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Everything posted by alfaeric

  1. So because it harms the men's feelings, men should not be able to wear shorts in the MDR? Seriously? That's pretty weak. If women can bare their legs and feet with what they wear, men should be allowed, too.
  2. If Kilts are ok, why are shorts not? It makes no sense that legs are ok in one way, but so bad in others. And we have seen kilts.
  3. Just got off a pair of cruises- one on the Allure, one on the Radiance- I wore shorts for dinner a few times in each cruise. And that would include Costal Kitchen. Sandals, as well. Heck, on many nights I did wear pants, I also wore sandals. If anyone think's it's inappropriate, it's other guests, not the crew. And for the other guests, I really don't care what they think of me- if me wearing shorts and sandals to dinner ruins their vacation, that's totally their option. Honestly, if women can wear dresses and bare part of their legs, someone needs to explain to me why the same for men is so very bad. Same goes for shoes- there's almost no difference in how much of my foot can be seen vs many shoes women wear that are considered dressy. Someone wants to dress up, I'm 110% for that, as you always look great. But we pack for two weeks of cruising, and space is an issue.
  4. I was looking specifically for the headliner, which is what S.M.T. was looking for. Just looked for 4/15 and the headliner shows are not listed.
  5. We stayed the whole thing to just form an honest opinion of why we think it's so bad. But seeing others climb over people to get the remaining seats AND then climb all over people to escape was a fun distraction- we were way up in the nosebleeds in one of the little nooks.
  6. While there *should* be plenty of seats for Cats, the one time we saw it, it was super crowded- massive amounts of people squeezed in 5 min before showtime and then extended 5 more min. Then 20 min later, most of them left.
  7. I'm confused how this is a cost savings. Unless they are giving out a LOT of bottles of sparking wine, $250 to one person is more than 10 bottles of low cost sparkling wine. Especially the really cheap stuff with a plastic stopper.
  8. Do it via the app. It's faster and you can do it wherever you are on the ship. The only show that is actually full is the comedy club. The rest have quite a few openings on boarding day. I did reservations about 1pm on boarding day and got every show when I wanted them.
  9. The doors open around 45 min before showtime. Once open, there's no line. But we've lined up for WWRY and there were 2 dozen or so waiting for the doors to open to get the seats they really want.
  10. Just looked for our soon to be on Harmony cruise, and apparently not. We are about 4 weeks out right now. I know they don't require reservations, but people do like to plan....
  11. It's always interesting to see how people extrapolate a handful of people to an entire population. Especially when the population they extrapolate to isn't even part of the handful of people. But people also like to quickly condemn.
  12. You are correct that you *can* do that. And I would recommend that you do that. What I'm pointing out is that the shows (other than comedy) are not actually sold out, as there are seats held for people to do reservations when they get on board. So if you are late to the pre-booking, you can book almost all of the shows when you board. But do it ASAP as other people are also making reservations as they board.
  13. It's also more quiet most of the time (and depending on where you are in the MDR).
  14. Tips are taxed, sure. If there are records and it's expected as part of the industry. But this isn't the restaurant industry where there's any record that they would get any tips. And it's also not an industry where tips are nominally considered part of their income. So if they report it, it's all on them. And given the cash and the lack of records, I doubt most do report it.
  15. They are not in an industry where it's a normal part of their wages, like food workers. So IF they report it, it's all on them (and I would applaud that). But given the shakedown at the port, I doubt most do- it's cash and there's no receipt to back up that they should get a tip.
  16. There are plenty of posts who complain about people dragging their luggage all over the ship when boarding. Or slowing down the lines because of their luggage (and it's not them- there are people who have real issues that slow the security line down- who I very much give a break to). They also complain about the people getting off the ship that their carried luggage takes up so much space (which it doesn't). The issue isn't about being cheap, it's about keeping track of all of my luggage. After we lost two items for 2 weeks from a snowstorm, we just bring carry on's for flying. And when our luggage arrived in our cabin really late, we decided the same thing for cruises. That was about 25 years ago for flights, over 40 cruises ago.
  17. What a scam. These guys make good wages, and when you consider the number of cabins that they get $2-5 a cruise, all of this NOT part of their wages- since they would not really be part of the group that has to include tips as wages- the extra thousand or so a week they get is not taxed at all. I'll be carrying on my luggage until I'm not physically able to.
  18. As soon as you board, reserve using the app. You can only do it when you are connected to the ships wifi, but the shows will be open on boarding day. Except for the comedy show.
  19. And people get upset of people carrying on their own luggage....
  20. Plenty of time to spite RCI and cancel the entire cruise 🙂
  21. It's pretty amusing to consistently see that "honest" almost always means negative. Which means that the handful of people who think the food hasn't changed, and it's ok are lying. You wonder why people don't post reviews very often. If you are looking for a crappy time, you will certainly find it. Good luck with that. Or better yet, if you are far enough out, please just cancel your cruise. Prices are high enough for those of who are not "honest" already.
  22. Having started our vacations doing big land vacations, if anyone expects anything close to a land trip on a cruise, you need to shift what you think is going to happen. Heck, in most places, just visiting ONE city for a week isn't anywhere near seeing the country, let alone a cruise. But sometimes an 8 hour exposure to a place is enough. And also, sometimes, a cruise ship as a resort is also enough- regardless of the ports. For the haters, please don't take that as a suggestion to cruise- you need to stay away from cruising. And we really, really need to stop people from booking a 4 night balcony for $1200/pp - as that just hits the rest of us really hard.
  23. For full suites, yes, lunch with alcohol is included. While I don't have first hand experience with lunch, I would expect if you want a mimosa, you could get one. We needed reservations for JS/Pin, and I would expect you would too. BUT- they would not turn you away without them as opposed to JS and Pins. If you make reservations, you can do it for the whole week (unlike JS/Pin who have to do it every single day in person). And while I've seen the sign for the drinks in the lounge, I've also never, ever, ever seen anyone blink an eye if you take something with you. They will certainly take care of you. Enjoy your cruise!
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