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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Glad her painkillers are working well and that she has her injections booked for next week. I am sure she appreciates everything you and Pauline do for her, you are both very kind and compassionate people Michelle
  2. Well done on becoming a non-smoker, I am sure you will be successful. Maybe if you are having a hard day just imagine how much money you are saving for extra cruises I wish you every success On the weather front it’s a lovely but cold day here. Just been out with the dogs and I am freezing now so sat down with a hot drink Michelle
  3. Fingers crossed for Sarah the injection route works and she can avoid surgery. Unfortunately I had no options, consultant said I needed surgery asap. I tell myself I am lucky because there are many people in a lot worse situation than me. I am going to the gym in an hour, machines that move my legs and arms and I put up resistance against them. Not your normal gym but it is invaluable for me. Maybe there is something like this for Sarah to use during her rehabilitation when she feels a bit better Take care all if you Michelle
  4. I should have also said Graham I have a friend at the gym who had the same thing who is absolutely fine now. Hopefully Sarah will be fine too. My last post sounded all doom and gloom and it more than likely won’t be Michelle
  5. Sorry to hear this Graham. I had cauda equine in Dec2003/Jan 2004. I have never had pain like it. My bowels and bladder stopped working and I had so much pain medication I cannot remember everything. I know now I should have been operated on within 24 hours but I was left 6 days, as a result I have drop foot, permanent nerve damage and no reflexes in my left leg. I really hope she gets her operation quickly and she makes a full recovery. I will be thinking about her Michelle
  6. We have a NHS dentist, was 12 months on the waiting list when we moved over here Michelle
  7. Hopefully just a bit of a “blip” and she’s better tomorrow Michelle
  8. Hope you have a lovely time, it will certainly be warmer there than here Michelle
  9. Can’t wait now, everyone saying positive things about Madeira Michelle
  10. I am really looking forward to Madeira, I have a feeling one day is not going to be long enough Michelle
  11. We have booked the cable car & toboggan run. Thank you for all the other information Michelle
  12. Thank you, everyone has positive things to say about Madeira so really looking forward to it. Sorry to hear about all the traumas happening for you too. I can sympathise with your mum about gallbladder pain it really is awful. I spent 11 days in hospital with gall bladder problems which affected my pancreas so they removed my gallbladder within a couple of weeks. Hope she recovers quickly and gets home asap. Michelle
  13. Thanks Avril, you are right it is good news and I should look on the positive side. I am on countdown to my cruise now Michelle
  14. Hope you get your scan before you go. I dread them, I close my eyes until I am out again. I was on 90 mins last time, it was hard keeping still that long. Hope it all goes well for you Michelle
  15. We are on the same cruise, we join on the 25th. You will see me around on my mobility scooter so stop me to to say hello 👋 Michelle
  16. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all ok on this cold, blustery Monday. All the take of Madeira has made me excited for my hols in Feb, first time on Azura and first time to Madeira. We have booked the cable car & wicker basket toboggan. Some of you may remember I was having a scan to see if I could have a new drug for my MS, I got a letter Saturday saying I am not a suitable candidate. I was disappointed but friends have said it is a positive because I have no active lesions which is what they were looking for and no real changes since my last MRI in November 2019. I hate the Winter but signs of Spring are on the way, our daffodil shoots are a few inches high now. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  17. Morning everyone, hope you are all ok this morning. A lazy start for us today, I am still lying in bed writing this. We had a busy day yesterday as we went to visit grandchildren in Whitley Bay, a lovely day was had by all. We passed Langley Castle, they do a fabulous Sunday lunch and had we not eaten we would have been tempted to go in, highly recommended. We have family over today so I need to prepare and cook lunch. Looks a lovely day outside with no wind so a stroll on the promenade looks like an option. Mrsgoggins, sorry to hear about your friend. I hope you have a lovely time on your cruise. For all those planning to lose weight add me to the list, 7 pounds by end Feb for me. Back at gym tomorrow, first time after breaking my foot. Have a lovely day everyone Michelle
  18. So are we Graham, we don’t want to leave the dogs as they are scared of the fireworks Michelle
  19. Happy New year to all my “virtual” Cruise Critic friends. Hope 2023 is a good year for you all with lots of cruises & holidays to look forward to Michelle
  20. Lovely to see you posting on here again. Sorry to hear you haven’t been so well but hopefully you are in the road to recovery and that 2023 will be much better for you Michelle
  21. Happy Christmas to all my CC friends. Hope you all have a lovely day and that you were on the “good list” and Santa has been kind you 🎄 Michelle
  22. Not good parenting at all in my opinion. Apparently it’s called “relaxed parenting”…. Words fail me!! And they will carry it forward to their children and so it goes on..an on..and on… Michelle
  23. Hello everyone from a wet & soggy Lytham St Annes. Just been to get my nails done and had lunch. Last bit of tidying and cleaning to do before in-laws arrive for three nights. It will be a curry to eat tonight and then watch a film I think. A Live from Arvia would be good although we are not on her until March 24 Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  24. Thanks Jennizor, hope you have a good Christmas too Michelle
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