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Everything posted by Vict0riann

  1. This is going to be a long page 1, if I've really gone back to post #3!. It is 10 degrees celsius this morning at 6, and it is getting dark much earlier these days. Fall seems to have snuck up on us. The rains have started in earnest, and I'm watching for the reservoir to start going up again. I think we got down to about 65%. Jacqui was not able to locate my wandering AirTag yesterday on Rotterdam, so it will continue on its journey to Fort Lauderdale. I hope it's having fun! I'm thinking of you all today, hoping all goes well. PS Post numbers seem to be repeating themselves!
  2. I can't believe I may have made it to page 1! I'm up early, early, because I have a cold and woke up at 1:20, finally got out of bed at 5. Now it's 6 and I'm wide awake. I took a Tylenol cold pill in the hope it dries me up for my flu shot later this morning. I did look it up and it seems it's okay to have it with a mild cold. I have tested myself twice over the last couple of days and I am negative for Covid. No temperature, just a runny nose, coughing and sneezing. Thank you to al Dailyites for today's FL and D! We also circled Fanning Island many years ago on Statendam, but it was because of weather, not Customs. I will continue later, gotta get on page 1!
  3. Jacqui, I'm sorry I'm such a bother! I suppose it might be in a Lost and Found drawer somewhere, it is evidently still on the ship. The wandering AirTag is on its way to Fort Lauderdale! Thank you for your efforts on my behalf, and thanks to Carolyn in 5050 for participating in the search! We still have three AirTags, now with new batteries, and so that will cover our two suitcases and Pat's carry-on!
  4. Prayers for @57redbird’s DH and all the other Dailyites suffering! And good morning, all, with many thanks for all the news. I looked on my Navigator this morning and it says 16 days - eek! Suitcases will be coming up soon. Interesting items in the FL and D today. I would try the recipes, but DD has announced she will be making tempura veg, and she has prepared shakshuka (?) for the next day - so who am I to complain? She would very much like us to be vegetarian. When I cook, there’s meat involved… @kochleffel, there is a good HOHO bus in Funchal, if it is running. I know there is/was a stop along the waterfront, but the ship’s shuttle drops off one street off the waterfront, near the park, and I don’t remember if there was a HOHO stop nearby, or if you have to walk down to the water. You might have a look online for schedules, and at least have that as a backup if you don’t hear about the tour with Daniel. we had a nice time in Bellingham, the ferry, returning, had a computer glitch and we were told there was no space left all day, and we would be sleeping in the terminal! We got on the 3 o’clock one, no problemo…
  5. Happy birthday to Pennie, and good morning to all. The appointment with the urologist went well and the next will be May, unless there is a problem. All a "go" for the cruise! We got our Covid shots, but refused the flu ones, we'll go next week or so for those. Even DD managed to get both, I think she got lost somewhere in the system and hadn't been called in since last September. There were two health care workers getting their shots while we were there and they said there are a lot of cases of Covid in the hospital and they are putting them three to a room now! We are off to Bellingham in a couple of hours, Macy's, here I come! (And probably Olive Garden for dinner.) Talk to you Friday...😁
  6. We always leave a copy of our itinerary with our children, I have to say, although I may put on it "tour to..." I don't always put contact info, we'll be doing that in the future, I'm sure!
  7. We heard from friends on board that the ship contacted the missing couple's family at home to ask if they knew where they were going, and were told they would be visiting friends locally, and that way the ship was able to contact them and get them back to the ship.
  8. Good morning, Dailyites, and Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! I am giving thanks because DH went to golf, and I have a little time on my own to post. He is getting frantic to get going and doesn't give me any time to myself these days, so I haven't been able to post, but I am thinking of you all! We had a big Thanksgiving dinner at my cousin's house on Saturday, I think there were 28, and two more expected for next year! I took pies, and today there is just one piece of pumpkin remaining here, I can't decide whether to just give it all to Pat, or divide it between us. The weather has been very nice here, clear and warm, but today is dreary, and we are expecting (hoping for) rain this afternoon. Did we have an earthquake, @luvteaching? I didn't feel anything... We "attended" a zoom Celebration of Life for cousins in Virginia on Friday, there were many faces, from Ireland, Croatia, the US and Canada. It was very nice, if short. Tomorrow is a big day, we have an appointment with the urologist to discuss Pat's latest ultrasound, and then appointments for Covid shots. I have just a little premonition that, as it's the first day of the rollout of the vaccine, they may not be ready, and we have backup appointments in Bellingham for shots on Thursday, which we will cancel if we do get them tomorrow. But we need to get it done at least two weeks before we travel to Spain. BTW, @kochleffel, did you get my email? I had intended to add, if you are interested in Picasso, the Picasso museum in Malaga is much larger than the one in Barcelona, and they have (or at least, had) wonderful docent/guides. The MNAC in Barcelona is wonderful, if you have time, and the Miro gallery.
