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Everything posted by Morecruisesplz

  1. I made no assumptions about your tipping habits. Ever! I only questioned your statement: "that's why I wait until the 2nd encounter to tip extra..."
  2. This is exactly right. Works in specialty restaurants and bars and sometimes in MDR. And, beyond jumping ahead you will probably get a long pour and or a free drink. In specialty, tip good and the wine glass stays full without a charge. Just be nice!
  3. Not at all. The 2nd time tipper clearly stated extra cash tip. That is understood. Likewise on the 2nd encounter auto tips + he is now going to tip extra cash if still great service. That is just silly! Auto tips are the bare minimum to my way of thinking. So reward great service with extra every time! What if its a specialty restaurant and you are not going back? This guy says "no extra tip unless I see you again." So that server gets no extra tip even if service is great Only Because its the 1st encounter. Think it through and its ludicrous.
  4. That checks/mo idea was a joke! Just as I had hoped you saying that you tip the 2nd time was. The strategy makes no sense. I understand that you tip... you said that. I never said you did not. You misread.
  5. Yep, that was the subject. But it's still ridiculous to wait until the 2nd time someone gives you great service to tip... cash, check or money order! 💰 I would pass you off to the new guy and move on to offer great service to another customer in the hopes that they appreciate the service from the 1st time by tipping "extra." (This could also be the reason that the headwaiter doesn't want to give you that great server again when it is noticed that you do not tip "extra" for great service.)
  6. I wouldn't want to serve you a 2nd time if you didn't tip the 1st time. Convoluted.
  7. Of course not! But maybe the lower prices, big beautiful ships, delicious food, helpful and friendly staff and/or their inviting private island would help. 😃 My only point was that Royal continually cuts back, while other lines are improving their experience. Chips are a small part of it.
  8. MSC serves chips at each table in their bars. I saw several people ask to take chips with them. Servers said sure.
  9. You said... Passengers are wearing pajamas in the MDR. I do not believe that to be accurate. Shorts in the dinning room steveru621 replied to ETski's topic in Royal Caribbean International Passengers are wearing pajamas in the MDR. That said, if women can wear short everything, why can't men?
  10. You must have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night if you believe booking your own travel makes you a TA.
  11. Most historians say it was Abe Lincoln who first said it but it sure is appropriate here.
  12. Ship staff is covered up with requests since everyone was encouraged to ask for their favorite location, table size, etc via email. They spend more time responding keeping them from other duties. When everyone wants special attention, it will soon be that no one receives it.
  13. You can not be your own TA. You are not certified by the cruise lines and are not affiliated with an agency. No good reason to confuse the issue except stubbornness.
  14. No belittling intended. Just offering information for the common good. (Cruise Critic is as named.) If you prefer others besides the OP not reply, you might want to mention that in your post, although on CC any post is open to comment until the mods lock the thread.
  15. That doesn't mean that you can't benefit from a TAs offers. Transfer to your favorite TA within 30 days of booking and get the best of both worlds.
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