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Everything posted by mtnesterz

  1. For the inside cabins, a corridor runs the length of the ship behind them and work, sawing, hammering, goes on all night. If adjacent, there can be a housekeeping room. They begin clanging and banging in the wee hours. Walkways, stairwells, they are all crew areas. Though the passengers are generally unaware, it's like a hospital, work goes on 24/7.
  2. Well, you didn't want an opinion previously, but now I will now tell you, that experience on the Ruby led us to never go for an inside cabin again. We are not made of money and cruise frugally. But for only a few dollars more, you can go for an Obstructed View, which you can find in the inside section of the website on Grand and Crown Class ships. Maybe Coral? These days, you have to pay a bit extra to select your own cabin, but if you go to cruisedeckplans.com, public section, you can see the window views, so you're not looking at the side of a lifeboat. Have a great cruise!
  3. Yes, we have been in an inside cabin on the Ruby. No, no problem with the TV angle. Yes, there was a problem with the cabin. Never have a cabin next to the white space on a deck plan.
  4. Never bought into the Sanctuary and never will. I have no direct experience to relate to you. Having read the preceeding posts and watched the video. It sounds like a way of isolating oneself. When onboard, I prefer interacting with others and being sociable. But understand others might prefer to isolate themselves. I thought that video might be of interest to you. Sorry it didn't answer your question.
  5. Nothing. Well said. For @Kay S and @Carol28who just posted, consider watching the Youtube video, The Sanctuary, is it worth it? Whether the Sanctuary is full or empty is irrelevant. Because for everyone else, the Sanctuary is part of the ship that we all pay to be on, and that area used to be accessible to everyone.
  6. I'm thinking the name will be something round. Globular Princess?
  7. There have been rumors that the Caribbean Princess (2004) will transfer to P&OAU to replace the ageing Pacific Explorer. (1996)
  8. You did not mention when or where you are cruising and that does matter. The Caribbean does not have a covered pool and in wintertime, that might be something you might want when it's cold. All the Crown Class are like that. The Caribbean also has the least space per passenger of any Princess ship. Why the Caribbean is different than sisters in that regard, I don't know. There is no reason this can't make for a great vacation though. Otherwise, we've found Princess' service, food and entertainment consistent ship to ship.
  9. If I ate at a restaurant twice and wasn't impressed, food taste, value, service, whatever, I wouldn't be inclined to go back no matter what reviews I read or photos I saw of the food. You write that you will be on the Emerald and enjoy seafood. Consider trying Sabatini's.
  10. Sometimes I think there are the always available beers and some are brought on as regional favorites. For example, if the ship ports in Dublin before your sailing, it's possible they might take on a supply. But I don't know to a certainty, which is what you are asking.
  11. Would depend on the port and the screener, meaning how tightly the policy is adhered to, which the policy reads, "No." Personally, I wouldn't risk it.
  12. Whatever the packing container, remember you will (likely) be in more humidity than at home. Be sure you have dehumidification packs in your bags/bottles that come with many meds and don't store them in the bathroom. High humidity is the enemy of pills and capsules.
  13. That would depend on how much you cruise. As I mentioned in post #21, we used to buy 2 FCDs each. They were good for two years and we cruise about once a year. If there are two of you cruising, you need to have two, one each, when you do your initial booking. The incentive to buy FCDs (aside from the small benefit that it's your prepaid deposit) is that FCC is earned when doing your initial booking. Applying it later serves no added value, as ltdr posted. Then it is only worth face value of $100. Recently, this has changed and FCDs are only good for one year, meaning your book by date. So if you only cruise once a year, then buying one each passenger makes sense. If you don't plan to book within the year, then don't bother buying. If you do buy and don't use it. The money is refunded.
  14. Sounds like the one on the Grand last year. Rude and incompetent. Charged our card for four FCDs, refused to print them and send to our cabin. Discovered at home (no internet for email) only three were booked. Princess fixed it.
