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Everything posted by alfaeric

  1. Not everybody has to check them out. Some just get to flash their seapass card and they hand them to you without scanning.
  2. I'm more shocked that you've not seen this behavior on your previous 50 cruises than seeing it now. Telling people to not eat in line has been going on for more than I've been reading this board. And then people with questionable hygiene practice? Seen it, smelled it. I know you are disgusted, and I agree. But on the other hand BTDT.
  3. The shows are not really sold out. As soon as you board, go into the app and the openings will all be there. Except for the comedy club.
  4. They are scattered around. The one we have used is near the pool. The map should show you where they are.
  5. In terms of the number of pods, you can ask for more- we generally use 8 a day- 4 regular and 4 decaf, so we end up with two full cups of coffee- as we get the large mugs from someplace and use two pods per cup. If they get replaced, hopefully with Nespresso machines. Kureg coffee is way too weak for me. And we used to double the packets in the old machines.
  6. Fwiw, we bring our own cream. Yes there is a minor cost, but compared to trying to find it in the amount you use…..
  7. We used a Lyft to get there, but I’m sure Uber is available, too.
  8. Which deck did you get? We've done both the one on deck 12 and 14- the only issue we had with the one on 14 was that the balcony was a little odd shaped. The cabin was really nice. But we preferred the one on deck 12 because of the larger balcony. Either way, they are better than a JS, in our opinion. Watching the show from up there is pretty cool.
  9. ?? The TV monitor is plugged in on it's own, the tablet needs USB, which can come from the computer, and the computer needs plugged in. So that set up can use just one outlet. That set up is pretty perfect for sailing, as I see it. Also, I think there are some USB+small outlet boxes you can bring on board- which would give you extra USB outlets using the same outlet the computer uses.
  10. What is a "proper base"? For most people, it's a place to store your stuff, sleep, do your things, and eat in. Take out "store your stuff" and you can live pretty much anywhere. Plenty of van lifers don't have a home or apartment to deal with, no reason you can't do exactly the same at sea. The only thing you need to deal with is mail, and van lifers do that with post office boxes- which is easy to check if you find one close to the port. And why does one need more space than an entire ship? Again, without stuff, the private bedroom need is lessened a lot. More people van life in smaller spaces than live on cruise ships. They do just fine. As for better and fresher food- sure, you don't get to go to places where you can get organic food. But ships take on fresh food every single week. Just like going to the grocery store. And I don't know about you, but I honestly wonder what kind of variety people get at home. Cycle through the MDR and Windjammer's choices- I'd wager it's at least equal to the best families who change their choices a lot all the time. Your point about the laptop is valid, although it's also something you can deal with- get a dock and use the room monitor via the HDMI cable. Also, the number of people who live with just a laptop for work is pretty darned high. I get that this isn't for everyone (just like van life isn't for everyone). But it's also not that hard to envision making work really effectively. Especially if once every other month, you treat the trip as vacation.
  11. Actually, we are not from there, just have family where we can park our car at. It's a reasonable drive to get there in a day or so. One of our trips there, my parents came, and the other family hosted us for some touring- one day we did the hop on-hop off bus, another we did the Duck tour. And even so, I would add some time- go see where the shot heard round the world happened, just to soak it in. I have yet to find a hotel that would not store our luggage when getting off a ship. So that day can be a complete tour day. If you can swing it, I'd do 3 nights so that you have 3 pretty full days to see stuff. Assuming you are into the revolutionary war history.
  12. We considered doing it that way, too. But it's a whole lot easier to park the car in the Boston area and not have to travel to get to the start, So our B2B will be Greenland and Canada.
  13. Another +1 to large carry on and off. Had no problem. The new terminal is really nice.
  14. Depending on the number of Pins sailing, you will still have access to the suite lounge. The one time we have not, there was a separate happy hour area set up with a “concierge” present the whole time. Same goes for access to CK, but it seems that the cut off number is pretty high.
  15. Because nothing speaks of a knowledge complaint like accusing RCI and their leaders of being liars, right? Ok…
  16. I understand people having issues, we’ve had them, too. Bring them up where it matters. And if nothing is done, sure, make sure others know. But when you make a post, what is your goal of the post? To help others or to scare them? The number of posts of people who are now concerned about their first ever cruise is astounding. And much of their concerns are from odd “complaints”. So when people clearly are posting to scare other cruisers to worry, it’s easier to tell the complainers to move on than be attacked as a cheerleader when offering a rational explanation. Especially since cruise fares are so high.
  17. If you have an issue on a cruise, bring it up on the cruise. That way it can at least be addressed by people who can do something. Doing it here may make one feel better, but in reality nothing happens.
  18. We did HSC earlier this year, had a great time! But don’t recall there being an excursion. We booked a hotel near the space center, and dropped off our luggage and spent all day there.
  19. We are booked on the Boston to Greenland ‘24 cruise. Looking forward to it! Spent a lot of time looking for the Greenland out of NJ for 25 since this years has been sold out for a while for us. Thankfully, a Next Cruise person figured it out and told us about the Boston cruise. Whew.
  20. So am I, but they did mention the airfare is part of the equation. We booked Greenland early this year and the prices have gone up a lot. Should be a blast to see something the new.
  21. So am I, the milk is just an example of an issue that can be dealt with quickly and without proclaiming that the world is falling down. And if only see death as the only issue you can’t do anything about, ok. Who do you complain about the weather about? And do you really think steel ships in a salt water are immune to rust? There are plenty of things in life that are useless to complain or even worry about other than death. But that also takes the knowledge and wisdom that acceptance isn’t the same as being happy.
  22. I find that to be pretty short sided. For instance, the milk issue probably would have been dealt with talking to someone. Like most things, wisdom will tell you which ones can be dealt with by talking to someone vs the issues that can’t be solved in the near future. And I’ve seen plenty of Beckyboos posts that she would bring up issues while sailing vs immediately coming to CC to proclaim that RCI are a bunch of cheats and liers because they ran out of half and half one day at the park cafe. BTW, a poster who supplies a rational explanation or “that’s never happened to me” are not simpletons. Or cheerleaders. They, like complainers, offer an alternate opinion.
  23. IF you were to rent a car, drop everyone off, then go drop off the car. But given the number of people, a rental car for 6 plus luggage vs a service to move all in a van- a van may be cheaper. And pretty easy, as you might only need to reserve a service from the port. Some hotels do offer both way transportation even back to MCO.
  24. I, too, see it as two types of complainers- some who do it to tell others there may be issues. And others who go over the top and think that a small issue is a lie that comes from high. And to me, the point of the complaint is totally different. One is to help other cruisers, the other is to scare off cruisers. The other issue with the complaints is when people offer a rational explanation are constantly labeled cheerleaders or loyalists or crazy. That gets really old, and before long, all of the rational people will just move on. And the complainers are bothered when you suggest moving on when they are clearly trying to make people worried about cruising. Somehow it’s bad to tell the complainer to do exactly what they threaten to do, lol.
  25. But it’s ok that people who have some explanation or reasoning are called loyalists or cheerleaders or crazy. Got it. Two things, hearing people complain calling something pretty trivial a “lie” is more over the top than telling them to go to another line. Second, prices are so high right now that suggesting people go to another line helps financially. So, personally, I’m tired of being labeled a cheerleader. Especially when it works it just increases demand. So it’s a lot easier and cheaper to tell you to move on.
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