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Posts posted by Sparky74

  1. 2 hours ago, Elorac123 said:

    Sparky how was this cruise ?

    I am reading on another platform about broken generator slowing down the ship and therefore missing or shortened time in ports.

    I am booked for Northern explorer in November and have got the third time unlucky jitters

    ,first time Princess sold Sun then the dreaded C struck hope it’s all fixed up soon (not getting any younger)

    Cheers Carole

    The only issue we had was that it was too short!


    As we prepared to get away I started questioning if it was worth the effort for such a short cruise but as we drove up the highway I felt like a burden was lifted. Once we ere on the ship I decided that yes, it was worth the effort. But before we knew it, it was time to pack and head home again. Still and all, it was great to have a mini break before the preChristmas busyness really kicked in. I’d certainly consider doing it again. 

    In unrelated news, DW and I are both currently down with the COVID. Others have had to take on our responsibilities for the last couple of days and our planned trip to Scone for Christmas with my family (1st time in 14 years) isn’t happening, which is a disappointment. 🤷‍♂️ But hopefully I'll see them for my significant birthday in a couple of weeks instead. 

    Bring on the next cruise!😁

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  2. And we’re back in the land of mobile signal. DW is just showering and getting dressed before we go for breakfast. 
    then it will be time to clamber off the ship, retrieve our car from Portside, and head for home. 
    We had 50 OBC due to our shares. DW had a couple of soft drinks and we purchased our boarding photo. This still left $8 so I explored the shops last night and got DW some chocolates. 
    It was an effort to get away for this short cruise but worth it for the refreshing break we’ve enjoyed.
    Now, let the silly season begin! 🎄🎅


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  3. 5 minutes ago, Ozwoody said:

    Looks fine I'd take it.

    The trouble these days is the number of USB hungry devises I need to take with me.

    Phone; Tablet; shaver; hearing Aids (his & hers); Tooth brushes (his & hers); Watch; Camera battery.

    Two points just doesn't do it these days.😄

    This is just a 3 night "Seacation". We’re taking phones and tablets. I’m fully bearded at the moment so only shave my neck and I use a razor. We’re not at the hearing aid stage yet although that day is rapidly approaching. We use old fashioned manual toothbrushes and my watch is a self winder I inherited from my grandfather. DW isn’t even taking the camera on this trip, just the phone. 😁

    • Like 1
  4. 32 minutes ago, Aus Traveller said:

    I doubt that snorkelling gear would be much use on a cruise to Airlie Beach. If the family goes on a trip to the Reef, the excursion company will have the gear that is required. I feel that snorkelling gear for four kids would be a fair bit of stuff to carry and it wouldn't be used anyway.

    Apparently they are doing a snorkelling excursion at Airlie Beach. While equipment might be supplied Personally I'd rather use my own than put a second hand snorkel in my mouth! 

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  5. 2 hours ago, MMDown Under said:

    A whole of family gift or gifts for four boys and French exchange student?  I notice big families always have room for one more.   Destination would help in gift choices?

    It’s 4 nights to Airlie Beach ex Brisbane. I’ve spoken to the mum this morning and she said that soft drink packages and snorkelling gear were both on her list to get but she’s happy for me to get either of those  😁

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  6. There is a family at church that are going on their first ever cruise during the upcoming school holidays. Mum, Dad, four boys aged 16 to 6 plus their French exchange student. The kids won’t find out until Christmas Day. 

    I need to check but I think the cruise is on P&O. I’m not sure if it’s to the Pacific Islands or if it’s up the Qld coast.  As DW & I don’t have any kids of our own, we’d like to give them a Christmas present, something for the cruise.


    I'm thinking snorkelling equipment or soft drink packages. Any other ideas?

  7. 13 minutes ago, MMDown Under said:

    Oh yes I forgot about the front bench seat.  Did you used to stop at parks with play equipment en route.  We did. What kind of accomodation did you stay with a family of six?

