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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. I have booked Royal Caribbean August 25 8 nights out if Southampton, promenade view cabin, 2 adults 3 children (17,15 & 12) £97 per night per person. I thought that was a good deal. Same party June 2024 Puerto Pollensa, 7 nights AI £120 per night per person. I do think the prices appear to be increasing but I believe there are some good deals out there Michelle
  2. I didn’t have my specs on when I typed it!! Should read “it’s like a new lease of life” Michelle
  3. Sounds like you have done fantastic, slime a new lease of life for you and so quickly
  4. Morning everyone, it’s a beautiful sunny morning here but cold, my car windscreen has ice on it. Going to my usual ladies coffee morning later. A “guess the baby” quiz has been organised for this morning so I am sure we will be giggling at all our photos. I have done 95% of my Christmas shopping so might start wrapping this afternoon. We have eight grandchildren - it has been expensive!! Plus five of them have birthdays in either December or January Have a lovely day everyone Michelle
  5. Really sorry to hear you reporting this Josy, I will be thinking about you all Michelle
  6. Have a lovely catch up and lunch out. I am meeting some old friends over in Yorkshire tonight, they boys are going out & the ladies are going out so I am looking forward to that. Michelle
  7. Fantastic photos, thank you for letting us follow along with you Michelle
  8. I still buy those for my grandchildren at Easter. Even though my daughter is 32 she still expects one too Michelle
  9. Good Morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It looks a cloudy but calm morning here today. Hubby has just taken the dogs out for a walk. We are meeting our project manager at 9.30 what is to be our new house(we hope) providing everything goes through. Hopefully moving in December. We can live in the house but there is lots of work to do. Test driving another car this afternoon, a new Hyundai Kona. It looks nice so fingers crossed. Test drove a Kupra Altea on Monday and a Lexus UX yesterday. I have a mobility car and have to change my car as it’s five years old and it’s the maximum length of time they will allow me to keep it and they don’t make it anymore or I would have another. Have a good day everyone Michelle
  10. We are on Arvia too, March 2024 TA. Really looking forward to it Michelle
  11. Fabulous!!! I booked one with Royal last week for August 2025, taking the grandchildren You will have a wonderful time Michelle
  12. I use Booths every week, not for a main shop (too expensive) but I do buy bits there, the deli counter is always good, and the cafe of course. Our self serve tills have gone, it is nice to speak to a person at the till, although I have been told that some customers like the self serve tills especially those who just go in for a sandwich for lunch for example Michelle
  13. Don’t think I would have liked that, a stretch too far for me Michelle
  14. We used to live in a village in between Bradford and Halifax, there were some fantastic curry houses around there. We have a good one or two where we live now but nowhere near the choice we had before Michelle
  15. Having to do one of my dreaded things, looking at cars. I have a Motability car, I have had my current one for 5 years having been given a two year extension. I hate trailing round garages getting in and out of cars (which I can’t do easily anyway). Test driving a Cupra Ateca on Monday, they are bringing it to my house for me too, what fabulous service. I hope it’s suitable then that’s the end of the car search Michelle
  16. We do the same, I like to choose my own things at the supermarket always adding extra stuff though, sweet treats in particular which doesn’t do the waistline any good. Michelle
  17. We have already eaten a tin of Quality Street!!! You have to taste them don’t you to make sure they taste the same as last year before you buy some for Xmas? Michelle
  18. A brilliant read, you make it really interesting, love all the photos too Michelle
  19. Sorry to hear this, hope she has mild symptoms and recovers quickly. When I had it last year the NHS were brilliant and put me on a “virtual ward” where I had to record my oxygen levels every few hours and send it to them via an app, a Dr rang me every day too Michelle
  20. I have just received that email too. Not really thought about a drinks package, I suppose it depends on how much you think you might drink Michelle
  21. Good morning everyone, it’s cloudy here this morning and doesn’t look like there is much wind thankfully. Graham, it’s good to see you posting again and yorkshirephil glad to seem to be recovering well. Have a good day everyone Michelle
  22. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all ok today. It’s a bit breezy here today with a mixture of cloud and sun, at least no rain for a change. Yesterday my neurologist told me my problems with walking were more likely the progression of my MS. He just told me to drink plenty of water, take vitamin D, take some exercise and rest when I need to. I do all these already so there is not much more I can do apart from just get on with it and do what I can. To cheer my self up I booked a cruise with the grandchildren on Independence of the Seas August 2025 to Baltic towns/cities Off out for a walk(scooter) with the dogs now Michelle
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