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Everything posted by TravelGirlinDallas

  1. They have a very extensive port complex. There’s a free pool. There’s also a bird exhibit for a fee. Restaurants, bars, gelato, shops. It’s worth a look around if you’ve never been. Some folks recommend the Krazy Lobster nearby, but I’ve never been there.
  2. That would be great, will just have to see what the coach does. He previously had Andrew practicing at receiver, so obviously that will have to change. He's a little small for defense. Hopefully, he'll get to be involved somehow.
  3. He's pretty bummed about starting the school year this way. I'm pretty sad for him, too. Hopefully, it won't be as bad as it seems. And 4 weeks in the cast is shorter than I expected (it was 6 weeks last time he broke this same finger).
  4. So beautiful! The landscape doesn't look like that here right now, for sure, with weeks and weeks of 100+. We could use the rain.
  5. Thanks! He got his cast yesterday. Today, we will start figuring out how to adapt so he can still play his French horn and participate in athletics. We’ve been in contact with his teachers. All this for a pinky. ☹️
  6. Andrew broke his left pinky finger AGAIN while throwing a football with Brian today. The first time was in 2019. Unfortunately, this time it’s going to affect playing football at school, which he was really excited about. 😭 He’s also dreading being stuck in a cast again for the next 6 weeks. Waiting on a call from ortho for that.
  7. Thanks! I agree, but part of the reason I worried was because his ped voiced concern at times. He was typically in 75% for height and below 25% for weight (at times closer to 10%). He is very active and very healthy now, though.
  8. I went to a small-town high school that didn’t teach calculus. A few years later, I found myself in a graduate-level economics course for my MBA, and guess what was required in that class? I had to figure it out, fast. 😬
  9. Andrew basically survived on *air* until he turned 12. When he was younger, he rarely ever finished a child’s meal at a restaurant and only ate a few bites at mealtimes at home. I must admit I did worry about it. Now that he is a teen, however, he finally has an appetite. Brian’s family is full of accomplished runners and athletes, and thankfully Andrew inherited their physique instead of mine. 😁
  10. We didn't feel comfortable letting our son do things on the ship without us until he was 12. Even now at 13, he mostly chooses to stick with us and do whatever we're doing, or to hang out in the cabin by himself. He will go get pizza or snacks by himself, but he doesn't just wander around. Also, he has access to a phone and we always get the wifi package, so he can contact us at any time if we are not together.
  11. I had this a couple of weeks ago on Allure! I liked the cheesecake pieces, but when I asked the server what was in the cream, she said it was non-dairy whipped topping. Literally Cool Whip. πŸ˜‚ I was not interested in that, so Andrew ate it for me. The meal at 150 was really great, but I did think that part was odd.
  12. Why is San Pedro like this?? We experienced it for the first time on our Princess cruise last March. There is a port building there (the one they showed occasionally on the Love Boat), but a Celebrity ship was docked by it. We had to use the tents. And some of them were looking old and pretty rough, and wet inside because it had been raining. Why can't they build a second building there?
  13. Our Lucy cat is 6 years old; we adopted her 1.5 years ago when she was 5. She is the sweetest thing, but has definitely been the most medically challenging of all of the cats we've ever had. Even though she was fully vetted and by the rescue we got her from and said to be in great health, she has just had one thing after another. A few months after we adopted her, she was found to have a large bladder stone, and had surgery for it shortly after. She seemed to thrive for a while after that, and she filled out (she needed to) and got up to about 11 lbs. I noticed recently that she seemed skinnier and was losing weight, so back to the vet we went. She has always been a little kitty, but she currently weighs only 7 lbs! The blood tests showed a slightly elevated TSH, so we are waiting on the results of further testing to confirm the hyperthyroidism diagnosis. I had another cat with thyroid issues a few years ago, but the medicine for it nearly killed him. The cat was already age 15 at that time, so the vet just said to discontinue the meds and let him enjoy the rest of his life. This time, Lucy is much younger, so her treatment will need to be longer-term. The vet mentioned that there is now a cream type of thyroid medication that you can rub on the inside of their ears, which sounds a lot better than giving a cat a pill twice a day (which I have totally done in the past, but it's not fun). Plus, that will be easier for our pet service to do for her while we are traveling. Anyway, still waiting on the additional test results and next steps from the vet, but it's been weighing on my mind this week. None of my other cats have really had any sort of medical issues until toward the end, so this journey with Lucy has been interesting.
  14. This is what I do, too. Place the carrier upright on the floor and lower the cat in. However, I currently share in your injuries. I was trimming one cat's claws over the weekend, he got startled by something and tore me up. He got my hand, belly, and the side of my leg on his way out. Normally, he doesn't fight the trimming too much, but this time something scared him the way he suddenly went nuts. Ouch. P.S. I did not give him treats after that.
  15. I think Lip Sync Battle didn't return after the shutdown, either.
  16. Oh, they only serve drinks with flavored candy straws now, which can melt before you are finished drinking the beverage.
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