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Everything posted by Vict0riann

  1. Evidently, it is broken. Now to see what they will do.
  2. Yes, it's high up, I thought at first it was her shoulder - then I dreamt last night that the only thing they could do for her was a full body cast for 6 weeks (puts paid to our cruise coming up), when I told DD about the full body cast, she was not amused!
  3. Wow! What a day - quite the anniversary, that black cloud of Covid certainly brought a silver lining. Rich and the helpers have done an amazing job. Kudos to you all. We have had a busy couple of days. DD fell again, and hurt her shoulder, yesterday am., and stayed in bed all day, with me checking on her, then up most of the night feeding her T1's, This morning she finally admitted she was not getting any better, and I was permitted to call an ambulance. They decided she had fractured her humerus (they said "not funny") and carted her off to the hospital. She is still waiting for the doctor, but has had tests, x-rays, etc. I'm afraid she is osteoporotic like me and most of the other women in my family. Tonight is our complex St. Patrick's Day party and I have made 2 huge rounds of soda bread to take but I'm not sure if we will attend if we need to be at the hospital for DD. Just have to wait and see how it goes. I don't have anything green to wear, anyway... Congrats to Pennie and Annie, must be the luck of the Irish? Of course hard work on Annie's part. Murphy looks so cute, how wonderful she is doing so well. Isn't it great that Kathi is cruising again? My thoughts are with all of the Dailyites. Must go.
  4. Happy to see you cruising and posting again, Kathi. Five years ago, St. Patrick's Day on the Prinsendam I have a picture of us in our greenery! A lot of water under the bridge since then. Have a wonderful cruise.
  5. Pat's outing today included a visit to the dump to dispose of some hazardous waste, and then on down the road to Butchart's. It's very neat and tidy and green right now, but not too floriferous. They do have an indoor "Spring Preview" in what will be the Blue Poppy restaurant next month, which is at least a taste (and the scent) of what's in store: The sunken garden today And another birthday today - granddog Oskar is 4!
  6. Happy birthdays today to the birthday girls - Lenda, Mitzi and Ellen! And good morning, Dailyites. I'm sorry, Graham, that your and Pauline's attempts at reconciliation have failed. At least you tried, you can be comforted by that. I would love to have one of those bacon baps! Here, it looks wet outside. I have a flowerbed full of weeds to tend to and a large fuchsia to prune, but I don't know if I will get it done. Pat likes to have an "outing" every day and that takes up time. This afternoon I am to make biscuits (scones to you, Graham) - DD sent me the recipe she wants used, and she is planning a chicken dish for tonight. And here am I, sitting around chatting on CC! Pennie, I'm sorry about your Martina, I'm sure she had a good life with you. Yesterday I volunteered our stateroom for the cabin crawl on our cruise in April. It seems in the past every time I've done that it has been in the Fall, and I've put a big bowl of Halloween candies on a bed and they've all disappeared. I don't know what I will do this time - maybe Easter eggs? It will be a matter of space available as we have new suitcases and I'm not sure how the packing will go. Miss Camilla is really growing up, isn't she? How sweet father and daughter look, cooking together. I'd better get on with my duties, hope everyone has a good day.
  7. The only Pinnacle ship on which I am not crazy about Club Orange is Rotterdam... those open slats allow for much more noise from the Half Moon Bar in the evening. That bar can get very "merry"! We always tried to get a table at the far end away from the bar. On the other two ships, the CO is surrounded by glass, and there is no HMB, so it is much quieter.
  8. Good morning, Dailyites, and condolences to Graham, @grapau27, Pauline and especially Sarah on the loss of her father. DD and her BF are in St. John's and I hope they are not snowed in this weekend. I imagine they need to be back in Gander for work after the weekend. It is her birthday tomorrow. I don;t think I have had chicken stroganoff, but DD's BF made us a delicious moose stroganoff when we were last in NL, and afterwards an also delicious Dutch Baby for dessert. Vanessa, @JazzyV, thanks for putting me on the list - my eye problems are very small ones, compared with some, my vision is still good. I must say, sitting waiting, I studied a poster of the eye and its parts, and I was just fascinated with the intricacy. Whoever thought up eyes did an amazing job of it!
