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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. How fantastic for you!! Hope you both had a lovely time. Love the Oasis class ships. Unfortunately our Oasis cruise in 2019 was cancelled because of an accident with a crane in dry dock. You just cannot believe how many people are on there because it feels empty sometimes Michelle
  2. Morning everyone(just), it was drizzling here earlier but seems to have stopped now and there are brighter skies now. Jane, sorry to hear about your ongoing trouble with your teeth. I hate the dentist but go for check ups regularly keeping my fingers crossed each time that no treatment is needed. Happy Birthday Phil, hope you have a lovely day. I am just about to take the dogs out for a walk before lunch. Hubby should be home 2ish after a meeting in Birmingham this morning so it’s a possibility we might go to the pub at teatime for a couple drinks and something to eat. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  3. I did d a renewal passport for my mum, from completing the application online to receiving the passport was 12 days Michelle
  4. Absolutely definitely watch from the beginning on iPlayer Michelle
  5. I loved Happy Valley too, brilliant actors and a very talented writer. I am sure it will win every award going. We used to live in the area where it was filmed so we were always looking for places we recognised Michelle
  6. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all ok today. It has been a lovely sunny day here but cold, no wind though which is always good. Been to see a film with my mum & some friends this afternoon, Mrs Harris goes to Paris. Quite a good film, an easy watch. Dogs walked & fed and I am now sat down with a coffee. Hubby home late tonight, he is playing walking football. To see him afterwards walking you would think he had been playing in the premiership running around for 90 mins, he loves it though so that’s all that matters Have a good evening everyone Michelle
  7. Glad to hear Michelle is having more good days than bad. I am sure there will be Peaches Penelope’s in your family too in the future Take care Michelle
  8. Really glad you have seen a Dr. Take care and look after your back as best you can with the best advice you can get Michelle
  9. Thank you, I will pass on your congrats to her Michelle
  10. Thank you Sarah. It was quite a weight but her son was 10 pounds 3 ounces!!! She is only slim too - size 8 maximum!!! Michelle
  11. Thank you indiana123. Sorry to hear you are not so well. Like you I too because disabled unexpectedly following spinal surgery then was diagnosed with MS. I can usually get an appointment with my GP but have not seen my main Neurologist since Nov 2019 Michelle
  12. Hi everyone, hope you are all ok. I am a Grandma again!! My daughter gave birth at 16.23 on Monday to Peaches Penelope weighing in at 9 pounds 8 ounces. Been to see her today, she is so beautiful and very chilled. I am tired now so going to bed after a drive to and from Yorkshire today Michelle
  13. Sorry to hear this, fingers crossed she doesn’t get too ill and recovers quickly Michelle
  14. That sounds like an amazing trip. Hope you have a wonderful time Michelle
  15. Hope they both are ok and get the best care package Michelle
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