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Everything posted by countess5

  1. Mimosas! Can’t start a day without them! Was our morning ritual while cruising this winter! 🥂 Pic of Mimosa and a beer for Mr. Cheers!
  2. We just came off Reflection a couple of weeks ago. I have a thread 47 days on 3 ships that you can read. The final thoughts covers Reflection since that was our last B2B of the 3. We have sailed Reflection a few times. Also posted along the way of being on the ship. You can go to your planner and purchase just Le Petit Chef. Can be done on the Celebrity app also. I would purchase it and if it goes on sale you can cancel and rebook. Usually there is a first night discount I believe. We enjoyed the dinner. Cheers!
  3. You definitely need to go and have your table moved. They should have no issue changing your table. We had lunch yesterday with some cruising friends we are going to Japan with in 2024 and Barbie had our table moved 3 times. Get what you want! You are there for two weeks and that just won’t work. Cheers!
  4. So sorry to hear of your loss. Last year when we sailed 48 days the last day of our cruising on Silhouette I received a call from my brother that our Mother had passed away the night before. Ending this winter cruising was a bit hard remembering how we ended it last year. You are correct you never know what’s coming for us and that is why we all need to grab life as best we can and celebrate it! Cheers! ❤️
  5. I see the Senior Officers Reception is 7:45 Pm on Silhouette as it was on Reflection, just don’t get that time. Try the mixology event, we attended twice, once would have been enough, but would be interested how it’s done on Sil. I am sure if it was a beer tasting there would be no question Mr, would want to attend! 😂 Enjoy the sail today! Cheers!
  6. Thanks Jim for following, you are one of the people that inspired me to do this. Looking forward to following your next journey. Cheers!
  7. Not really sure as of yet but I will update when we come to a decision. We really like the life style and enjoy the experience. Cheers!
  8. So glad you met Ernesto! I am sure the service was outstanding! Expanding his drink menus, that’s fantastic! Cheers!
  9. Good Morning, Boarding Day! She has docked and ready to receive you! Cheers!
  10. Make sure it’s made at the bar. I found if I ordered it from the guys walking around they didn’t get it. I always walked up to the bar. Cheers!
  11. Will make that decision in the months to come. Not sure what we will do, but what ever it will be fun! Planning our trip now to England to see our British cruising friends! Cheers!
  12. I wanted to answer your question, we don’t experiment with Martini’s . Barbie is a Fresca Martini and I stay with Hendricks Gin Martini, no vermouth with a cucumber. I sometimes go with an espresso Martini. 🍸 Cheers!
  13. You thought I forgot traveling tray! 😂 😂 I did not....... Not a crazy story but one of interest of what a tray brings out when you go to Al Bacio. How did this start? The first morning on Equinox we had room service. When the breakfast came ( simple continental breakfast) requested items were missing. We let it go. Second morning we ordered again and once again items were missing. This time we pointed them out and the attendant went back for those items and delivered them on the soon to become "the traveling tray" (pictured above 😂) I said to Barbie, no more room service I am going to go to Al Bacio each morning for coffee and danish/muffins. Barbie asked how was I going to carry that back to the cabin since we both have two cups of coffee and danish. I said this tray will come in handy so I put the tray in the closet. The next morning with tray in hand I went to Al Bacio for 4 Americano's and danish. The person behind the counter asked how I was going to carry this since they do not have trays.....I said I brought my own tray! She laughed and said that was very smart. She said we are asked all the time if we have trays. So each morning I made my way down to Al Bacio with tray in hand and it was interesting to see people look at me, some say where did you get that? That is crazy smart, I should of thought of that and so on. So as we went into the next week I left the tray in the closet and again each morning with tray in hand went to Al Bacio. The Equinox came to an end and Barbie said what are you going to do on Beyond for breakfast. I said I am going to Al Bacio with my tray in hand. So the tray was packed and onto Beyond the traveling tray came. I thought, well it's Celebrity too so it's staying with the same cruise line. On Beyond I went down the first morning I kept it next to my side and again I was asked how was I going to carry 4 Americano's and danish back to the cabin. Ala! I have a tray! It then became the "Magic Tray". Each morning the team would say the Magic Tray is here 4 Americano's, what type of danish/muffin would like this morning. Again, many people with looks and comments. For 14 days I went to al Bacio and was greeted with "it's the magic tray". Beyond ended so Barbie said are you moving the traveling tray to Reflection? Of course I am! So onto Reflection with the Traveling tray we went. On Reflection there is a lower shelf and then the higher counter. I placed it on the lower shelf. 4 Americano's please with a carrot muffin ( which Barbie had almost every morning on all the ships). The question came up again how was I going to carry it, up comes the tray and the team just looked at me and said that is smart! For the next 14 days when I showed up with tray in hand, it was 4 Americano's! No need to order! 😂 Thanks Ena for the hgeat service! The tray got me into some conversations with other passengers and it was a fun event with the team each morning. So That's the story of the traveling tray. Try it sometime if you need to bring back the goods from Al Bacio! 😂 Where is the Traveling Tray today............🤔 Cheers!
