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Everything posted by Vict0riann

  1. Blending Museums and New York, in the Aviation Museum in Gander, NL, there is a piece of the twin towers that has been donated to the museum, along with a large binder of thank you letters and an ATC screen of the flights converging on the airport. IMG_0164.MOV
  2. Good morning, Dailyites, today we go to the community nurses' office for Pat to have a "bag-change" and hopefully learn better how to do it himself. He also needs an appointment to take out stitches. But I think he can now come off the Celebrations list, as we are pretty much back to normal. We will be having relatives visit us on the weekend - DD and her BF are arriving from Gander and will be around until sometime in June. Today the sky is a light grey-blue, a little bit better than yesterday, so hopefully the smoky smell will be gone. It will be a holiday weekend here, so things will be very busy, I have an appointment for a haircut tomorrow, but then I hope we will stay in and have a quiet few days. Airport Saturday morning to pick up DD. Pat is driving again, but not allowed to lift for a while. Best wishes for all the Dailyites, and their cats and dogs!
  3. I need a new prescription for my BP medicine so I will be using my home machine for a few days, and then calling the doctor. Usually he will refill for me that way, every year or so he wants to see me in the office. I’m making a long grocery list, too, preparing for the visitors.
  4. I'm afraid the smoke is making its way here now, the sky is quite white. Not yellow yet, but I imagine that will happen. It is all very unfortunate, the prairies need rain desperately. Good morning, all, the cleaning lady will be here soon, so I'd better go and tidy up before she gets here. She called and said she would have to leave a bit early as she had been told to go to the doctor late morning, that's fine with us, more can be done next time. I have been to Jamaica, but it was a long, long time ago, I know I was there because I have a gold charm (remember charm bracelets?) of the island. But I have no desire to visit nowadays. We had burrata in Iceland last year - a very interesting texture. All the best to all the Dailyites!
  5. Terri, I’m having the opposite problem, as Pat thinks he is back to normal. He drove today, I thought he should wait a little longer, and then, when I wasn’t looking, he got out the stepladder and cleaned the filters on the heat pumps. I can’t keep him down. I am trying to do his household chores before he gets to them, but he’s very sneaky! I just don’t want him damaging anything as he recovers. Hope you do get a good night’s sleep tonight.
  6. Cleaning lady will start tomorrow, yay! I’m happy because the guest bathroom needs a good going-over before our visitors arrive, and I was not looking forward to scrubbing the bathtub - I might never get up off the floor! a bit late for iris day, but my irises have started blooming. We have had such warm weather, the flowers are going past very quickly. We even have the air conditioning on.
  7. Good morning, Dailyites, Welcome home, Rich, and Happy Anniversary Bruce and Sue! I'm so glad the aide is working out, Terry. I think the quote is akin to "Use it or lose it!" We have been to Tunis, my fondest memory is the dealer in the market offering DH 300 camels for our red-headed DD! This morning the cleaning lady is dropping by soon to see if she will clean for us. She works in a few houses in our complex, so that should make it easier for her - they are all somewhat similar, although ours is larger as we have a downstairs where DD lives. Anyway, I'd better go and do a bit of preparatory tidying, so she won't think we are slobs, TTYL!
  8. I get this headache on a fairly regular basis, 2 or 3 times a year. I’ve had all the tests, and it just seems to be a tension headache! It should be letting up soon. It usually lasts from 4 to 6 weeks. It’s a darn nuisance.
  9. Good morning, Dailyites! Another interesting day here on CC, the meal looks good, I love tzatziki, and it goes really well with calamari. We're both feeling a bit frantic here, we have visitors arriving on Saturday so there's lots to do to get ready, Pat is not allowed to lift, and now I am getting nosebleeds and still have this nasty headache. Hard to concentrate, I am working on a shopping list, that's as far as I have gotten... And I am trying to get a woman in to help me clean the house that a neighbour recommended, I called her on Saturday and left a message, but she hasn't called back. Terri, I think MOHS is amazing, hope it is a great success for your DH. I'm having extra to do in my DH's place, too, but he's worth it. I'm sure yours is, too! I was looking at cruises, too, yesterday. I noticed that there is a special HIA when you book with the Early Booking Sale, so we are going to book a Panama Canal cruise for 2024, on the NA I think HIA is a better deal than Club Orange, if the HIA is still $50 a day.
