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Everything posted by Vict0riann

  1. Captain Draper just gave us the safety message, he didn’t mention what time we would be moving on NS. He said he would come back with more info. So maybe we know more than he does!
  2. Fred and Mitzi are on board and Tony has organized the anniversary dinner in Canaletto for tomorrow. I’m hoping that we will be able to see the spacex launch tonight as we sail past. Not quite sure how it will work.
  3. Made it on board quickly , the cane helped, we had a shortcut down to the atrium on deck one. We walked to the forward elevators and up to 6 to our room . It’s a standard balcony, but only 2 hanging closets. In the past we’ve had three! I immediately bought internet, and here I am! There were many people in the lounge who greeted us from the roll call and Jacqui’s friends J&J, who flew in this morning. Didn’t see @Overhead Fred, maybe they slept in… there are tourists looking at us.
  4. Waiting to board - looking for Fred and Mitzi!
  5. A lot of ships today and our departure time has changed! We’re at the back of the queue. I hope it will still be light when we eventually sail…
  6. I’m hoping things are a bit different on the TA. I did like your caviar happy hour. Might try that!
  7. I was looking on my Navigator, and I noticed that dinner tonight on the NS is the same menu as yours.
  8. We’ll be departing tomorrow on Nieuw Statendam, I’ve requested a wave for 6 of us on our tiny veranda on deck six. We’ll have a Canadian flag or two - I’m hoping that pictures will taken by the regular Sailaway addicts!
  9. Thanks, Gerry, we are at the Holiday Inn Express. It definitely is further! Tony and Martha should be arriving soon from Toronto, and we will discuss dinner.
  10. Anybody know Carrabba’s Grill in FLL and how it is? We walked to Joe’s for a nice breakfast and then to Publix for some wine and other bits and pieces, and then back to the hotel. I know now I will not be able to walk to the Outback tonight, if that is where they want to go, I’d have to take a taxi - that four airports and three flights have really done me in. But Carrabba’S is just at the corner near the hotel, I think I could do that. I looked at the menu, I’m tempted by the lobster ravioli, or maybe the veal piccata. Here’s me, thinking about the next meal….
  11. Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to everyone for the daily news! We made it to Fort Lauderdale late last night, after an eventful day of snow storms, (they said 8 inches in Calgary), delayed flights, and a lot more walking than I had anticipated. But we and our suitcases are here now! Pat is still asleep , but I’ll wake him soon, as the plan is to go to Joe’s Diner for breakfast.
  12. I bet, if you asked them nicely, the PG gang would bring your DW some escargot!
  13. Good morning, Dailyites, I'm happy that things seem to have settled down a bit for those ailing, especially Tana. We will definitely be finishing up leftovers tonight, then running the dishwasher and putting everything away. DD doesn't use it, so it will be waiting for us empty when we return. Cleaning lady comes this morning, and Pat has two doctor appointments today, then we will load up the car, ready to drive to the airport at 3:30 tomorrow morning. Ugh! There are predicted to be big storms in Alberta so we'll probably get held up there like last year - hope we make it to FLL. Early Spring is not a good time to be crossing the country. We have been to Galway on a driving trip - the weather was terrible, we didn't make it to the Aran Islands as we had planned. But I did buy an Aran Island sweater. It doesn't fit me any more, and pictures are pre-digital. We will have internet on the ship, if we ever get there (!) so I will stay in touch. And be thinking of you all.
  14. We have the Morimoto dinner booked on NS, and, providing we get to Fort Lauderdale (there are storms in Alberta, we may get stuck in Calgary like we did last year) I know exactly what I'm going to order. Thanks for the food porn!
  15. Joska is fabulous, she loves attention, (when she is not working) and now, even though she has retired from being a guide dog, she will be allowed to sail along with the new guide dog that she is helping to train.