    We must have been rich because we stayed in motels! We weren’t a camping family. Even when we had a picnic or BBQ Dad would complain that we were "living like the blacks."  His words, not mine! 😱

    On the Cairns trip we stayed with Dad's sister and family in Mackay on the way up and with his elderly uncle at Hughenden on the way home. I clearly remember staying in a motel at Emerald on the way back to Bundaberg because we accidentally stole a lime green towel. 🤦‍♂️

    We rented a unit in Thredbo called "Blue Duck Lodge". Don’t ask me how I can remember that. 
    Before my youngest sister was born, we had a fortnight in a camper-van in New Zealand and toured both islands. It must have been 1979 and I would have been 5. We borrowed my grandparents movie camera for the trip and Mum managed to pack everything in two ports. Us kids must have been 9, 5, and 3. 
    Those were the three big trips of my childhood. Annual holidays weren’t a thing for us when I was growing up but I’m making up for it now! This time next week we will be on the road to Brisbane to board the Coral Princess for a 3 night "Seacation". 😁 

  8. 1 minute ago, MMDown Under said:

    I still have all my AA maps and accommodation books.  Oh the joys of long distance car trips with kids in the back.  How did your family fit four?  They didn't have the extra row of seats in 1982.  My girlfriend had three children.  The youngest had to sit in the middle of the back seat and look straight ahead, not look out the older two's windows!! I had two girls with the Esky in the middle of the back seat. Decided two was a good number without buying a bigger car.

    We had a bench seat in the front. So Mum, Dad, and 11yo in the front. 8yo, 6yo, and 2yo in car seat in the back. 
    At least we had air conditioning. 
    In about 1988 the six of us did a road trip from Bundaberg to Thredbo and return in the same vehicle. Mum, Dad, and 17yo in the front, 14yo, 12yo, and 8yo in the back! 😱

    That was probably our last family road trip. 

  9. 8 hours ago, arxcards said:

    Do they still make them? I still have a Newcastle, Sydney, Wollongong, Blue Mountains, ACT edition.


    I can also remember going into the NRMA to the map section to get the freebies whenever you were going on a road trip.

    I remember we had a whole series of those free maps from the RACQ when we did our road trip from Bundaberg to Cairns in 1982. Mum, Dad, and 4 kids (11 down to 2) in an XD Falcon station wagon. I’d much rather travel by cruise ship!

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  10. 1 hour ago, snoozecrooze said:

    Not really seeing any reason to prefer the Caribbean IMO except maybe for her being outfitted with the aft Skywalkers in a special way and for the specially located window suites on deck 6. I really encourage the Sapphire for its flexibility (such as a covered pool) and you'll be endlessly thankful for less overall passengers onboard.

    Yes, we tend to prefer slightly smaller ships. We’re on the Coral Princess for a 3 night "Seacation" next weekend. 😁

  11. 3 minutes ago, MMDown Under said:


    I think there are so many different names for togs because Aussies live in the water at the beach or in dams and rivers in the bush.  Annette Kellerman, the long distance swimmer, pushed for women to wear practical swimsuits.  She cut off the bottom of the men's swimsuits.  She became known as the "million dollar mermaid" and a movie was made of her life.  She was my great aunt's sister. 


    My claim to fame is that at a very young age I (apparently) received swimming lessons from Michelle Pearson who later went on to win Commonwealth and Olympic medals for swimming. 

  12. DW and I are Australians. Last year we flew to Seattle and really enjoyed a 7 night Alaskan cruise on HAL but were disappointed that our helicopter flight to Mendenhall Glacier and dog sledding excursion was cancelled due to the weather. 

    We're hoping to return to Alaska next year, 2025 when we will have the luxury of 8 weeks vacation, but not unlimited funds. Our current plan is to cruise for 7 nights from Vancouver to Whittier, spend 2 weeks exploring the Anchorage/Denali/Fairbanks area, then cruise for 7 nights from Whittier back to Vancouver. I have been posting questions on the Alaska board. See link below.


