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Posts posted by Langtoncouple

  1. The old Argo Lounge was my favourite spot on the ship for a comfy seat, relaxing atmosphere. It was nice for afternoon tea and its not the same having this in one of the dining rooms sitting at a big table. I used to enjoy the Classical duo of a pianist and violin. Do any of the Thomson ships have such a duo still?

  2. We decided to look out for the Military Museum in Kalamata and got lost. We eventually found it and had taken a long roundabout way to get there but it was worth it. Its free and apart from one other couple, we were the only ones. It is run by the military and we had our own guide to show us round. He was a Greek soldier. He knew his stuff but the problem was the time. We eventually had to tell him we were on a cruise and that time was limited but this museum was well worth visiting with a tank and a plane in the courtyard. We had a really cheap lunch in a restaurant on one of the non tourist streets. Excellent. Came across the train park but it was quite sad seeing these rusting old trains. I wonder what York Museum would do with them!! Some good shops. Kalamata isn't the prettiest but its a port and a base for visiting further afield.

  3. O am so pleased you had such a good time. The <ajesty also had liquid shower gel. I don't mind this cause it was the cheapest toiletries plus it also cuts down on waste of plastic bottles etc. My husband prefers the built in dispensers as he hates faffing around trying to unscrew wee botttles of this and that! More and more hotels these days are switching to dispensers.

  4. I agree a bit about Kalamata but its the port to visit other places. However we managed to find (with difficulty) a fantastic Military Museum. My husband loves this sort of thing. Its run by the army and we had our own guide a currently serving soldier who was passionate about this. There was only one other couple and they also had their guide. Its was free but we did give a donation. On the way back to the ship we came across a park full of old rusting steam trains. Quite sad to see these when you think of how they are preserved in the York Railway Museum. We had a great 2 course lunch with beer for only 6 euros each. These towns depend on tourists.

  5. Oh But Is it....yes you are right. We were there yesterday too. I was told it was bad and it is. Is it only Thomson who make you stand in queues outside. At least it wasn't hot cause I think it would be unbearable,. Then theres the business of picking up your heavy case after it hasd been weighed. I wonder why they don;t just tweak the board to make it go onto the conveyor belt. So its another queue and when you do get to the passport check in- chaos again. And nowhere to sit. Even the queues when you do board the plane are awful.

  6. I have been 4 times on the Dream and was a bit apprehensive about going on the Majesty. I hate change!!

    Last wee we were on the Hellenic Cruise and overall had a super time . I am not going to give a proper review but rather just give my comparisons between each ship.

    We had a cabin on 8th floor and was pleased it was wider and much brighter than the Dream. More drawer space.


    The Majesty had many more bars and spaces to sit I think. I actually preferred the Jubilee Lounge there to the Broadway Theatre on the Dream Okay there were a few pillars but it was brighter and more comfortable seating. The stage was a thrust stage and I like this. Before the 8.30 Show , the group Musik Umlimited performed on stage so there was no sitting around waiting for the start plus at the end you didn't get the mass of people exiting to dash through to the Medusa to get a seat.


    The Entertainment Team were fabulous and they put on some good shows. i was pleased to see the return of "Africa" and a new one is a show with songs from the states in the USA. Pleasant change. The team was one of the best although it could be very loud specially on the Queen night when Muzik Unlimited was backing them. This group were excellent too.


    Safety Drill was a bit of a farce. Our cabin steward made up put on our jacket right away but my husband almost tripped down the stairs cause he couldn't see over the top of his life jacket. She also advised people to go up to muster before the alarm. This is not how it was done on the Dream. You take your jacket with you. The whole idea of a safety drill is to time how long it takes passengers to assemble.


    Over the years we have got to know the Dream staff but we soon found new "friends " on board


    However it was the food which let it down. Maybe its to do with the head chef but breakfasts were made with the cheapest sausages, bacon and the coffee from the machines was awful. The cream on the scones or with all desserts was that synthetic pure white scooshy cream that I remember eating with cream cookies long ago. Even the butter was bog standard Lakeland salted yet on the Dream it was creamy unsalted German butter mm. I also felt that the breads were not as varied. Just rolls yet again on the Dream their bakery turned out a whole selection.


    Overall I actually preferred the Majesty laypout with all the venues for sitting but it was the food. We ate in the Seven Seas and the 2 starters always included a melon one. Last year on the Dream you were brought separate dishes of vegetables on the side.


    But we did enjoy our holiday immensely.

  7. We came of the Majesty yesterday. While we enjoyed all aspects of the cruise, I am afraid it was the food which let it down. Now in previous years we have had 4 cruises on the Dream, (2013 food so so, 2014 much improved fare and enjoyed it but the Majesty was the poorest. We breakfasted from the buffet and it was the cheapest sausages, unappetising fatty bacon, disgusting weak tasteless coffee from the machines. We ate in the Seven season restaurants but it was the wee things we noticed which let it down. Desserts came with the pure white synthetic scooshy cream, boiled potatoes did not seem fresh, even the butter was the Lakeland salted packets yet on the Dream it was lovely creamy unsalted German butter packs. I think what people say on here is that it all depends on the head chef and budgets. It may be that next time the food will be much improived.

  8. One of the Mein Schiff ships was beside the majesty today in Corfu. What a monstrosity - a floating block of flats. Good news Linda - guess what one of the shows was this week/.... Africa! Yes Richard announced it had been resting for a few years but had now returned. Fantastic! A new show to us was "a trip round the USA" or a name like that. it featured songs from state to state and we enjoyed that. There was the Lloyd Webber show but new songs this time. I will be putting up a review of the Majesty maybe tomorrow.

  9. Pension Cruiser there really isn't much in Olbia. Its a port to get to other parts of Sardinia. We always do our own thing and never bother with excursions but this is one where I wish we had organised something. Maybe you could investigate if there is local transport to take you to other nicer parts of Sardinia.

  10. We also had a delay about 2 years ago. We had checked out of our cabin then it was announced that the flight was delayed. We were told we could remain on ship, take all meals and in the end we really had an enjoyable "extra day" in Palma. Those who had checked out of their hotels were not so lucky and I have a feeling that some of them had been en route to the airport when it was announced about the delay.

  11. I'm the last person to defend Thomaon, but you left after a bowl of soup? Did you not think perhaps it would be worth staying around for the rest of the courses? Bizarre! But each to their own as you say.


    I agree, what was your reason for leaving after the soup. In what way was the soup different?

  12. There is a lovely married couple on the Dream. He is a waiter and she is a bar steward. They have 2 young children who are looked after by her mother back home. When we were on, she had just returned from her leave and her husband was due to go of on his. That way she told us the children would have at least one parent for a few months rather than them both being away. She said that she would do this for another couple of years until they have saved up enough money then she would return home for good.

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