  9. Good morning, Dailyites, Friday at last! DD blew a "fuse" the other day, and the time on the microwave is off. Pat says he won't reset it for now, as we change times on the weekend and he can do it then. That's okay with me. Interesting days! I think I am an international woman, as I was born in China, grew up in the Philippines and Canada,and lived in the Bahamas, Colombia, Kenya and the US. And I've "stood" on all seven continents. Ann is my middle name, but I have to use my first name, Penelope, when travelling, as that is what is on my passport. Prescriptions here in BC are partially covered, it all depends on one's income. My Prolia is expensive, but it does last for 6 months. It's worth it to me, as I hated having to take Fosamax. Now younger DD has been diagnosed with osteoporosis, I don't know what she is going to do. I didn't have a good appointment with the eye doctor yesterday. Impending macular degeneration - he saw "bumps"! And the cataracts are progressing, but he could still just up my prescription, I really do not want the surgery. Fortunately, DS gave me the "family discount", so I will get my new glasses in a few days, and I have to start taking one of those eye vitamins.
  10. Happy 55th Anniversary, Martha and Tony, @sailingdutchy!
  11. Happy Birthday, @RedneckBob! 🎂 And good morning, Dailyites, I wish for you all the best today. The carrot cake was a success. "Better than store-bought." he said. I did add a little orange zest, because I happened to have one in the fridge, but I couldn't really taste it, so I don't think it is vital. The skin flap is still hanging from my thumb, so I guess it didn't go into the cake, maybe just a bit of blood, no one will notice... Last night I won a lot at a stamp auction, so must go and pick it up, and I have an eye appointment in a little while, so I won't hang around. I made an appointment next week for my Prolia injection. I had wanted to see the dentist just before the shot, but he's on a cruise (!) so I'll just wait six months. There's lots to do this month, including Covid shots, and a lot of updating as we got new passports.
  12. Thanks , Roger. It seems like purchasing ahead of time is a good idea. Do you know how they sort out the 5-star discount?
  13. Carrot cake is iced and cut into 24 pieces. Two are plated and ready for supper, the rest are separated on a cookie sheet in the freezer for an hour. When they are hard I’ll wrap them for storing in the freezer. Should keep us going for a while. I licked the beaters from the icing.
  14. Carrot cake is out of the oven! Just a small amount of thumb in it... 😉 Now I remember why it was so much easier just to buy it!
  15. Good morning, Dailyites. I'm happy to hear that Sam may have a reprieve, But it's true what Jacqui says, we've had that happen, too. It may be the adrenaline from the vet's visit! We have been to Hilo, but my pictures are similar to those posted, to I thought I would answer @0106. Thanks for your message - I think we have had Michelle before, Pat said she was "unobtrusive"... I'm sorry you don't have Cesare on board, he is a lot of fun. When we had Niko as CM and Cesare as Italian chef on NS, we had an amazing Italian Cellar Master's dinner in Canaletto, I just have to show you my pictures. The desert was to die for! But we started with special drinks and tasty morsels by the Lido pool and then progressed into the Canaletto. Even the Hotel Manager joined us and a jolly time was had by all. I was hoping for something similar next cruise...
  16. Thank you Melanie! I bought the carrots and cream cheese and will make it tomorrow.
  17. Good morning, Dailyites! @Heartgrove, I'm sorry about your well-loved Sam, it's a difficult decision to make, but the kindest thing to do. And @marshhawk, I hope Chuck's surgery went well. Have a good nap. Still some snow on the ground here, but it should melt as the day warms, The hummingbirds are not happy with our weather, and this is the week of our annual flower count! I need to ask a favour - I need a recipe for a carrot cake. No pineapple or raisins, just nuts, and grated carrots please, not whizzed in a blender. I was looking on line and nothing appeals to me. I have been buying a carrot cake (Pat's favourite) from the grocery store for the last few years but they suddenly discontinued it. I used to make one but I can't find the recipe. Thanks in advance! We were in Heraklion, with our DD, in 2016 on a Prinsendam 42-day cruise in the Med. It was a wonderful time.
  18. Quick question - was that Jerk lamb shank spicy? I don't know much about jerk seasoning, but I would like to try it if it's not too spicy hot. (In our house we use caliente and picante - I like caliente but not picante!)
  19. I’m really enjoying your report, especially the food porn…. I agree that that lobster roll in Nami Sushi is the best!
  20. We are Ann and Pat, and have enjoyed Cesare’s spaghetti carbonara on a couple of cruises! He is quite a character. The last time was on the Viking Passage in 2022, before that I think maybe it was on Prinsendam.
  21. We're getting your snow now! Suddenly, everything is coated with white. I'd better bring in my tender hanging fuchsia...
  22. Glad you are having a good time! I have a few questions if you have the time for a bit of research - I noticed spaghetti carbonara on the Lido late snack menu, and I wondered if the Italian chef on board was our friend from Victoria - Cesare? He was on the NS in 2022. Also wondered who the Cellar Master is? If you are busy having fun, don't worry about my requests, fun is much more important, and we'll be on board in a month and will look into it for ourselves...
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