  14. One Last Good Morning! Summary and final thoughts..... Remember these are personal observations and opinions....your may vary. The beginning of this may sound like there is a lot wrong with complaints and questions but stay with me! This was our second year enjoying our winter cruise. Bottom Line it was a great time. Getting out of the winter (which apparently we had very little of 🙄) is very nice. It's not only the weather but getting dark so early, cloudy days and all basic outdoor activities on hold. It also stimulates the brain and keeps the body moving. I will have to say that this is probably the last sailings on Equinox and Reflection. I say that because of the offerings as to dining and the style of the ships. The service on each was for the most part very good. We met so many new crew and made great memories with them. I selected Reflection as our finishing ship because the amazing time we had last year. Unfortunately she let us down. The "vibe" was not what it was before, she is tiered and really really needs to be revolutionized. There was a smell of sewage each day on deck 5 outside the theater which was not pleasant as we walked down what I call "highway 5" from the front of the ship to the midship to board the elevators to the 15th deck. yes we could of walked outside on the upper deck but certain days winds were a bit too high. Shouldn't be a sewage smell. There was constant maintenance going on, sanding balcony railings, the smell of varnish. Banging and addressing life boats and other aspects of the ship. I know it needs to be maintained for the safety of the passengers and crew but it's time to bring her in. Also, the Cruise Director wasn't the best. On the second week we received a new activities Director and it seemed that the CD and the AD just didn't appreciate each other much. On these class of ships we felt on Equinox and Reflection Murano is not what it use to be. Very little table side cooking and the "special" dining experience just wasn't happening. The service for the most part was good, food good but I am about the experience also. I would also say on Reflection the Captains Club events and a lot of the events were poorly timed. On Reflection the Captains Senior Officer reception was held at 7:45 PM. Just an odd time. On the other ships it was 5 or 5:30 PM. Right before dinner. Also the Captains welcome reception was held at 11:45 AM. Cocktails were served but not hors d'oeuvres. I know I can do without more food but again I go back to the experience. It was like, well we have to do this so let's get it over with. Solo entertainment was at weird times. An example was on both ships they would have a solo or duo play each afternoon at the Sunset Bar. Sail away was around 4:00 - 4:30 depending on the port. The music would come on at 5:30. A lot of people are getting ready to go down for showers and dinner ( I did ask other passengers their opinions on this and they agreed) . If we had a later dining time we would stay and listen. Most times we did not. That brings me to something I just don't understand. As you know we do all specialty dining. We purchase the full cruise specialty dining package, well each one is a night short so we buy one additional night. My question is and I asked this, why can't we make our dining reservations prior to the cruise? All the people that buy one here and one there making their reservation gets us to a point when we board that the times we would like to request are booked so we are thrown into the 5:30 time slot. We were able to get around that because we have done this for so long that we just show up a half hour later of just when we are ready. There's always a spot and there is no issue but why should we have to do this? By far the Beyond was the new girlfriend. I know, newer ship, but we felt there was more in the offerings. Having sailed Edge and Apex, I believe for Celebrity our choice of ships is more towards the Edge class, however as I shared the bar "service" at the Sunset Bar and Magic Carpet did not exist. We discussed this with other passengers and all agreed that when they select the bar services for these new ships they should bring a team from another ship. If they would have had the Reflection Team on the Beyond hands down would of been fantastic! I would have to say that was the only real down point. It just had a better experience and variety. If you ever have the opportunity to sail with Captain Kate please do. You know a Captain of the ship can make a big difference and she does. Best Captain Club events ever and well timed! I will say that all the entertainment was great on all 3 ships. The house bands, the headliners brought on board all performed really well and definitely entertained you. If was nice to have music during cocktails and then a show after dinner. On Equinox and Reflection could someone be assigned to cut the Martini Bar music off when the live entertainment is going on in the Foyer? 🤔 You know when you sail this many days on a ship you have time to for observations and feel the experience of the ship. Not caught up on vacation mode. Look if that was the worse of it, small but it was experienced. We are discussing next year and I believe if we do this again we will try to stay with Edge class ships or explore additional cruise lines. We have achieved Elite Plus and don't see ourselves reaching Zenith so take our benefits and try other lines. Just a thought to see what is out there. With what I have shared it was still an outstanding time and to sail, meet people, make new relationships and share a part of it with friends where can you go wrong? For those retired or those that will be retiring try it if you can. It gets addictive. Hopefully in my post over the cruise time you got a feel of our experience . I don't need to rehash it all again for you. I think I have said enough! 😂 These were just some closing observations to add to those post. I also want to say that we are not on social media, we don't FB, tweet, instagram or any of the platforms. Just Cruise Critic, so if I offended anyone or broke some rule I apologize for that. I hope "Live" helped you get through winter. The main reason I tried this was to pay back those that during their cruises and adventures took the time to post live and get me through winters when I worked and was not able to do this type of traveling. Thank you. I am adding some videos that would not up load while sailing. 🤞 Captain Kate Entertaining 0c7aafab-d8a3-4a49-9954-614974302a38.mp4 St Lucia ef59b1ab-f1b1-4794-bdf3-b82874b6baea.mp4 Well I tried but as you know not a tech guy so the best I could do. Glad I got Kate in. Cheers!