  10. That sounds like a really good idea. We often fly to Seattle from Victoria to find better flights across to Florida. Flying through Canada is a hassle.
  11. Good morning, Dailyites, and Happy Mother's Day to all who mother! My mother was very hands-off. If she didn't have servants to look after me, she sent me to boarding school. In her defence, I think I was a handful, a spoilt only child. One thing she said to me when I married - "Just don't expect me to babysit!" - and she never did. We visited Nanortalik on the Nieuw Statendam in 2022, so I have pictures much like the others shown, as there's not all that much to see in the small town. The best views were from the ship. Arriving The ship in a low cloud Leaving there were many icebergs
  12. Good morning, Dailyites, big day here, Pat is coming home. He will have the staples (25) out this morning, and I can go in and pick him up around 11. Yesterday he had a scan and the stents out, so nothing more will need to be done, except the community nurse will be coming in to help him with the "bag" until he is comfortable with it. Then he needs to make an appointment for June 3 to hear the results of the pathology. I am a fan of hummus, but Pat is not, so I've been eating it in his absence. We've also had pizza and MacDonald's while he was in the hospital; now we have to go back to regular stuff... I think we will be holding off a bit on the prosecco, but all in all, I don't think he will have any dietary restrictions. I have been trying to get the house organized for guests next weekend, so Pat doesn't have to do any heavy lifting, but I think I will have to get a house cleaner in, in fact maybe for a few months. That would be a great help. I do wish this headache would go away! Yesterday the internet went down, and Pat told me how to fix it, but I did it wrong, and DD had to work on it later in the day. I'm finding it hard to focus. My best wishes to everyone on a beautiful weekend in Victoria - we are supposed to break records and go up to 28 Celsius - about 86 Fahrenheit - unheard of here!
  13. Thank you , Jacqui. If you have a “Find My” app on your iphone or iPad, you should be able to get it to notify you when/ if you are in its vicinity. I have it in lost mode, so anyone can contact it. Haha. This is one lucky AirTag!
  14. Good morning, Dailyites. Thanks for all the interesting information. We did visit Santarem on our part of the Grand South America cruise on Prinsendam with Roy. The whole cruise was fascinating, but I am not inspired to do it again. It was very hot, and I decided I am just not that enthralled with the developing world. I much prefer Europe. Pat is coming along very well in hospital, I think he can come off the lists, he will be home any time now! I imagine he will be monitored closely for some time by the Cancer Clinic. I took him in some clothes yesterday, we'll see how things are going when I go in soon. I have been taking in goodies for the nurses and aides every day. Yesterday after our visit DD and I went out to Costco and I got a container of "lemon bites" which look very interesting, so I'll take them in today,. I can confirm that Rotterdam is in Riga today - my cruising AirTag is there, too!
  15. Good morning, Dailyites! I must rush, I'm slow getting started this morning, and I want to get the room organized for our guests later this month, as Pat may be released on Friday, and I don't want him to start trying to do things too soon. He's likely to lift things he's not allowed to! The surgeon has told him he is going to be his poster boy for cystectomy! I am so fed up with this headache! When I'm home I mainly sit around with a heating pad on my neck and head, but it usually lasts for a month to 6 weeks, so I have a ways to go, and I have so much to do. Just thinking about it makes the headache worse... My aunt, my father's sister worked at Bletchley. I wanted her to tell us about it, but she had signed that oath of secrecy, which didn't expire until after she had died. We did find her name in the register there. I love sweet potatoes. Regular potatoes I can do without, but of course Pat, being Irish, must have his spuds. Jacqui, Ivan is a handsome boy! Our Lab, Trapper, had lipomas, one of which we had to have removed as it was affecting his walking, it was around the size of a chicken breast, under a front leg. He was happy to have it gone! And I think the vet managed a good tooth cleaning while he was out.
