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Everything posted by babysteps

  1. I was on this same cruise, we had a great time but it was our least favorite so far of 12 on O (not their fault, mostly weather). @schmidlapp I can understand your not wanting to cruise on O again! Toscana and shoe issue, that sounds terrible. One thought is to check with dining services when you board and explain the situation. Or find/create a pair of sequined tennis shoes - no you shouldn't have to do this. The pool deck work was definitely disruptive, but I wonder if the weather had been nice if the work would have bugged me even *more*. It rained some every day and all day on some days. Some days the noisy part of the work was more limited, not sure if that made it less bad. Which is worse, buzz-buzz-buzz or quiet-BUZZ-quiet? We were pleasantly surprised by the $400 pp future cruise credit, but if you aren't cruising O again that doesn't help. Our thermostat worked in our room, we did adjust it many times and it responded each time. But we were in 4054, so a smaller cabin on a lower deck. Not sure if the HVAC issue was specific to your room or general to your deck area, we wouldn't have been happy either. I saw that the door from the elevator lobby out to Waves did not auto-close well or quickly, lots of AC was pouring outside - I closed it whenever I passed through but I'm sure that didn't make much of a difference. Insignia staff are indeed wonderful! If you want interaction with officers, sadly O is not a good fit. Any non-hospitality crew/officers tend to ignore or interact extremely briefly with passengers. The ship is generally maintained quite well but does show small signs of age if you are looking. In our cabin there was a small bubble in the wallpaper, I saw some discoloration/rust at varous windows throughout the ship, and our cabin bath doorknob's escutcheon was slightly bent. Nothing that was obvious, nothing that affected our enjoyment, but if you want "new" this is not the ship for you. We like O's pricing compared to other lines because you don't have to get a larger cabin or all-inclusive fare just to get on the ship. If you do like larger cabins and more inclusive fares, O may be just as/more expensive vs SS or SB - especially if you are paying for business class air through the cruiseline. I am not a fan of the new SM pricing, but O is still best price/value for us - ymmv!! We were on this cruise because it was hard to resist on the extreme sale that ended June 2023.
  2. @edgeeis correct. We just got off Insignia last Sunday, had booked under old system and got 2 WiFi log ins for no additional charge.
  3. For our June 2024 Vista itinerary most ports offer half and full day private car and private mini-bus options (4 total choices). May vary a lot by region...
  4. Our recent eastern Caribbean cruise on Insignia had limited excursions marked as wheelchair accessible. I don't remember more than 1 or 2 max at a given port, some stops had zero. The excursions that were marked ok for wheelchairs tended to be "OS" versions of non-wheelchair excursions - basically more $ for a small-group version of a standard excursion. Reaching out to local private tour guides may in some cases get more options for wheelchair-friendly or at least wheelchair-possible excursions?
  5. We did a 2021 Venice to Miami that became Trieste to Miami (b2b with Barcelona in the middle). O provided bus service from the Venice airport to Trieste port. It had a few hiccups but worked and no additional cost to us.
  6. Was it Regatta that was recently delayed departing Vancouver for refrigeration issues? If so that could explain the cargo containers on deck 11.
  7. NY residents can't get CFAAR but we can get what I call CFAAR - cancel for *almost* any reason. We got such a policy when we were concerned about my MIL's health. Any turn for the worse and we could have cancelled and been covered. My bigger complaint is NYS residents can't get the annual travel health policies...
  8. OP, if you don't receive the response you want to your post-cruise written complaint, you may wish to bring in a consumer advocate like Elliott.org or Consumer Rescue Both sites offer services for free. They also warn that threatening to never use a product again can backfire - many travel providers are more willing to issue future credits than refunds. Not saying you have put it in these terms in your complaint to O, but just in case
  9. Yes there are spa showers you can use on R ships. You can also choose to use your cabin shower with the door open (instead of closed) if you wish - the bathroom is a 'wet' room with a drain in the room's floor as well as in the shower. If you're used to sailboats, the R ship shower is fine. If you are used to a 5-piece bath you may find it...confining
  10. Things may have changed, but last I knew, any 'venue specific' drinks were not available as 2-for-1 at happy hour. Like others, we have ordered 2 of the same drink, brought at the same time, and were charged for 1 drink during happy hour.
  11. We used Budget once on a cruise that ended at MCT and yes the walk was fine - I stayed with the luggage and spouse walked, picked up car, and returned to MCT to pick me up. Same might work for you when arriving - drop luggage and 3 of you at MCT, driver returns car and walks back to MCT and all can board together?
