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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok on the first “normal” Monday of the year. I was awake too for a couple of hours during the night thinking about our house and all the work and about our dog. It’s a beautiful sunny day here but cold. I am picking my mum up soon and going for a wander into St Annes Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  2. She is doing really well, check up Weds morning in Penrith. Thank you for asking Michelle
  3. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all ok today. It’s a lovely day here, clear blue sky but cold. We have just had a walk out with the dogs on the sea front, now warming up with a nice cup of coffee. Not doing much this afternoon apart from a pile of ironing. My mum is coming for tea tonight. Beef stifado with orzo pasta in the slow cooker. Michelle
  4. We love our new house, still lots of work going on. Plasterers coming Monday and floors going down Weds-Friday. We had tea and cake without new neighbours yesterday, they are lovely Michelle
  5. You are a really sociable person so I think you will have a great time. It was lovely meeting you last year on Azura Michelle
  6. You will have a great time, I bet there are loads of other solos on too Michelle
  7. Hope you have a lovely time, it will be nice to escape the cold weather Michelle
  8. That’s a nice kind thing to do Josy. We moved three weeks ago and our new neighbours have invited us for tea & cake this afternoon which is nice. Our house is busy again today, two joiners and two electricians are already working. A kitchen planner is coming at 11 and someone from Neff coming sometime today as the current (new) oven isn’t working. It feels pretty cold here today. To cheer myself up I bought my first daffodils of the year yesterday Have a good day everyone Michellr
  9. Thank you Jane, we will just have to get on with it and do it for her which we will but it’s quite hard to be able to do anything as some meds have to be in the fridge. Loads of jobs to do in house though as workmen have been here all week Michelle
  10. Good Afternoon everyone, hope you are all ok today. Avril, good news Frank has got a diagnosis and that appropriate treatment can begin. Dog update - she had a corneal graft yesterday at the eye hospital in Penrith. She came home last night, 6 medications every two hours given 5 mins apart. Fortunately during the night we don’t have to do it. Check up next Weds in Penrith. We are very relieved and thankful to all the fantastic vets and nurses who helped her. Hubby was cringing at the bill but she is worth it It’s turning out to be a lovely sunny day here now, dog walk in order after lunch Michelle
  11. I would agree with Graham, Royal Caribbean every time for the kids and it’s great for adults too. We went on Anthem last August with the grandchildren and they loved it, it’s a lovely ship Michelle
  12. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well today. Not a good start to the new year for us unfortunately. Some of you may remember I had DCIS (early breast cancer) last year and I had my first follow up mammogram in Dec, they rang me last week, “chalky” deposits found so had to have a further more magnified mammogram yesterday, just waiting results now. Our dog was diagnosed with an ulcer in her eye over Xmas, she has been having antibiotics six times a day plus her own blood serum into her eye. Saw vet again last night, it has got worse, appt at 9.15 to see eye specialist in Penrith. She either needs surgery to make a new eye flap (if they can)to try save her vision or she will have to have her eye removed. So it’s an early start for me today as it’s over an hour to Penrith even with no hold ups on M6. Hope all goes well for everyone with appointments, treatments etc Michelle
  13. Hope you both have a wonderful time. I will be following your posts which are always interesting Michelle
  14. Hope all goes well for Frank, good knew to hear he is eating again Michelle
  15. That is just the best news to be reading, a great start to 2024 Michelle
  16. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all ok today. It’s pretty miserable weather here today, no outside jobs getting done and no long dog walks. Our Spaniel dog is not so well. She was diagnosed with an ulcer in her eye last week and has been on antibiotics. It was much worse yesterday and we had to take her to emergency vet. Stronger antibiotics now six times a day plus some of her own blood serum six times a day. We are not going out tonight, we will have a nice meal and a bottle of wine. Avril, I hope you are ok and that Frank is improving. Take care everyone and Happy New Year to you all Michelle
  17. Really sorry to hear this Avril. Hope Frank is feeling better soon, you take care too Michelle
  18. I had a Cadbury’s cream egg last week, I love them!! Michelle
  19. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It’s very windy here today, sun shining at the moment but rain is forecast. We have just had “brunch” and hubby has taken the dogs out for a walk. Our Cavalier is going to the vets at 3.30, think she has conjunctivitis. Going to friends later for drinks and she is doing a pie & pea supper. Take care everyone Michelle
  20. It’s a miserable day here too, was very dark this morning, we keep getting very heavy bursts of rain. Hubby is working in the garage, not sure what he’s doing, whatever you men do in the garage I expect. I keep hearing the drill going.. I have just done a pile of ironing, going to have a coffee now before we go out to friends at 5pm Diet for me too in the new year Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  21. We had a very different Christmas Day this year. Usually we have a house full but this year it was just me, hubby and my mum and we went out. We are living in a bit of a building site at the moment, they are all back on 2 Jan to continue the renovation. Michelle
  22. Looks lovely Graham, I think I will book in at yours next year!!! Hope you had a lovely day Michelle
  23. Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all have a lovely day whatever you are doing Michelle
  24. Sorry to hear you are not so well, hope you feel better soon Michelle
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