  16. What happened was that I was halfway packed and realized I wanted to put the AirTag in the middle of the suitcase, but couldn't find it. I asked it to beep, and it sounded like it was beeping from inside my suitcase, so I figured it was in the suitcase already, and I just hadn't noticed. But perhaps it was beeping from under the bed. I have no idea what it did, as I thought I had put it in the desk drawer, but possibly it jumped out and hid under the bed - it must have wanted to stay on board! Now I can follow it as it travels, and compare with where the Fleet Report and Daily says the ship is! Oh, well, we still have three of them, one each for our suitcases, and Pat can put the third one in his carry-on, as he is the one who carries all the documents, etc. (If we ever travel again....)
  17. Thank you, Fred. I’m not too worried, I just hope it’s having a good time, as long as the battery holds out!
  18. Good morning, Dailyites! Happy to know it's Nurses' Week - I think I'll take in a big box of Timbits for Pat's nurses this morning. Will they thank me? And my cousin is a nurse, so she's the one I call with those questions... Pat is improving much too fast, I'm afraid he will want to come home any time now! The first day after surgery his blood pressure was low, so they didn't give him his BP meds, then yesterday his BP was better, but his oxygen was down in the 80's, so he was on oxygen most of the day. He was doing laps around the ward faster than the two nurses who were having to trail after him with the IV pole and the oxygen monitor. I wonder how he will be today... (He's already bored.) The TV in his room doesn't seem to be working, I will take him in some airplane magazines and a decaf latte this morning. (He's not on clear fluids any more, but "full fluids") I've been going in alone in the morning, and DD goes with me in the afternoon. With the driving, parking, etc., it seems to take up most of the day. But I'm thinking of you all. My cruising AirTag is in Copenhagen today. I hope it has fun! OverheadFred, welcome home, I guess Herdy and Pram have not vacuumed under the bed yet! My irises are in bud, but not open yet, and the lilac is just starting to bloom. But I have planted my sweet peas and Red Sails lettuce (our favourite). Other than that, I think I'm going to take it easy in my little flower beds this year, just tackle the weeds... It's supposed to get up to 30 by Sunday!
  19. But that only helps is you use the elevators, Graham!😉
  20. I went in to see Pat this morning, and again this afternoon with DD. He is doing well, it seems. He was up and walking around this afternoon, he hates the "compression leggings" and is hoping they will take them off so he can sleep tonight. Still multiple tubes in and out, but he is quite chirpy, and made a few jokes when the surgeon came in for a visit. We didn't stay too long this afternoon, I just wanted to be sure his dinner was clear fluids, this morning they gave him cream of wheat, which he promptly threw up! DD has been told to make him congee for tomorrow. Yuck. I might make him some jello.
  21. We went to Germaine's luau once (2010) when we were staying in Honolulu and the hotel offered it. It is a huge venue, we ended up miles away from the stage. I don't know if there might have been a way to pay a little more and get closer, or maybe we just didn't know any better. The food and drink were okay.
  22. Just popping in quickly to say Pat's surgery is over, the surgeon didn't call until 7:40 last night, as he had had some sort of emergency case after Pat's. So I was waiting all day to hear, although I had called the hospital at 4 and was told he was in recovery. Hopefully he got everything. I imagine he will be monitored by the Cancer Clinic for some time. I'm going to call the hospital soon and see if he is in a room, so I can go in to see him, and take him his phone, etc. Then we'll be able to stay in touch. Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday. I have the Coronation recorded, and I won't peek until Pat gets home and we can watch it together, so nobody tell me who won...😉 My AirTag is in Amsterdam today, so I guess that is where the good ship Rotterdam is parked!
  23. My “cruising Apple AirTag” is still with you , somewhere in room 5050! I don’t know if you have an iPhone- I put the AirTag in “ lost” mode, and if you happen to be walking past 5050, it may be able to tell you where it is, if you have a FindMy app. I’m not sure if our great room stewards Herdy and Pram are still on board, but I have a feeling that the errant AirTag is in one of the desk drawers, maybe under the mirror or hairdryer, or else perhaps on the floor under the bed. DD is not happy with me, that I misplaced her gift. Sorry to be a nuisance, I’m happy you are having a good time.
  24. happy to hear you are out of the hospital after a terrible ordeal. Hope your return home goes smoothly.
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