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Posts posted by purplemusik

  1. I am so loving this review. This has got to be the cutest picture, ever! The matching hat and trunks is just too adorable. What is really impressing me is how nicely dressed your 3 children are. Formal night was just so cute. I thought I love the matching ties and vests on the boys. Your daughter looks adorable in her dresses also.


    Your review is a wonderful family review. I like how you show that it's not always about spending lots of money on excursions. You all walked around and had a great time. Good to see.



    Thank you SO much! And it's so funny you say that because EVERY SINGLE ITEM of clothing you see on them, I got on clearance in the fall before the cruise.And when I say clearance, I mean like 2.00 a piece! Even gifted it up in a big box for them to open on Christmas! HA! Hey, if I knew they were going to have to have new summer clothes in Feb for the cruise, I wasn't about to spend all that money again in Feb. right after Christmas! So, I picked stuff up here and there and I would bet I didn't spend over $100 for all 3 kids for 7 days-dinner and day clothes ( and that's pushing it with their suits being $16 each- lol ). And when it comes to the excursions, I research so much so I get the most out of my money and pay the least I can. We had an AMAZING time with each of these tours.

  2. We went back on the ship to have lunch and let the kids play in the Waterworks area. They loved it ( as they always do ). I have been dying to go on the Liberty and liked that cruise better but the dealbreaker with the kids was Waterworks. Next time Liberty...next time....




    Hey look...it's ME!








  3. The GF and I were on this cruise with you. Absolutely fantastic time and perfect weather the entire trip!


    Not sure if you noticed or not but the Dream played Leapfrog with Oasis the entire time!



    I did notice! And I didn't appreciate it since I felt like it was teasing me. I can't decide if I want to go on her or not!

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