  16. Good morning, Dailyites, and many thanks for all the news for the past few days. Things have been busy here, but I have been thinking of you all, especially Tana, and Annie's DH. We have only today and tomorrow here, and then on Friday we're off for Fort Lauderdale. DD's appointment at the hospital yesterday went quite well, everything is still in place and the surgeon will check her again in three weeks, so we will be back to take her to her appointment. After the appointment yesterday, we stopped at the grocery store so she could stock up for at least a few days of our absence, and DS will have to assist while we're gone. I have requested a "wave" from the PTZ webcam, so hopefully you will be able to see us on the NS as we leave, along with @sailingdutchy and @Overhead Fred and their DWs, all scrunched up on our little verandah. Our itinerary says we are leaving at 3, but I rather doubt it. If it ends up that we leave after dark, we will probably just go to dinner! It is dreary here, and has been raining overnight. I will be doing errands this morning, Pat will stay home and wait for the plumber, who will arrive, hopefully, sometime during the day.
  17. I'm enjoying your Rotterdam cruise, thanks so much for bringing us along. What did you think of that pork belly dish? Also, please give a big hug from Pat and Ann to Apinya in the Tamarind if you go there one evening. We were so hoping she would be back on the NS this month, but no such luck!
  18. Happy cruising to Martha and Tony, hope to see you next week! Good morning, Dailyites, and Happy Easter. We're off to church in a few minutes, but I wanted to pop in and say I will be praying for all in need! Jacqui, I hope the dog sitter works out, And for those falling down, I hope the bumps and bruises heal quickly. DD is still struggling with her fractured humerus, but she has an appointment at the hospital on Tuesday, and the decision as to whether we will cruise next Sunday will be made then! Pasque flower
  19. Friends @sailingdutchy are sailing today on the NS, so I hope to be here to wave at the ship as she departs. Then we will join then next week!
  20. Here's the food porn: The ginger gelato was to die for!
  21. We really enjoyed the Italian Cellar Master dinner on the NS in 2022 on the Viking Passage. Of course, the menu is organized by the two and may differ depending on the CM and Italian chef. Niko was our CM and Cesare the Italian chef. If you should have Cesare as your Italian chef - please give him our regards - Pat and Ann from Victoria. Cesare I can post pictures of the courses if you like?
  22. Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all who post. I was going to post some pictures of our day in Zadar, but Tony beat me to it! Bon voyage, Tony and Martha! Jacqui, I'm sorry your interim home for Ivan has fallen through. Wish I could help out, too. And Gerry, I'm definitely praying for your DH and want to know how it goes.I'm also thinking of Dixie with a lot of bruises. I'm feeling better today, after a droopy day yesterday, my arm is still sore, but the headache seems to be gone. I did go to my meeting yesterday but was happy to get home to relax afterwards. Today I have to organize the freezer in the garage. DD finds bending over painful, so instead of clearing out the freezer drawer in the kitchen for her, I told her I would clear out the top shelf in the upright freezer, and we'll try to organize meals there for her while we are away. She ordered the one-handed can opener but from Richmond BC it went to LaValle, Quebec, instead of here, so it is seeing the country! Should get here before we leave... Today I plan to also do some gardening if it doesn't rain. I should get started. Salt drying beds on the island of Pag near Zadar, Croatia.
  23. Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you all for the daily news. We managed to get our Covid boosters yesterday, and I am headachy, sore, and in a foul mood today - I really agree with the quote of the day! Pat's appointment did not go so well yesterday, he has a follow-up next Thursday, the day before we fly out. He also has the ENT that day, too, plus the cleaning lady will be here, so it will be a hectic day. He brought up the suitcases yesterday, so I will be getting started on that. Yesterday was a gorgeous sunny day, DD said it made her happy to see the sunshine, but today is overcast and I see some raindrops now. My radishes have sprouted, but after a day or two, something or someone seems to be eating them, there are a lot of little birds around and I wonder if they are finding the sprouts tasty. I will have to plant some more, and cover them. My neighbour's beautiful camellia has bloomed.
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