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Everything posted by trippingpara

  1. I have sailed on multiple lines with the majority of our cruises with the Big 3 (Carnival, RCCL and NCL). Trying to compare them to Virgin is definitely an apples to oranges comparison. I'm not going to try to say if an apple is better than an orange as it is subjective based on the individual's tastes and preferences. For us, Virgin is hand's down our preferred line now. We feel like we are nickel and dimed to death on the Big 3 where we didn't open our wallet at all after we paid for the trip and purchased some Bar Tab to cover our drink bill (which also helped to ensure we didn't go overboard with our drinking). If you are looking or at least are open to things being different than they are on Royal, then yes, by all means I cannot recommend a Virgin cruise enough. Their food is the best I've ever had on a cruise including the late night pizza parlor. Better then many of our local pizza shops on land! And their free ice cream...oh vey!! So good! Their entertainment is some of the best I've seen as well. Top of the line musicians and their shows are fabulous, unless you are looking for a Broadway show. However, Virgin is the first cruise line to have a cruise built show move to land performances, while all the other cruise lines copy land-based shows and move them to their cruises.
  2. On our recent Cape Town to Barcelona sailing on Resilient Lady, we got our daily juices primarily from the Gym and Tonic. But we did get them once from the Dock too with no problem. They just hand you the juice, don't even bother to scan your bracelet as long as you have the SoR band on. I believe there were 4 or 5 juice options to choose from (they were the same options the whole 18 day cruise). The cold pressed juices cost $10 to $11 each and are not included in the SoR program, just the fresh pressed juices which normally run around $5 to $6 each.
  3. I agree 100% with these ideas although I'm not sure if replacing the net with an aft pool would be feasible. I'm not a structural engineer but I would imagine that a pool with several hundred to a thousand plus gallons of water would need to be supported from below which would then impede on the aft views of the Deck 15 Rockstar suites. But then again if they could be in an all-acrylic tank with views of the wake below would be pretty friggin' awesome!
  4. Really? This was our first one so I don't have anything to go by, but we found it super easy to get our food. Much easier than on other lines in their crowded buffets and we never had a problem getting a seat either. Maybe we were lucky and always missed the true peak times. We have a couple more booked (one in the Caribbean and the Panama Canal transit) so I guess we'll see how comparable it will be.
  5. We were also on that cruise but never had to wait when walking up and ordering at each station during any meal. We also had no problem flipping up the flag and ordering through a server. With only 1,400 sailors onboard we never found the Galley (or any place) overly crowded even during peak times and there were plenty of servers walking around to take your orders.
  6. From the few photos I've seen, it appears that Decks 7 and 8 are inset more than the other lady ships (which matches the new sea terrace cabin type on Deck 8 with the shallower balcony). So , it appears that one would still be able to circumnavigate the exterior on Deck 7.
  7. We got our coffee credit on disembarkation day last week on Resilient Lady with no problem. Everything worked like a normal morning would. Got our free juice as normal (Splash of Romance) and our free coffee for DBE.
  8. We ordered a couple glasses of Dom last week on Resilient Lady and the bottle had been previously opened and it was still very fresh and very tasty. It did appear to have the covavin on the bottle.
  9. My wife and I train in Krav Maga and this will be the longest that we have been away from our training since we started over 6 years ago. We're pretty stoked to see that Virgin has a boxing ring on Deck 16 where we could potentially practice sparring. But we would rather not fill our luggage with our sparring gear. Does Virgin offer gear for this? If so, do they clean them? Or are you expected to bring your own gear? We have 12 sea days on our upcoming cruise so being able to train and spar some would be awesome. Thanks!
  10. I think it's going to depend a lot on the length of the cruise. On shorter cruises where shows will only be performed once, might be a bit crazy trying to get in. But on longer cruises with shows being performed multiple times, it will probably work as the crowds will be spread across the shows. This is how it always was on Carnival when we cruised with them and it always worked out well. There was a lot less stress trying to book everything and planning your whole vacation out as soon as you boarded. We really prefer to go with the flow while on vacation so we're looking forward to this change.
  11. Thank you. I was afraid you were going to say that. That's pretty steep. I took my daughter on one of these years ago on Carnival and it was the same places on the ship. Neat to see but not sure it's $200 worth of neatness!
  12. Is it $200 per person or per cabin?
  13. They are testing it out currently on the Auckland to Sydney cruise that is going on right now on the Resilient Lady. You only have to book paid events like Another Rose. All other shows are first come, first served.
  14. I use both Photopills and The Photographer's Ephemeris (TPE). I use Photopills on my phone and TPE on both my computer and phone. I tend to use Photopills more for calculations and TPE more for planning out my shots in advance when traveling.
  15. I used the chat function online and got VV to book all of my restaurants for me. No sense banging my head against the wall. Got all my restaurants booked at the times I wanted in about ten minutes. Easy peasy.
  16. We have Gunbae booked on our first full evening onboard the Resilient Lady and again a little over a week later. From what I've been seeing on various YouTube reviews, it appears that they just bring everything out to you to eat amongst the table. So that has me wondering if it is worth doing it more than once if you are going to be eating the same meal again. Or does the food change up?
  17. We changed to the same itinerary and received confirmation back about 4 hours later. I thought that was pretty good compared to the week for our Brilliant Lady cancellation.
  18. I wonder if they would cancel the Singapore to Dubai leg as well and sail it straight across the Indian Ocean towards South Africa instead of sailing it north to Dubai and then backtracking south along East Africa. Would that give them enough time to make the extended run to the Med without impacting any of the Med cruises? I hear that there is a lot of talk in Israel on starting to scale down the war in Gaza. I wonder if that would be enough to make the Houthis simmer down some or if they would continue until Israel completely left Gaza which probably won't happen for quite some time.
  19. Thank you aqlollipop, that was very helpful!
  20. Tried that too. I have not been able to reach anyone at Squid Ink's email, website or Instagram. Hence why I'm asking here.
  21. Does anyone happen to know what the hours are at Squid Ink? I tried to send them a message on their site and of course, in true Virgin Voyages fashion, the app errored out. I'm wondering if they are open in the evenings on port days (essentially, is it possible to book an appointment after you return from spending the day in port). I'm planning on waiting in line early on departure day to try and grab one of the first choices of available slots and I'm just trying to get an idea of what days and times I want to try and grab if I can. Thanks!
  22. trippingpara


    I travel to India regularly for work and have stopped carrying INR as most places accept credit cards. The only ones I've found that only take cash are street vendors (sugar water - yum!) but I would not recommend eating food from street vendors (Delhi Belly). A few tourist sites will accept INR but almost all now accept cards too. You can export a small amount of INR out of the country legally (essentially left over spending money).
  23. It wasn't there for me either. As soon as I entered the credit card, that was it. The screen looked different that what neverendingcruising showed. However, once I deleted the card and went back in, I could now select my previously entered card to use (since it was now on file) and then my screen looked like neverendingcruising. Thank you!! Now if I could just get this bloody screen #2 (Travel Documents) to work for my wifey, then I'd be golden!
  24. Where is this mysterious box to check? I'm having the same problem as tbmrt.
  25. I'm getting the same thing for my wife. No problem getting mine entered, but can't complete hers. I also can't figure out how the bloody hell to attach her to my payment method. This shouldn't be this bloody hard!!
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