  12. We used the MRT and buses a lot. Citymapper app was amazing for planning trips (even reminds you when your stop is approaching). We had read about ezlink and did get a 2-day one but when it expired we just did pay-as-you-go and for us the cost difference was small vs a bit inconvenient to get ezlink (only some stations sell or accept turn in for deposit back). If your credit card works in Singapore you can tap-and-go at subways and buses with automatic transfers For getting to the port with luggage, if you want a cab I highly recommend having hotel arrange ahead or that you use the Grab app or similar. There is a shortage of cabs in Singapore. We were in a short but barely moving cab line Mar 2023 when we disembarked - ordered a grab and moments later we were walking to a different door to meet our car. Probably saved us half an hour. Would have saved 45+ minutes if we had just used the app at the beginning and never tried the taxi line...
  13. This may not be everyone's idea of a good place but we loved it in March 2023 after our cruise ended in Singapore. We stayed at the Indigo in Katong on a breakfast-included rate. Very 'modern' and artsy interior, the bathrooms are on the outside window wall, you're on the edge of a historic neighborhood, the subway and bus lines are all right there and there's a mall next door. Slightly more adventurous than Raffles or Fullerton - and a lot less expensive We did visit Raffles, the dining is open to anyone who wants to make a reservation and we very much enjoyed BBR in its prior incarnation Osteria. Yes we had a Singapore Sling at the Long Bar, had to do it once lol!
  14. I was just checking this out for our Dec 2023 Insignia cruise. We are on cruisemapper's schedule for Amber Cove. So is Vista a few days before us. Not really 100% sure as many online schedules just say "Puerto Plata" or don't have Taino Bay listed ...
  15. We might be saying the same thing? Iirc OLife could be applied to new bookings initiated through June 30 2023 or so. If that's the right date, starting July 1st all new bookings made were SM. Except SM only applied to cruises starting Oct 1 2023 or later.
  16. When they switched from OLife to Simply More, iirc the furthest out you could book OLife was spring 2025 with actual dates going a bit further out on Vista than the other ships. Someone else may have specific dates. Until then there will be a mix of packages - some on SM, some on OLife, some on nothing. I wonder if destination services will have the bigger challenge than wine servers applying different policies to different people?
  17. If you're interested in Dom but not sure about committing to an entire dinner, often there will be a tasting offered an evening (or 2) in La Reserve where you can try a glass (from 2 or 3 selections) with a small bite of food. Assuming the format hasn't changed, last time we were on an O class was 2021
  18. T-mobile roaming in ports is generally quite good - which particular ports? Sometimes my T-mobile takes a restart or turning airplane mode on and off for all the data to behave. Usually it comes right up no problem. Once on the way to a cruise while changing planes in Haneda my T-mobile said I didn't have a connection, but I was using my phone as a hotspot so my spouse's phone could talk to the web - and spouse's phone was surfing fine. Not sure how to explain, but it after restarting it worked fine on my phone too. Thailand first day no data, but day 2 it behaved and the next 2 days also fine. Europe never a problem other than restarts so far. Canada often wants a restart when driving across the border. Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico all good. Happy travels!
  19. Yay for reunitiing with your bag! Airtag or Tile could also help
  20. In 2021 the shuttle in Mallorca ran to a drop off point below the Cathedral. Easy to wander town from there, pick up the Ho-ho bus, etc
  21. For land-focused gps I use Sygic. You will want to download maps at home or on WiFi to see roads and details. There are several similar free apps. Even Google Maps has gone back to letting you download maps ahead of time last I knew.
  22. Not sure if it's still offered, but we did a ship's tour in Casablanca that was a culinary tour, so we went to the fish/vegetable market and a separate olive market with the chef instructor, then came back to the ship to make a dish in the culinary center. Well worthwhile, and also had some sightseeing
  23. Don't worry you come across as insightful, positive, and intelligent! Figured if you accessed prices from Canada.... No worries! Only other idea is if V offers loyalty pricing so looks lower to you than new V cruisers. Some explanation exists for the math fun! Until then happy dining, travels and cruising ☺
  24. Hm, on the airfare and hotel refund question - is it that Oceania will not transfer amounts paid to the new cruise when selected? I assume everyone and their TAs are, after hearing "no, you won't get a refund on air/hotel" asking open-ended questions like "is there any way to retain some value of use from my air/hotel arrangements" . A cost not included as part of FCC may not mean the $ are lost, but it might. If folks who are battling this could provide more detail, in how it works and how it turns out, I think many of us would be interested! I know I would be 😊 I could see a cruise line offering some level of FCC that is *only* based on the cruise fare and not on additional items. Then those additional items might be lost $, or might be transferrable to the new cruise, or might be refunded rather than part of an FCC. Are people seeing different treatment of include air vs. deviation or upgrade monies? I assume that timing matters for air and hotel add-on refunds/credits/changes. A cancellation by the passenger 9+ months in advance likely means O hasn't ticketed air or solidified hotel counts, but 9 days in advance likely means O has already paid for the airline ticket and confirmed the hotel. I don't know how this would work, but if the air tickets have any wiggle room to change or refund (they may not, depends on terms of each booking), that might be something O has to battle with the airline separately - and the passenger would have to battle with O to make that happen. I assume if ticketed through O that the airline isn't going to talk to the passenger, only to O?
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