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Everything posted by spinnaker2

  1. We are in Charleston. Saw some dolphins earlier. Lots of sea birds and pelicans. Cloudy. Of course it's the Cloud. Gulls jockeying for best position to grab some fish from the wake of the tug and then hitching a ride to the next destination. Water taxi!!!
  2. Stumbles It's dress as you see fit. Or whatever you want. At least on the two cruises we have been on. This past leg really has not been expedition but pretend expedition. Take a look at the itinerary. I haven't seen a parka in awhile. If there are some rules or guidelines none or NOTHING is followed.
  3. I am sure you will have a lovely time. The crew are amazing and over the top. For us the issues are confined to our suite. The corridor outside our suite reminds me of a college dorm, so many happy pax and voices. This is a small vessel, sound carries and we understand that. Food in the MDR is good, la T is good, the Grill is good. Dress is extremely casual. I mean extremely. As in men wearing a tshirt for dinner, jeans and sandals with or without socks. Hats at lunch. Flannel shirts. I did see a few jackets on informal night in MDR, a step up from casual.
  4. I just found this thread, and i laughed so hard. Just glad I didn’t experience the laundry fracas!
  5. And to everyone else, thanks for your support and words of wisdom or memes. Let’s just move on to anther topic.
  6. Bronx It sounds as if you are somehow admonishing me for not bringing the issues to the fore earlier so they could or should have been “ resolved”. That just isn't the case. I wont engage with you on this topic any longer although I suspect that you will want the last word. So be it.
  7. Today is a sea day. The air is remarkably humid. We are getting closer to Florida! another seafood invictus lunch in the MDR. Lots of other activities.
  8. Bronxhua The issues which I reluctantly raised and articulated in detail on this forum have been made known to Silversea. I am happy you love the Cloud. While I do not know you, I find it hard to believe you would be so enamored were you in our shoes. At this time the "problem" to which you euphemistically refer, has not been solved.
  9. We get off on Sunday as you head to Lima. Make sure to say hello to Melody, Vasily, Blessing, Nobleman, Vipin, Oscar, Justice, Mehdi, Abigail, Eduardo, Neil, Joseph, to name a but a few of the stellar crew.
  10. So many battleships at Norfolk Naval Base. As far as the eye can see. Also what we cannot see. Submarines. Planes in hangars. On our way to dock at Norfolk.
  11. At around six am we were awakened by very loud hard banging sounds which sounded as if they were coming from the hull or below. I looked out from the verandah as I thought we'd hit something alongside. We are experiencing wind from ESE and still traveling to Norfolk at 12 knots. The pilot just came aboard. We have been told by reception the water in the pool is causing this noise. In all the years on Silversea I have never heard the pool make such noise. Looking at the pool now I see a few waves. Nothing to coincide with the banging which is reverberating and really LOUD. We are rolling a bit, listing slightly to port. The banging just stopped after an hour or so. Still no official word as to the cause. Maintaining course to Norfolk but at 8 knots now. Winds ENE. Coming about. We can see the coast off the port side. Not sure why we took the course we did. Maybe there's a specific channel as there is a tunnel in the area?? Exit one to re enter or local regs to govern pilot? Don't know but wonder.
  12. And continuing in the corridor on deck 7 outside our suite and near the owners suite machines and disinfectant and flooding.
  13. And now in the corridor outside our suite a small incursion of ???. Commotion in multiple languages with machinery and dryers and wetvac and odor eliminators.
  14. Mr lux She's very old. I have been told she is sold. Not sure when this will occur. I have also been told that she has frequent issues, lots of pax have complained and repairs are becoming more difficult. Not sure how to let other pax know about the issues except in places such as this. It saddens me but we also feel taken advantage of.
