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Posts posted by purplemusik

  1. * squeel * woke up this morning and I can see the pictures! Can't wait for the rest of the review!


    I can't imagine trying to figure out flights before a cruise ( I live in Central FL )! I'd be a nervous wreck that my flight would be soooo delayed or canceled! I'm already an anxious person- I'd be a nervous wreck! lol. I already panic we won't get to the ship " in time " ( in time meaning when I want to be there....not before the ship leaves- lol ) and we live 30 min away from the port!

  2. This will be our first time using off site parking ( Park N Cruise- Port Canaveral ) and my mom asked me a question I wasn't sure how to answer so I thought I'd ask here :)


    I am very aware we tip the porter at the port when they take our bags but who loads up our bags into the off site parking shuttle and do we tip them?

  3. I'm glad you posted this because I'm traveling with a party of 9 in Feb and we decided on early dining with the kids but were tempted when I posted a question on here about going to YTD ( we've always done it and have never, ever had to wait for a table - upto 6 people at a time ) and so many people said even with big parties, they wouldn't have to wait much. We decided to stick with the early seating juuuuuust to be sure. Glad I did now. I realize every ship/experience is different but this would've made me nervous if I had changed it!

  4. LOVE all these ideas! My mom used to surprise me as a kid for Christmas by saying for months not to get my hopes up, we couldn't afford it, we aren't doing that this year...and I would get it! ONE year she really couldn't and I didn't get it and I was devestated because she had always said that in the past! lol

  5. Just posted by John:




    OK, lots of you are talking about the words “ family style “ we used when talking about our superb new menus and I want to clarify a few things for you if I may.


    This is not family style as Italians would describe. If there’s a nation that knows how to enjoy good food better than the Italians, I’ve yet to meet them. Nowhere else have they made the family meal such an art form?

    You’ll find whole ...generations from the grandmother in her black shawl to the babies being passed from lap to lap sitting around the same table chatting and eating, and eating and chatting, the noise of their conversation increasing with every course. Being an Italian family also means that you all have to have at least one argument at the table……because in Italy…….that is the law.


    You know, Italians often sound as if they’re having a vicious argument, even when they’re discussing football, cars or rumpy pumpy. Yet these arguments are not really arguments, they are conversations spoken passionately.


    It strikes me that in Britain and America we’ve lost that ability to have a proper heartfelt, and yet still civilised, disagreement. When we fall out with a stranger here on Facebook we have two modes of defence, either simmering moody resentment, or all out nuclear F-word attack. Silence or aggression…………..that’s it.

    Anyway, I digress as usual. So if it doesn’t mean family style as in the Italian definition what does it mean. I simply means that if you are with your family and along with the individual appetisers you ordered you fancy something to “share” then you can and yes at bugger all extra charge.


    Now if you are with a table of people you have just met that first night of the cruise then I doubt you will want to share anything straight away, especially if they are French. But…………….I know many of you love the tradition of making new friends at dinner and long may that continue. So by day three of the cruise you may decide to share a plate together but only if you wish.


    That means on casual nights you can…………..or not………………share the following.



    Zesty tomato sauce, lemon aioli



    Caramelized onions, mushrooms, ricotta cheese



    House made dressing, shaved Parmesan


    We will appropriately size them based on how many guests order that particular one at the table and I will have a menu with all the appetisers and main courses etc soon



    I will have an example of one of the menus tonight but thought it best that I clear this up. I think it’s a brilliant addition. Imagine, passing the Flatbread around the table, talking about the fun you had at the Punchliner comedy club last night while you wait for your appetizer of Seared Tuna with romesco vinaigrette and cucumber salad all while hoping nobody saw that just 35 minutes ago………………you ate a huge Guy Fieri burger.


    If reading this has given you a extraordinary hunger then let me help diminish it by reminding you I am writing this in my underpants…………….that should help.

  6. You can't please everybody....there's always gonna be someone who will find something to complain about. I'm definitely not one of those people. I love cruising and I will be happy as long as I'm onboard

    Me too!! Even with the smaller/ older ships... I'm still a very happy girl! Sure, I may look at something and go," Wow, that must have been really flashy back in the day!" but then I move right along and go EAT or DRINK or RELAX. I don't make a mental note and come on here and bash the ship on how badly it needs to be updated. lol

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