    I've come over here to ask about the Caribbean Princess and the Sapphire Princess. Although they are both Grand Class ships, I understand that the Sapphire Princess is larger (115,875 gross tonnes as apposed to 110,894 gross tonnes) yet she hold less passengers (2674) than the Caribbean Princess (3110). Have I got this right?


    We're leaning towards the Sapphire Princess as we’d prefer a ship with less passengers. Is there any reason we should be drawn towards the Caribbean Princess instead?






  13. 16 minutes ago, arxcards said:

    Nikko = Texta, or a permeant marker. Americans tend to call them Sharpie's. Like a biro, they have little to do with local language, but are just brand names. Much like calling something a hoover instead of a vacuum cleaner, or liquid paper instead of correction fluid. Tilly was also brand related to UK Leyland utilities during WW2 (Austin's. Hillmans etc). To call a Holden Ute a Tilly would be a stretch. 


    Nikon = camera

    Nickoff = go away 

    I think I was in high school (or at least upper primary school) before I heard the term "ute". It was always a tilly. Oh, and we were a Ford family, not Holden! 😁


    Now "nickoff" I am familiar with. I was often told to do that. Or to POQ. Come to think of it, I still am! 🤣🤣🤣




    Funny how this thread has wandered. It’s nothing to do with Cunard now. 🤷‍♂️

    • Haha 3
  14. 8 minutes ago, arxcards said:

    Swimmers when I was growing up. Now budgies or .... stickers.

    I’ve come across togs, swimming togs, swimmers, bathers, bathing costume, cossi, and even swimming trunks. 
    Then there’s board shorts or boardies, the Americans have "jams", rashies, bikinis, and a one-piece. 
    I’ve heard Speedos (I think that’s a brand name too) called budgie smugglers or even DTs (and don’t ask what that stands for) 😱

    But "stickers" is a new one on me. 🤷‍♂️



  15. I’m currently thinking that we might do a 7 night Northbound cruise (Vancouver to Whittier). Then spend two weeks in the Anchorage/Denali/Fairbanks area. We could then do a 7 night Southbound cruise (Whittier to Vancouver) on the same ship. I think it might be kinda nice to do both cruises on the same ship and see the same staff and crew again. Also I'm guessing that 14 days should give us sufficient time to explore the area.


    I’m wondering if we can get by without hiring a car? We drive on the left in Australia and I’m not sure how I’d go driving on the "wrong" side of the road. 😁 I’m thinking maybe after getting off the ship we catch the train straight up to Denali for a few days, then on to Fairbanks for about a week. I wouldn’t mind doing a day trip to North Pole from Fairbanks. Then maybe fly to Anchorage for a few days maybe with a day trip (or even overnight) to Seward before we reboard the ship in Whittier. 

    When is the best time to view Salmon running? Is June too early?

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  16. 4 hours ago, MMDown Under said:

    YES the country people in Qld. didn't want the term peanut butter used.  Peanut paste it was!  I don't know what a nikko is and maybe I shouldn't ask. 

    Port = suitcase

    Duchess  = dressing table

    Tilly = ute or utility truck

    Refidex = street directory 

    Peanut Paste = peanut putter

    Nikko = permanent marker


    Sometimes older people from outside Qld are familiar with the term "duchess set" which refers to a set of three doilies that sit on a dressing table. 

    It’s now 8 days until our next cruise. 😁 I mustn’t forget to pack my togs. 


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  17. I believe that "port" is short for portmanteau which strictly speaking is a hinged case with two equal halves. Growing up we had ports like this; the lid was symmetrical with the base. 

    Early in my working life I asked a colleague (originally from Victoria) if I could borrow her Nikko. When she refused I wanted to know why and she replied that she know what a Nikko was!


    DW was born and raised in NSW. It triggers her if I talk about peanut paste but back in the day "butter" could only refer to a dairy product in Qld. 

    Now, will someone please hand me the Referdex…

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