  15. Panama is the most expensive itinerary, tax wise, of any cruise. Even Alasaka. So if you're going to go, make it worth it. You'll pay the same on tax, or just about, for a partial transit, so why miss the other side? Similarly, if you're interested in the history, why go the new locks? If you're set on Princess, wait for the Island or better still the Coral and do a full transit. Yes, two weeks is asking a lot for a new cruiser, but a lot of this comes down to the type of person. Some cannot deal with sea days, some are fine with them.
  16. @world_traveler_et An Ocean Navigator returned my call and confirmed caribill's post.
  17. We were able to use the online version, well except for this. Previous cruise, scanned one passport which first and middle name, the second passport, our new cruiser guest, won't allow the middle name. Thanks @caribill, but still have a callback out for Ocean navigator. Don't want to get to Japan and be denied.
  18. Other than the Pacific Princess, (Azamara Onward) they bought the Royal Princess and renamed it the Azamara Pursuit. The other R-Class that Princess owned was the Tahitian/Ocean Princess. It went to Oceania, renamed the Sirena. All 8 R-Class ships are owned by either Oceania or Azamara.
  19. I would have thought Disney and Celebrity more expensive cruise than Princess. Oh well, anyways... On Celebrity, it used to be that one could order escargot appetizer nightly. On Princess it will only be offered on the last formal night, and I think Celebrity has Princess beat on the recipe. Also on the last formal night, lobster has been offered. You can get a second if you ask at no extra charge, they are small. Other lines are charging for seconds, I've read. So, yes, there a little step up on formal nights. Since Covid, Princess has dropped the partnering with Curtis Stone and Ernesto Uchimura. The Stone recipes were big comfort foods like chicken pot pies and they were really good! The Ernesto burgers were the best burgers I've ever eaten, but they are, after all, just a burger. My point is, you mention photos looked basic, your word. Photos don't convey taste. But again, these specific examples are gone.
  20. As far as unobstructed balcony type cabins go, yeah, I don't get it. Those who find obstructed view cabins a value are over on cruisedeckplans looking at the views out the window before booking. This can either be staring at the side of a lifeboat or wondering if Princess meant there's a railing two decks down. Big difference in view, same price/class cabin.
  21. Not as effective as other commonly used things. How about an analogy. Imagine that you have just gotten some blood on your clothes, you go over to the sink immediately and water, or even rubbing alcohol, washes it right out. Now let that blood sit for a few minutes and you'll need some hydrogen peroxide or bleach to get it out. What happened? Proteins had begun to lock onto the fabric. Water and alcohol stopped working, but breaking proteins down with peroxide, the blood washes out. Viruses are simple things. Just replicating information inside a protein structure, called a capsid. Using alcohol on Noro is not like turning on a light switch; meaning that it either works or doesn't. There are degrees of effectiveness based on concentration, the more alcohol, the more effective. More effective against Noro on surfaces would be either a commercially available bleach wipe or hydrogen peroxide. They both affect (to keep it simple) the protein capsid. That's what needs to happen. On hands, It's best to simply wash them with soap and water.
  22. I don't recall the guidelines mentioning what kids should wear. I see you've been on Disney. Don't know how they are for dining. Maybe show your son a photo of the dining room, all made up with tablecloths, stemware and china. Have a talk about what he might wear. Seriously doubt there would be a problem for an eight year old wearing shorts. I have seen a grown man refused for shorts though.
  23. Part of what? My post was limited to answering voljeep's question on seasonal variability. A post, not a treatise. More would have read as pedantic.
  24. The amount of FCD needed for a couple sailing has been covered, but if you meant to say, "Where did my $100 go?" Then this: As I read your post. You bought these FCDs pre-COVID. So any FCD you bought would be more than two years old. That's was the limit on those things (now one year,) BUT, then they were extended. We received contact about this and had a bunch of OBC on our first cruise after restart. Bottom line is, log in and check the My Account section on Princess website. I hope you find that your $100 FCD was converted to FCC/OBC.
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