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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Sorry to hear about your husband, hope you can both get away for a break somewhere Michelle
  2. I agree about the desserts on P & O, they are very disappointing. I usually choose cheeseboard but I can never say it’s really good. Best cheeseboard I had was at a hotel in Torquay a few years ago
  3. Very thoughtful of you to think of my mum Graham. She is doing fine, all wired up to be monitored constantly, pacemaker hopefully tomorrow if not it will be Tuesday Michelle
  4. My hubby was in your wide awake club today. We are starting to decorate the house and he was up decorating at 4.30am. Me, I just slept through it all in fact I am still in bed writing this. Lovely hubby brings me breakfast in bed every day. Hope you get your insurance sorted today Josy, we are with Staysure too and our docs came through so hopefully yours will too. Michelle
  5. That’s the dose my mum has been taking, maybe they will change it now or maybe the pacemaker is the answer Michelle
  6. Mum update - she is having a pacemaker fitted either Monday or Tuesday, she has to stay in hospital until then Michelle
  7. Thanks Graham, she has been on Bisoprolol for years and years so this has come right out of the blue. When we left early morning today it was steady at 36/37 which is not great. Her BP was really high too at 205/51 when she was admitted and she takes BP meds Michelle
  8. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well today. I had a stressful day yesterday. My mum was admitted to Hosp yesterday with a heart rate jumping between 25 - 170 within a few seconds. She is on Cardiology ward waiting to see consultant this morning so we should know more when we visit this afternoon. Have a nice day everyone whatever you are doing Michelle
  9. I’ve never had one either, in fact I don’t know what they are Michelle
  10. Sleep is the best medicine, sleep another 6 hours today if you need to. Hope you feel better Michelle
  11. Fingers crossed all is ok for you lincslady Michelle
  12. Nice to hear you are both ok, I was wondering how you were both doing Michelle
  13. I was quite shocked when I read this, I hope you are ok and that the IV antibiotics help Michelle
  14. She does really well Graham, I think she looks fab for her age too. Michelle
  15. Hope you manage to get some antibiotics today, an abscess is very painful Michelle
  16. My mum is 90 in July so she is doing really well. She lives independently with a bit of help from me and Richard so she is doing ok. She has just walked around a very large Tesco Extra which is brilliant for her age Michelle
  17. Cash for a teenager is always a good option. The branded clothes and stuff they buy are just so expensive. A shopping trip to Manchester sounds like a good day out Michelle
  18. Lovely photos of you both, the weather looks great, certainly better than here in February. Glad you had a good time Michelle
  19. Good morning all, it looks a cloudy and dull day here with a sting breeze. I am taking my mum shopping this morning then the gym this afternoon for me. From today I am trying to lose a few pounds ready for my cruise next month so bread and cakes will be a big no no for a few weeks. It was my two granddaughters naming ceremony yesterday which was lovely. The photos below are four generations of the females, my mum, me my daughter and my granddaughters and the second one my mum, me and grandsons
  20. Piece Hall is brilliant!! It was renovated a few years ago and now hosts many concerts during the Summer months. There are lots of lovey individual shops there too Michelle
  21. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all having a good day. We are over in Yorkshire for the weekend, it is my youngest granddaughters 1st birthday party tomorrow along with a naming ceremony for her(with a celebrant). I have booked a lovely cottage for us with views over Shibden Park in Halifax. The photos do not do it justice, it is really nice. Taking the grandchildren out tonight to a Turkish/Greek restaurant that they love so fingers crossed for a nice meal tonight. Take care everyone Michelle
  22. Glad Teddy is doing a bit better. He sounds like our Cavalier, Rosie, she would do anything to avoid a walk. In fact she sits between my legs on my mobility scooter then sometimes gets off and has a walk. We are back at the eye hospital in Penrith with her next Friday Michelle
  23. Really enjoyed reading your review, glad you had a good time Michelle
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