  9. Annie, @marshhawk, when we lived in Kenya, I injured my elbow driving our car which had a really stiff gearbox. The doctor there told me that when we left and I wasn't driving it, the ulnar nerve would repair itself. It didn't, and eventually, when we moved here, I had surgery to "release" it. That didn't help much, and I have struggled with it for 40 years now. It's like having that electric shock feeling when someone hits your funny bone. My pinkie finger and the one next to it are affected, but I'm lucky I haven't lost the use of my hand. Do try to immobilize your arm (for weeks!) and I hope it will go away over time. My arm has been really bad, too, the last couple of days, and I can't figure out what I did to aggravate it, usually chocolate or too much coffee will do it, but I don't think I've had too much recently. Do you think you did it from the tree sawing and cleanup you've been doing? I think it can be something like carpal tunnel and be from some repetitive action you've been doing. So don't do it!!
  10. Good afternoon, Dailyites, we will be leaving soon to go to a Celebration of Life for a recently deceased neighbour. This morning Pat needed to go to the dump, so first we had a coffee at Butchart's and checked out the dahlias, I was wondering if they were still in the ground, but they are going great guns. Some must be 10 feet tall! And huge dinner-plate flowers. That's what you can do when you know how to keep the deer out! There was great excitement when a little garter snake visited in the cafe area, the Australians were especially fascinated! A garden employee watched over it as it made its way to a flower bed. The gardens were crowded with "sticker people" off the Ovation OTS. Lucky folk, they were here for the day and the sun was shining. Then we dropped off the metal recycling at the dump, and came home for lunch. Some of the flowers.
  11. A long time ago, in England, I had to be hospitalized, and Pat had to cash every travellers' cheque we had to get me in (you can tell how long ago it was!), but as soon as the insurance company heard about it they covered the charges, and the hospital returned Pat's cash. I can't imagine them going that route nowadays. A credit card has to be good. I wonder if it would be possible to google hospitals in Spain and see if they take credit cards. We had friends cruising in Mexico this year and he had a heart attack, They had to get a few credit cards together to cover the huge hospital charges.
  12. Good morning, Dailyites and thanks to all who post. I'm sorry to hear of the health problems; @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, hope they figure out your DH's problem and fix it PDQ! Horror story from BC - a couple and their dog were killed by a grizzly bear in Banff; they sent a plea for help, but the rangers couldn't get in for hours, and by then it was too late. This is evidently a dangerous time to be around the bears, they are trying to fatten up for winter, and very aggressive. I managed to get us appointments for our Covid shots on the 10th, the very first day they are rolling the new vaccine out. I hope it's the right one we get. We'll be able to cancel the reservations we made in Bellingham, but we'll drive down for a day or two anyway. We should be able to get flu shots any time at the drug store, and I don't know if we have the RSV vaccine in BC. Have to check into that one. We don't name cars, but I remember one of my cousins had an old clunker that he named "Willie", as in "Will he go or won't he?"
  13. I put locks on everything. Carry-on, handbag, hubby! Not taking any risks... I haven't been on the trains in Spain, but other places the trains have areas where you leave your bag, and you need to try to sit where you can see it, or better yet, keep it right beside you. As far as laundry, we have mixed success with it coming back within 24 hours. On Rotterdam it took 3 days. Hoping for better on Oostie!
  14. We had lovely crew and staff when we were on Rotterdam in the Spring, pre-eminent among them, of course, was Khay, our cellar master. If she is still there, please give her a big hug from us. However, I heard she had had another promotion to Beverage Manager, so she may not be as "store-front" as she was. Khay
  15. Thanks so much, Jacqui! I have a feeling it is under the bed, too , maybe wedged under a drawer, or else it is in a desk drawer. If we can coordinate times, perhaps I could make it beep for you, but a lot of the time it doesn’t seem to have internet. Most often I can see where it is when it’s in a port. I think it is enjoying being a stowaway! I will definitely be following along on your Live From!
  16. Good morning, Dailyites, many thanks to Rich and all the Dailyites who post with interesting items of news. Prayers for those that need them and cheers to those celebrating. I hope @smitty34877 is faring okay in all the rain. DS and his partner are vegans, one step up from Vegetarians, I'll give him a hug when next I see him, but it won't be today. I am recording the Ryder Cup and we will probably be watching that, off and on, all day! Yesterday I got my Prolia shot, I was feeling weird all day, but I think it was because I took some Robax for a sore back. I will try to remember to just take Tylenol from now on. We've been to Fiji, but it was to the port of Lautoka, not Suva, so I won't bore you with my pictures! Chief, that is a beautiful and very welcoming door. We'll all come and knock on it! We won't have lasagna soup today, but DD is making her own modification of a tom yum (?sp...) soup for this evening. If she makes it really spicy I won't be happy, but Pat will! I feel the need of cornbread muffins, so perhaps I will make some of those to go with the soup. We have been collecting things for the church bazaar and I think the muffin pan went to them, Oh well.... I'm planning to start cutting back the dahlias in the courtyard today, it may take me a few days to get it all cleared away. But it must be done! I'd better go and get on with it, and stop socializing.
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