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Everything posted by Rebel54

  1. I have tried so many things since moving to Texas and nothing soothes these bites. They blister like little white head pimples and they just make you insane. The ONE thing that soothes them for me is hot water. I turn the hand held shower to the hottest possible setting and just boil them. It feels sooooo good....like scratching without scratching and then as long as I don't touch them again they stay itch free for hours. I will microwave a wet cloth for 30 seconds and apply it to a bite and same thing. Everything in this state wants to bite me. Makes me hate going out in my food forest. I need full body armor.
  2. I'm not leaving my house again until it's time for my cruise. Every time I go out either ants or mosquitos get me. I'm a magnet. I'm for sure bringing my epi pen for Europe. I remember all too well having bees flying around us at the beer gardens.
  3. Ants are the bane of my existence right now. In Texas we have the meanest ants ever. There are these tiny tiny ants that get in everything and if you get them on you they bite you before you realize they are there. I was moving a plant on Sunday and it was full of them an now my hands are covered in little itchy blisters. NOTHING stops the itch. It's so miserable. I knew better...but I was rushing and didn't put on my gloves 😞
  4. To each his or her own. Hope you find a cruise line that meets your needs.
  5. The lowest possible price includes your cabin. You build up from there with your choices. To me it's a great way to control your price if you want a budget trip. I don't see it as alienating.
  6. If you book a higher level cabin, you will see a second line with the Stateroom charge.
  7. I'm sailing Avalon soon. That's how mine is priced. If you select the Cat E room that is included in the "Vacation" price. Any other level of cabin is an upcharge. I'm booking on the US Site. Vacation Stateroom Pre-paid Gratuities Port Charge
  8. Just my two cents. Look at another line such as Avalon. I think the prices are similar but Avalon offers more options with included excursions, the cabins are larger and there are less people on the same size ship.
  9. I would call Avalon if you don't want to use their air. They will make sure you get the right price. I am heading out on Avalon Danube soon. Can't wait! I'm doing Germany to Romania with Prague and Transylvania. Will try to share as we travel if you are interested.
  10. That's one of the main reasons I would never cruise with Viking. Better payment options with Avalon and others.
  11. You have a great point. I would not live here without it so I can see how that would be difficult. Hang in there
  12. The waffles are amazing. My husband raved about them for literally YEARs after our trip
  13. Happened across this video that might interest you:
  14. I'm taking my 4 yo Grandson with his parents on a Christmas cruise with Viva in 2025. They do not have a minimum age. You might look at them. They are a German company but working hard to draw the US Market.
  15. The Envision is nearly the same length as a US Navy Frigate!
  16. I've been on the Artistry II and the Siem Reap. Obviously the latter was smaller. The Artistry II was a couple months after the bombings in Paris and there were only 52 of us on the boat so we were really spoiled. I am a bit nervous about being on a fully booked boat after the first two experiences. I'm just so excited to go I'll make the most of it. We are in a Royal cabin so if I get too over stimulated with people I know I have my space to retreat to :).
  17. I'll be on the Envision in less than a month. I am so excited 🙂
  18. Another vote for Avalon. My upcoming cruise has biking, hiking and power walking....not for me but sounds perfect for you.
  19. Look at Ama, UniWorld, Scenic and maybe Tauk. There are so many lines. Some are more upscale and top of the line with the price to go with it. I don't know much about Tauk so I can't say for sure.
  20. I've been on two Avalon cruises, one during the hottest part of the year in Vietnam and never nad any issues. I don't believe this is the norm. Never had complaints about the food either.
  21. Thank you. Great blog. I'm doing the Elbe with Viva in 2025 (Berlin to Prague) for Christmas. Not a lot out there so it was nice to see your photos.
  22. Mine is in the shop with my crystal ball. 🙂
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