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Everything posted by spinnaker2

  1. Yesterday was a sea day, partly devoted to some lectures on safety and zodiacs as well as respect for the fragile arctic environment. We also had our gear inspected to be certain that we were not bringing any foreign substances to the shore. Many pax were tired because the first night of our cruise leaving Iceland was quite rough, rainy and blustery. The ship is full. And full as well, of energy and anticipation of exploring this part of our amazing world. And this day has not disappointed. The sky was bright by 5 am or perhaps a bit before. Nor wind or clouds, blue sky and perfectly calm waters as we approached the entrance to the fjord around 7 am. The expedition leader Gert, pronounced differently, advised that the first group of three zodiacs would leave the ship around 1030 ish and get close to the glacier. The next group would follow around 1230 pm. There will be no landings today. We are anchored close to the top of the fjord. The water is a blue green and some surrounding cliffs drop steeply to the water. Some of the mountain sides have greenish brown moss or lichen. Snow caps are high up on the mountain tops. Valleys have been carved by retreating ice, which we have seen as we came to this place. There is a large landslide directly opposite the port side of the ship, and the kayakers cane be see exploring it from the water. The glacier itself is in front of the ship, and the water is littered with its bits. In short, magical.
  2. 20230910_034734.mp4 A city of icebergs. The video would not upload. Approaching skjoldungen greenland
  3. The Edition is in the middle of the shot. This was taken from our verandah. So close and easy to embark.
  4. We are aboard. Travel blackout over but not forgotten. Will need to fill in the gaps. The ship is almost tethered to the Edition hotel where we overnighted. A brief walk through the chilling wind, a short wait and we were aboard. Dr Spins and I walked on our own, as we needed more time. The Cloud is all polished and smiling happily at the new pax who embarked. About 11 stayed onboard from the last cruise. And 66 new crew aboard today. La T was abuzz with such infectious laughter and conversation! Then to our suite and parkas and water bottles and backpacks and butler introductions. We had a few brief moments of sun, and now mostly grey with seaspray. Next the mandatory passport face to face and our drill.
  5. Well almost live from the Cloud, we still need to get there. The first of two flights begins tomorrow afternoon. We are looking forward to being aboard the lovely Silver Cloud. Bonus points for scenic views, icebergs, snow, glaciers, craggy cliffs, freezing water, northern lights, colder climes, hot chocolate, seeing the crew and just chillin’. Laundry I don't have to do, meals I don't have to plan and shop for, cook, or other chores for a few weeks. BLISS! We will get into Reykjavik a day early and likely will just sleep most of the day. We need to recharge our depleted batteries. We didn’t expect to spend the better part of today putting up hurricane shutters, but Lee looms large in the future.
  6. I aspired to be a parrothead. Alas, twas not to be, but i enjoyed the music and Jimmy Buffet’s great infectious smile. Too soon. Whatever he had took him fast. May his memory be eternal.
  7. If you need that to survive, i would write to special services before your cruise to request. While Silversea aims to please and puts forth enormous effort to do so, they aren’t magicians( some think they are). They might have to request it be brought onboard for you.
  8. Franklin may reach Iceland as remnants. Hoping JJ is far away from Bermuda and Iceland by then.
  9. At one time Silversea was not giving days sailed as credit toward Venetian perks ( laundry and cruises) for the port to port sailings. Has that changed?
  10. Looks like between apalach or maybe dog island or carabelle and perry at the moment. Maybe rethink the flight to tal…that gulf is insanely hot perfect fuel for the newest Muppet
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