  15. @Norwaylady HI! Countess5 here and looking forward to ride along! My turn to sit home and live through you,😂 We were booked to sail Norway for 14 days back during that “C” word time and was canceled so will have to re-book. We sailed Silhouette last year for 14 days during our winter cruise and love her! Would have sailed her again this year but she moved to Miami. I really like the expansion of the Sunset Bar sitting area. Wished Reflection and Equinox had done it or will do it. Safe travels and great experiences! Cheers!
  16. I would use any of the options discussed above and stay away from the cruise line transportation. We were doing a side by side this month and just needed to go over two terminals. We were standing with the airport transfer people and it was like herding cats! What a show to watch, lack of communication and anyone knowing what was going on. Remember Celebrity hires a vendor to handle transfers, Once you are off the ship your on your own. Took us an hour and a half to go two terminals since they had to handle the airport people before they called a van for just the two of us. I was going to take a cab like last year but I wanted to see this unfold and what a show it was. If you have to make a close flight ship transfer would be a waste. Cheers!
  17. Congratulations on the retirement! It’s a good life! Take that B2B, once you do she’ll get the feel of the longer more relaxing type of cruising. Cheers!
  18. Morning from my recliner at home! 🙄 I have not forgotten to provide my summary and thoughts. Just trying to catch up on being home. We visited Barbie’s favorite place yesterday….the grocery store! 😂😂 NOT! Today I’ll be over at my golf club hitting some balls with my new set of clubs Barbie bought me for Christmas! ⛳️ So I plan on completing my summary tomorrow and the story of the traveling tray! It was just fun on how this went. Cheers!
  19. Good Happy Monday from Ft Lauderdale airport! 😀 Before I give an update of yesterday I forgot to share that on the last day of the cruise we went up to the Sky Lounge to listen to the trivia. As I was sitting there I looked over and guess what I saw? This had to be the most ducks I have found in cruising and not even looking for them! 😂 Yesterday we disembarked and I believed shared that we halted from leaving the ship because a lady had fallen on the gangway. An ambulance was called and we waited for her to be attended to. I am sure that delayed the boarding of the ship since that was around 9:30 and they had many numbers to call and the B2B people. Reflection did not leave until around 6 PM last night. We spent the day on the beach, been in the Caribbean for 7 weeks and never hit a beach until yesterday. We are not really beach people but the pool chairs were all taken. We were at the Marriott Harbor Beach. It is a nice hotel, mostly convention and families but for a night it works. The Sky was off and on cloudy. Around 3 the winds picked up so we headed for our favorite Marriott Cheeseburger! If you have not had one try it sometime. It hasn’t changed in years! Charcoal grilled! 😀 ( I know food porn) Then up to the room to relax and watch the ships head out. Pool view from our balcony oh and we spotted those Florida geese again! 😂😂 I think I have watched these ships leave from every angle. Of you look between the buildings you can see Beyond. There goes our ride! Bye! And the other one! Odyssey of the Seas joined in. Save travels to All! Night came and it was off to watch a little TV then bed! 😴 Will be boarding soon so more to come this week of final thoughts. Cheers!
  20. Sitting at the hotel watching the ships go out and Reflection has not left. We had a medical emergency this morning ( a lady fell disembarking) so I think it has delayed boarding. Cheers!
  21. Was on the ship the last 14 days and Cellar Masters is not a full bar. Cheers!
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