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Everything posted by mtnesterz

  1. Thanks for taking the time to follow up. I saw your your first post as it first came up with the capitalized Wakeman and wondered if you meant a guy named Waksman, who invented several antibiotics.
  2. Thanks about the staffing! Will keep a good thought for this summer. We don't drink so being served is not a concern. The Grand? Oh gosh, on the last cruise as I recall. As I look on the Princess website, there are no sailings past April, '25. Arguing against that, looking just now, newer ships are also not booked past that month. So... oops, it's past time to edit that out.
  3. I believe you. Been reading other recent reviews too. Our most recent Princess cruise was right after restart. I attributed short staff and other things, like sourcing problems, to Covid. But, these issues appear to be persisting. Yes, our (Princess)steward greets us, except once, then I went to meet him. Really appreciate your review. Here's my point, if they can't fully staff the Emerald, which we will be on this summer, and taking into account the Grand is leaving the fleet in '25, how will they possibly staff the upcoming Sun and Star?
  4. Coral is right, but to directly answer your question, generally four to six months.
  5. Princess and Carnival are two different class lines. If your cabin was cleaned multiple times a day, and the other cabins on your steward's area, then he or she was in the hallway most of the day. In future, I would encourage you to introduce yourself. The robes were offered on your app pre-cruise, and the washclothes were both only a mention to your steward. We find that getting to know your steward is the fastest way to make your needs happen. But on Princess and higher lines, stewards will not intrude themselves on you, without good reason. For your safety, you may be too young to remember Jim Morrison, but drinking alcohol and sitting in hot tub is not a good idea.
  6. Not to pry by any means, but if you care to relate your concern, others here may have also experienced the same thing and may be able to relate their resolution, and how they approached it. Good luck in resolving your issue
  7. As I recall that started in Charlston, SC on a X cruise, saw a secondhand store near our hotel before boarding, so, post cruise, dropped it off the night before the flight home. As far as on the cruise, If not on an excursion, we like to walk around the port area and I have dropped off at a donation store or box. These days, you can use a smartphone and locate donation spots near the ports. If it's something nice, but doesn't work for you anymore, ask your Steward if they would like it.
  8. What seems odd to one may be practical to another. We pack diphenhydramine in our medical kit. It has so many uses, seasickness, sleep aid, allergies, contact dermatitis, cough and sore throat... We also save old clothes to wear on cruises, then donate if still usable at the last port, if practical to do so, or throw out if not. Makes room in luggage for souveniers,
  9. You mention a lot of time in post in Skagway after your rail excursion. Skagway has such an interesting history, it is our favorite place to walk and shop. There is a significant walk from the pier to town, if you have a mobility challenge. If your rail trip should fall through and you like history, consider the Ghosts and Goodtime Girls walking tour. Fair notice that quality of the tour is dependant on your tour guide's personality. Our guide, Shirley Worthit, wore an 1890's brothel costume and was a real character. In the lower 48, she was a college history major and has probably moved on.
  10. Ukulele lessons? Yes. The immersion teams vary for the Hawaii runs, but here is the upcoming schedule for our favorite team: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2936827-elua-schedule-july-2023-april-2024/#comment-65359125 The Princess Patter has been renamed the Princess Event Listing. Before you leave, maybe a week or two, look at the Journey View part of the App, that is, if the App works for you. There is a current thread about karaoke, but it seems hit or miss on different ships. The private rooms on the Majestic have been repurposed. AFAIK, Princess does not post entertainer schedules.
  11. Did you notice I mentioned those menu items, "as an option." Yes, I have heard that old saying. I guess you missed my very similar thought writing, "If that's what you want, go for it."
  12. So, if I understand what you're saying, on those formal nights when they really put something special out there in the MDR at no additional charge meaning, as an option, escargot appetizer, steak and lobster main course and special desserts, You'd rather pay US$40/pp for pasta? (I think that's the Sabatini's charge now, whatever it is.) OK. If that's what you want, go for it. Your question gets asked often and I too have been curious to ask why, but thank you for answering Doug R.'s and my question.
  13. OK, I understand. With that in mind no, we did not additionally tip in the restaurants where gratuity was included.
  14. You might want to take another look at the bottom part of Caribill's post #1. There is a photo of a meal voucher which states (and in his bullet points as well) that a 15% gratuity is included. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1656270-details-of-the-tour-part-of-a-princess-alaska-cruisetour/
  15. Princess specifically sails around the north of the Big Island of Hawaii. If no one here knows, try asking in the Ports of Call section of the board. Welcome to Cruise Critic.
  16. On a recent thread. A poster noted the Sing and Sail pay-by-the-hour private karaoke rooms had been repurposed, but they still had free karaoke in the Vista. Funny. Princess has taken to nickle and diming, but the one thing we would gladly pay extra for has been taken away. No idea about Voice of the Ocean. If you eat at Harmony, give us a review.
  17. We have been in a forward facing cabin on the Regal. The sea was calm for us, but if the sea decides to get angry, you will feel yaw, surge and pitch more pronounced in forward or aft cabins. Heave, roll and sway would be felt about the same. You didn't say which "end." Forward facing, they tell you not to open the balcony door when the ship is underway and balcony lights off at night. Some have posted the they've experienced soot in the aft facing cabins balconies, I don't know about that.
  18. The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco. -- Mark Twain I tell visitors that. They laugh and don't believe me, I know they don't because they come back with a gift shop jacket.
  19. Don't you make your own? Once you know how to get the results you like, you'll never pay pizzaria prices again. Crispy crust is a thinner rollout and a bit extra olive oil, baked on a pre-heated sheet or stone. (To compensate for lower home oven temperatures.)
  20. This is a good resource for you to have. Cruisedeckplans.com >public site >Princess Cruises >Grand Princess> Obst. View. Personally, of those mentioned, I'd go 408, but you should see and choose.
  21. Your cruise will be ending in two days. I would be interested to read your follow up as we will be on the Emerald this summer. Did you buy the Plus or Premium package? Was it worth it to you? You posted elsewhere you were looking to book another cruise onboard. Did your dismay stop you. Which cruise line will you consider in the future? TIA
  22. The reason for my post #9.
  23. A prevarication could come back to haunt him. May well have been onboard, but passengers fearing what might happen they self-report, or mild symptoms mistaken for a cold, so neither gets reported, totally believable. Crew screening these days? Don't know.
  24. Transmission happens by touching an contaminated object, then touching your mouth or nose, whether wearing gloves or not. There is also a potential for developing a latex allergy by prolonged contact.
  25. Mostly they're vacationing in the south. Covid will be around. It will probably take the course of the 1918 Spanish Flu, continuing to spread but in diminishing in intensity of symptoms for another decade or two. RSV, influenza and Noro, (Someone above alluded to bronchiolitis,) are at the low point of the year during the (northern hemisphere) summer. Those planning to cruise the southern hemisphere will see those peak in June and July. Incidence will increase in the northern latitudes in late fall. If you're older than 2, you've already had RSV and it would present like a cold. Get a flu shot at least a month before you cruise. Give time to develop immunity. Noro is transmitted by contact. Just wash your hands and don't touch your face.
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