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Everything posted by UKCruiseJeff

  1. Brings a whole new meaning to “Listen With Mother”. Jeff
  2. So the family watched television whilst you had a bath? Jeff
  3. There is always a reasonable balance that has to be compromised in caring society between the needs of majorities and minorities. Until relatively recently the most common type of service animal was for the blind. Since then there’s been an increase in the categories of qualifying dogs and a corresponding abuse of these new qualifying categories used by people simply wishing to take their much loved dogs on holiday with them. Effectively the human is a support human for the dog rather than the other way round because they do not wish to leave their dogs in kennels or in the care of someone else. I obviously don’t think blind people abuse this but it is the other categories that have people taking improper advantage. These people should not be indulged in order to protect blind people. There are other important considerations and factors to be considered. I’m sympathetic to blind people’s needs but I’m not convinced that a cruise ship should be presumed to be the best and a sufficiently safe place for a solo blind person. This has considerations for both themselves and other passengers. Mustering and lifeboats being a good example. Presumably a blind person should for their own enjoyment and safety on a cruise ship at sea - and for the safety of others - be at least accompanied by a sighted person and I’m not persuaded that the dog in those circumstances should be considered both essential and a universal right for blind people to impose on cruise lines to accommodate them without suitable facilities already in place simply to offer the right of the blind person to bring their dog on their holiday with them. Jeff
  4. I don’t think it unreasonable for people who wish to take a cruise and who genuinely need to take a service dog that in the interests of themselves, and their dog and in consideration of the other passengers, choose a cruise ship that has the appropriate facilities to accommodate them. Jeff
  5. They use to have poop decks.
  6. You pose a very interesting question. How can a dog be a genuine service dog if they are not essential to the owner when they get off of the ship in a port for the day? Time for them to be banned on the basis that the ship does not have the essential services to cater for them? 🤔 Jeff
  7. Over the last few days I have been diverting my attention from shiny things to extremely self-indulgent olive oil. The sort of oil that no restaurant would ever buy. I have just ordered some and I can barely contain my excitement. I am counting the hours. This is what my life has come to. Jeff
  8. You have to clean them? I thought you just bought them, unpacked them, Used them once, And then use them as an ornament. Until you buy a new ornament. And then it goes in the garage. Jeff
  9. Was this before or after she filled the tin bath in front of the fire? 😁 Jeff
  10. Good Afternoon Fellow Inmates, 🙂 Today’s coffee with Biscoff and some brandy from a cheap Spaniard called Napoleon. Have a great day all. 🏝️ Jeff
  11. The apparent lack of autonomy of on-board management has been a common and accelerating theme through several threads recently. The reason why customers should be particularly alarmed at these signs is in what has been the underlying cause. It could be a number of factors but the most likely seems to be an over-control of discretionary spend by ship management. The evidence for this has been in several threads. The most alarming has been provisioning. The heavy expense lines on accounts are mostly fixed costs. The variable lines left are those that most affect the customer experience. So cheap over-centrally controlled provisioning and the removal of on-board discretionary funding of local supplies when items are short is a good example. Is the line suffering from the converging trends of suppliers insisting on stricter credit terms and the preference to emasculate ship management from making things right. This management approach strangles the life out of an enthusiastic on-board management team and crew. They are providing a sub-standard product that they are not proud of and have had taken every potential solution taken from them. Jeff
  12. Hi Chris, I do understand and get the depth of upset but the only caveat I wish to make is that it is almost certainly likely to be unfair to call for the firing of people without understanding the issue much more fully. There are always at least two sides to every issue and story. I am edgy about these calls for firing everyone because what has been emerging on several threads is that whilst shipboard management are being held fully accountable (by both head office and the cruisers on board) for complaint and satisfaction resolution issues it also seems that they may not be being provided with the levels of both delegated authority and their own head office management confidence with the necessary resources to always deal with both the quantity and quality of the complaints they are receiving either promptly or even at all. This will have a real impact on an HD and their reporting teams to resolve things either rapidly or at all. We do not know, but it does seem possible that shipboard management are trying to resolve things with both hands tied behind their backs by their land-based senior team. it’s a possibility - we do not know. (I’m also not certain whether the HD actually outranks The Staff Captain who I think is the second in command). Another person posted “I’d hate to be an HD on Silversea” and I think we should have a touch of empathy with the emerging impossible job they are apparently trying to do. Bestest. Jeff
  13. That’s really - at least partly - reassuring Chris. I was a bit worried that you’d not come back and hoped it wasn’t serious. I hope that things go smoothly. You need to alert the insurers promptly /immediately to fully comply with their terms and improve your chances in the payout lottery. Best wishes to you both. Jeff
  14. They are also very good at honouring guarantees, Jeff
  15. Clarky's latest efforts are his ownership and running of his farm called Diddly Squat as he makes no money from it. It's on UK Amazon and you may be able to get it overseas if you have Prime. It's well worthwhile as Jeremy and his young farm manager Kaleb (who holds him in complete contempt at his farming efforts) and his other chap Gerald (who speaks his own indecipherable tongue) make amusing watching. Jeff
  16. That is in my book definitely and possible The One. It is shiny and that’s good enough for me and will leave more room in the garage for an electic car that will never move once purchased. Seriously. Buy it and play. The key things are really let it get hot and play around with the breads and cheese as well as the turkey you catch and slice! There is around in the uk quite a few panini type breads that are olive oil rich. Also a sublime panini and cheese protein is Milano, Napoli salami or Coppa. In my view much better. Do post and tell and let us drill the perfect panini together. Jeff
  17. You mistyped. I think you meant quadrupled. If you can’t manage a keyboard you’ll be hopeless at making a panini. Jeff
  18. Don’t be daft. You know the answer to that. I have every single kitchen gadget ever invented in my garage. You need more than $40. Breville/Cuisinart are the brands. In an absolutely ideal world you’d have a flat plate that’s reversible to a ridged plate. But then you also need a toasty plate. And a waffle plate. And then someone will think of something else-plate to sell us gullibles. Do yourself a favour spend more and get a bigger garage to store the stuff in. In the long run you’ll save money because you won’t have any more space to buy cars. Jeff
  19. You smutty person you. 😇 "Has anyone seen my pussy?" Jeff
  20. [Editor's note: here begins an extremely amusing sub-thread between @UKCruiseJeff and @Host Jazzbeau about BBC comedy series – if I say so myself! —Host Jazzbeau...] Thanks! There use to be a wonderful comedy TV programme in the UK about two men’s taylors called “Never Mind The Quality - Feel The Width!” Sums up my post! 😁 If anyone is interested in a taster … it wouldn’t be allowed now! Jeff
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