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Posts posted by amyotravel

  1. 1 minute ago, dlphn501 said:


    I called Carnival about it this morning, and the rep told me that she was able to see all the excursions on her end and she had no knowledge of the website being down or glitchy.  

    It's been nothing but glitchy for months now so that should be of no surprise to the rep. Clearly, they just don't want to say that!

    • Thanks 1
  2. Just now, capecruzer said:

    Thank you.  I did see a 12 pack for $4.95 can be delivered to the room and that seems fair enough.  Beats the $1.50 or whatever they charge per.  I just like water bedside....have no problem drinking "tap" so again, thanks.



    🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. 1 minute ago, capecruzer said:

    Do I understand correctly that you cannot bring on plastic water bottles?  I've never seen individual cartons of water, or any size actually.

    Canned sparking water is OK but not bottles, no.


    Ship's water is perfectly fine. If you just cannot do that, you can buy water on board for a premium.

  4. 5 hours ago, audcc77 said:

    I’m not sure if the hot water dispenser on the Lido is hot enough but you could try putting hot water in one cup, then stack another cup with butter pads in it. 

    No more pats of butter. They use crocks now to cut down waste.

  5. I searched around to see if I could get more info. Have never cruised out of Mobile. Info was sparse, but it sounds like it's about 4 hours. And, though nobody stated this specifically, from comments here and there it sounds like only single-shot, one alcohol drinks like a vodka tonic or a Jack and ginger ale, etc. No martinis, etc. Limited beer menu with only the basic domestic macros and Thirsty Frog Red. Limited wine list at dinner as well.


    Sorry I found no exact menu! But hopefully someone will.


    Oh, and also, like a 10% tax during this time.

  6. Just now, MissKIA said:

    Their website is screwed up.  I've been trying for weeks to buy stuff for our cruise.  I called and they made a ticket to fix it but it still doesn't work.  I'm going to call soon to do is cause we leave next week.  You should be able to call Fun Shops to buy your gift.

    So many things have been screwed up for weeks. It's practically impossible to do certain things. Pretty bad.

  7. 8 hours ago, august1963 said:

    Is there a dress code?  Is this the same restaurant that serves the sushi?  I guess I don't know where this is located.....

    No dress code but I would follow the "rules" that apply to clothing in the MDR. It is not the same as Bonsai Sushi. It is up near the top. Don't know deck number, depends on ship probably (I think it was  like 11 on Vista). Across from Cucina del Capitano Italian restaurant. Both of these venues are free at lunch but are not the dinner menu. They are build your own pastas (Cucina) or wok dishes (JiJis) at lunch. Cost for dinner is $15pp.

  8. 2 minutes ago, beshears said:

    Just curious if anyone on here has done the Chefs Table on the Horizon?  My son/d-i-l say we should do it.  I seen (by their pictures, etc.) what they had, and I'm afraid that most of these foods, I probably would not like. 😞 I'm not one of those people that eat just about "anything" that is put in front of me.  I'm just wondering "if" I did it, and still did not like the foods, would it be worth the money to just SEE what all is involved in preparing food for the ship?

    Personally, for the price, if I was not a foodie/had a lot of dislikes, I would say skip it. If you are not into eating or making expertly crafted, local, and seasonal dishes. Do the Steakhouse for much less money instead and pick your dishes based on your taste - especially if you are a big steak fan.

  9. 14 hours ago, carribbound said:

    Does anyone have any good tips on doctoring up the dry movie popcorn they serve? 

    I just avoid it. No biggie. I bring other snacks outside to the dive in movies that I pick up at Lido.


    That said, two other options I can think of are 1) if it is that crucial, stop at a store before the cruise and bring on one of those spray butter-flavor oils and/or some dry shake-on spice mix; 2) if you are on a new ship with IMAX, see if you can purchase the popcorn there if it is better quality and take it out to the deck.

  10. The three newest ships have the family harbor: Vista, Horizon, and Panorama. The Mardi Gras has been delayed until at least close to the end of the year and is not in service yet, but should have the family harbor also. Depending on when you are cruising, the Mardi Gras might be available. But the newest ship tends to be most expensive for a while.

  11. 14 minutes ago, grandmarnnurse said:

    I am aware how slow the service could be, as we ate breakfast in MDR every day when we cruised the Breeze last March. It’s still a much better experience than the buffet. I HATE the long buffet lines. 

    I dislike the buffet period. Will only go get a bit of salad or some cheese to take to my room to have with wine once in a while. But I don't eat my meals there!


    I have had breakfast in the MDR on other ships and the slowness seems to me to be worse at brunch than at breakfast.

  12. On 1/20/2020 at 8:26 AM, grandmarnnurse said:

    I don’t know what the fuss is about. This menu looks fantastic! Several items in here that I’d choose, and as long as my hubby gets his steak and eggs, he’s happy.

    I did the signature tower (bottom middle of menu pic) and it was wonderful!! However, the service at brunch is unbelievably slow and they messed up so many orders at our table (not mine, but it did take super long for items that really aren't even cooked on that one).


    I have heard many, many complaints about the brunch service. Beware and do not be in any sort of rush.

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