  15. I must correct one item. The open staircase goes from deck 8 to deck 9 and is located on the port side.
  16. Yes really does stink. And we feel taken advantage of by the cruiseline.
  17. My review of Silver Suite 726. I generally do not comment on such issues. The positives, it’s a silver suite silly! But with a strange configuration, obviously it was two verandahs and has been converted into a single suite. One verandah suite became the living room dining room areas with a sleep couch, large closet, dining room table that seas four, dry bar and a complete bathroom with shower. The second room has a bedroom and large walk in closet with vanity and another complete bathroom. Lots of drawers and closet space, a double verandah in length, narrow but with a table and chairs and a single lounger. One gets “free” laundry with a silver. Its also located midship on the Cloud. And the major negatives. Keep in mind one pays a small fortune for this suite. It should be superlative. For us the Silver experience has been very tarnished for the following reasons. Not in order of priority. 1. Noise. At about 4 am the gentlemen who clean the pool deck begin their job. They wash the deck and move the furniture. And the water from the deck wash and buckets and hoses goes directly onto our verandah from above like a deluge. The noise of the furniture moving is really loud, loud enough to wake me up. We did mention this to our butler and the deck cleaning was started about 6 am instead of the earlier time. For anyone who wants to nap in the afternoon and is a light sleeper, this is not the suite for you. The constant moving of the pool deck furniture will prohibit sleep. The noise also continues with the Grill as it is directly above 726. The staircase to deck 8 is just above our bedroom in the suite, we hear all of the comings and goings! Those pax who are habitués of the bar seem to prefer the tables above our suite. They arrive in early morning to grab their regular table. 2. Grey water. This has been a MAJOR issue since Reykjavik. Our double verandah location has issues with the smell of sewage. Initially I thought this was from the bunkering that was happening. When it did not abate, we reported it and had a succession of people who also confirmed the pungent smell, those being; the guest relations, the head butler, our butler, the suite attendant. The smell was so strong we really couldn’t open our verandah door, as the odor would permeate our suite. After the parade of sniffers, first the plumbers came. They took off the drain covers and cleaned a bit and confirmed that the two drains above our verandah were patent and only draining water from above, not sewage. Then the head engineer came. He tried a number of things. The smell persisted. More inspections and sniffers. Then the head engineer supposedly shut off some drain/vent. The smell went away for some days but then came back periodically. It gets less with wind from a certain direction. We were offered another silver suite, but we were told we would have to move back to 726 at changeover day. This didn't seem like a good choice as we hoped the smell would go away. The smell comes and goes. For the last several days the smell has returned in full force. We cannot open our sliders for fresh air as its not fresh. Finally today I learned the reason from one of the many “engineers”, it has to do with the grey water in a trap above us that can not be emptied. The grey water collects over time and must be dumped, but can only be dumped in a place that permits it. What this means is that we will get the smell If the trap can’t be dumped. We asked why this suite is allowed to be used and we were told that in very cold climates they don't get complaints as no one opens the doors. 3. Air conditioning. Last night our A/C failed for the second time. We couldn’t open the verandah doors due to the sewage smell. The A/C has finally been fixed. It required a team who had to open the ceiling. The dump of the trap also took place this afternoon. At the moment our suite is cool and has no smell.
  18. Good morning from the Cloud. We left rainy NYC about 11ish last evening in the rain. I can say that pax and crew went ashore often and enjoyed the extra day. We were to eat at the Grill last evening, but it was just too rainy and damp, instead we braved the MDR. Much more comfortable! A brief aside about the dress code. Well the non dress code. I know the dress code is casual most of the time, but jeans are not supposed to be worn after 6 pm. No one pays any attention to this “rule”. I suppose casual means many things to many people, but in general the attire favored by most is sloppy and wrinkled. I don't think casual means roll out of bed, pick up the clothes you left on the floor in a ball (like in college),and put them on. At the moment the sun is out and the pool deck has nary a lounger. Hot tub is full. Today is another seafood invictus, supposed to be held in the MDR. Lots of activities in the Chronicles, lectures, jewelry, bridge, dancing, trivia, photo workshops, tea, culinary demos, etc. At some point we will make a turn to starboard to enter the Chesapeake Bay and up to Baltimore. A photo from this morning as the sun was making her appearance.
  19. Before we leave I will raise a glass of bubbly to my great great uncle Alfred Larson, his wife Hanna and daughter Helen. In 1905, they lived right here, in the block between 52nd and 55th street, at the Hudson River Bulkhead. He was a captain who took ferry boats up and down the Hudson River. He lived aboard as many of those families did in that era. He came to the USA from Adolf Fredrik, Stockholm, Sweden. He was a captain for many years, eventually relocating up the Hudson to Kingston until he injured his foot. At that time he relocated to Roebling, New Jersey, where he became a watchman. Roebling was the home of a steel mill that was a leading producer of wire rope. John Roebling, (who designed the Brooklyn Bridge) and his three sons built the company into a huge producer of the wire rope and also built a model town for their workers. Here’s to you Alfred and to your family!
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