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Posts posted by lappy22

  1. 7 minutes ago, Banditswife said:

    We got $25 in lieu of slot tourney in September.  Still wondering if there is a bar nearby casino to get drinks.

    The sports bar is adjacent forward of the casino.  The atrium bar is just aft of the casino.  So both really close.  Red Frog Pub is next to the sports bar as well.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Not sure where you read an opinion was asked for. I just made a statement. Even IHOP gives ya a free pancake. Just thought it would be a good will gift. Maybe even better than a ball cap. Just sayin.



    IHOP gives a free pancake when their fuel costs go down? Love me some pancakes! Do I just ask the server for free pancakes?

  3. Just got off my cruise two weeks ago. I had four rum runners packed in different areas in different checked luggage. We also brought an inflatable ice chest. All worked out fine. Our room attendant kept our ice chest filled twice daily and as you can see in one of the pictures my rum runners made it just fine. I would not waste time on mouthwash bottles. Bought two cases of water from the FUN SHOPS and brought crystal light type mixes to mix the booze with.







    Great job! Rum runners have always made it on the ship including this last December and February. And in port in cabo, no problem!

  4. The duo groups were awful when it was just a keyboard and a drum machine. I hope these haven't returned. I like this type of music but it has to be more than two and absolutely with a steel drum. The last time I saw a steel drum on a Carnival ship was on the Spirit in '04. If they have returned to the duos, then I'm all for the dj.

  5. The reason smoking was banned on balconies was because the smoke could escape your balcony and interfere with your neighbours enjoyment of their balcony and also their health.


    Same with music if it can be stopped at the end of your balcony and no sound can be heard either next to or above and below no problem but if it can be heard outside your balcony then you can't play it as it will interfere with you neighbours enjoyment of their private space...



    Second hand music does not kill others. People talk much louder and doors are slammed much louder than any music I've played on most of my 19 cruises. What's the differences?

  6. No where in the rules does it state that you are allowed to listen to music on your balcony.


    The rules do state that you must use earbuds in areas where other people may hear it if you can comprehend the rules.


    Though they do not use this exact terminology in order to keep the rules brief, one can determine that this is what they mean.



    Keep dreaming. Rules that are kept brief just lead to different interpretations.

  7. "Radios/Boom Boxes: For the comfort of all our guests, radios and boom boxes can be used with headphones or earpieces when used in public areas".


    You already quoted that from Carnival. How does that work in a non public place like a balcony?

  8. The answer to your question is right here in Carnival's rules and regulations, "Radios/Boom Boxes: For the comfort of all our guests, radios and boom boxes can be used with headphones or earpieces when used in public areas" and here "however, if a noise complaint is received, the instrument will be confiscated by shipboard security and returned to the guest on the morning of debarkation.".


    Now I know some people for music on their balcony will argue semantics and say a tape player or an MP3 player is not a radio and they also will try to say a balcony is not a public area even though someone's ears on another balcony may be 1 foot from your speaker but this is just arguing for arguments sake.


    Carnival would have to write a rule about 10 pages long to satisfy everyone who is going to try to argue semantics and then you would have to get a lawyer to interpret it for you.


    Some people believe it is ok to break the rules and regulations if they see fit to do so and will come on this forum to try to get others to agree with them that breaking the rules is ok or to try to make excuses that the rules don't apply to them for whatever reason.


    A little respect goes a long way, no one likes noisy neighbors.



    A tape player? An MP3 player? It's 2015, right?


    And yes my balcony is not a public area.

  9. Do you talk on your balcony or do you sit in absolute silence? Why is talking any less rude than listening to music at a low volume?



    Neighbors talking on their balcony and doors slamming have always been much louder than any music I've played or heard nearby.

  10. I did not read into the press release that the new partnership has anything to do with changing Carnival's casino operations onboard. It is more about the two groups attempting to benefit from the other's customer base.




    What puzzled me the most was when I looked at the location, size, and number of casinos Affinity has, the casinos are small and off the beaten path. It appeared they are not near major airports to provide easy access to them. I don't see why a potential customer would drive for hours to visit a small casino without amenities.




    It would have made more sense for Carnival to partner with a land-based casino company closer to major airports or ports that Carnival sails from. I just don't see how this will be of interest to Carnival's gambling customers.




    Just like situations such as televising soccer games onboard Carnival's ships instead of North American football games, this Affinity partnership decision seems out of touch with Carnival's customer base.



    Primm Nevada is only 30-40 minutes from Las Vegas and most of their visitors are from LA, Orange County, San Diego and many other SoCal areas which make the trek up the 15 and are very close to many major airports and the LB port.


    Looks like Black Hawk is within 60-90 mins of DEN.


    Doesn't seem off the beaten path to me. But it isn't the partnership we enjoyed when the Venetian and Carnival were giving free rooms and free play a few years ago!

  11. Of course it does... i wasnt saying wine would be served in a tumbler:)


    I guess i should have said the drinks were "regular" sized . I haven't been to the new party, but the last pg party i went to, no watered down drinks:D

    Not sure if I went to the new party. It looked and sounded the same as 15 years ago. And yes the watered down drinks were on the trays.

  12. Good point, but there was a report of WARM beer being served....:):) Maybe they thought we were in Europe??:confused:


    BTW, I just rec'd my second survey about my last cruise from CCL, which was exclusively about the PGP's. Needless to say, I told them about the experiences of the past, way past, and lately!!


    Lately, I said, the PGP's used to be better even with the Golds etc....:):)



    My "report" was that I've had beer that was not cold. I love cruising on Carnival and hope they improve the party. We are not looking to get drunk off the party, but get a regular drink I would pay $7 or $8 at any ship bar.

  13. I went to 2 of these events and well I can say this does not bother me as they were packed in, drinks were slow in coming and it was for nothing really. Meh..................



    I hope they continue for the people that enjoy them but I agree. Meh is a perfect reply!

  14. In my experiences, the beer has never been watered down. ;)



    Very true but most times we have gone to the "party" they were not cold. And served in the same Carnival glass known as a bucket glass. Not a beer glass. This may have changed but in February we were only offered 3 beers which we don't drink so didn't order.

  15. ummm.. have you been to a past guest party? The new ones that are not just the little drinks on the tray? They are in full size glasses... and trust me.. they are not watered down..:rolleyes:



    We have been to way to many over the years. Our drinks were served in the proper regular glasses that all Carnival bars serve them in just without the regular amount of alcohol. What is considered a "full size glass"? Wouldn't that depend on the drink?

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