when dog walking. @aliaschief, Bruce, was it still dark when your ship passed the Statue of Liberty? The last time I saw the Intrepid it was in the company of DS’s Cub Scout troop. I really enjoyed it but it was hard to keep up with those boys. My DD DH was not known for his skills in the kitchen. There were times when he had to prepare meals and I noticed the kids were very interested in learning how to cook after that. I will pass on the recipe today as curry and I are not friends. Today I am making a bean and pasta soup for our dining pleasure. I think corn bread will go well with it. I have not been to Japan. The pictures yesterday of Juneau were outstanding. Thank you to all contributors. We are expecting about forty people on Saturday for Lou’s last party. I am grateful that DD and DS have done the organizing for this as it has been very emotional for me. I look forward to seeing my Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire family members .
  21. I am happy to report the boiler is working. It was a quick fix and in the nick of time. It will be very cold tonight with a possible freeze. I know it is not like the frozen tundra but I am wearing a hat, gloves and two sweaters until the house warms up.
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