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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. Oh man, this sounds like an awesome trip! I'll be following along!
  2. Ah man, I feel bad for anyone onboard if the weather is cruddy and they are being cut short. :(
  3. Thanks for the info Tom! I will keep an eye on our S&S folio to make sure nothing is charged that shouldn't be. Sweet! Just what I wanted to hear. Thank you!! I can't wait to see the suites! This will be our very first one, we decided to splurge. Looking foward to it!
  4. Hello! I realize that Mardi Gras is still pretty new, and Celebration isn't in service yet, but I have a few questions for those that may have sailed on Mardi Gras in an Excel suite. Hubby and I splurged for a special occasion cruise next March on Celebration and booked one of these, and I was wondering....it says complimentary room service is a benefit...does that include the items that you normally have to pay for as well? Hubby loves to curl up watching a movie sometimes and will get a hankering for a snack, and if that is truly a benefit he is going to be thrilled! Also, in regards to the movies, it says on demand movies are complimentary....does that include the "for fee" ones as well? If so, he is REALLY going to be thrilled. TIA for any insight from those who have sailed in the Excel suites!
  5. Ohhhhh, a Jeff review! Let me go find that and bookmark it for my nighttime reading after the family BBQ tonight!
  6. I will try and post a review when I get back....I always enjoyed doing those! Ugh, not what I wanted to hear regarding the comedy....we like the shows, but I dont want to waste time standing waiting for them!
  7. Oh, I will keep this in mind for sure! I hate crowds and chaos.
  8. Fantastic, just the kind of tips and secrets I was looking for! Thank you!!
  9. Thank you Joe....it feels good to be back in the planning action. I can't wait to step onto a ship again.
  10. Me, Pirate! Just pulled the trigger on 3 sailings....Mardi Gras this Nov, Celebration next March, and Spirit next Nov. Whoo hoo, I'm back in action! So.....those who have sailed MG< what kinda tips/tricks/secrets ya got for me? I have never booked this close to sailing before, I feel like I don't have enough time to plan and research!
  11. Have gone out of there a few times, love it being an easy drive from our place in WNC. Hopefully they can come up with something else that is convienent!
  12. Those sound amazing! We are debating on doing our first NCL cruise and I love seafood, and eggs Benedict, that would have been right up my alley!
  13. Celebration all the way! I love the Southern itinerary, and it has 1 less port which means 1 more sea day to explore the ship. And if it is cheaper than MG for the same cabin, and a newer ship....well, for me it is hands down the winner!
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