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Everything posted by mtnesterz

  1. The "sticker" goes on the center of the Medallion and is under clear plastic, so it does not peel up. The case itself is plastic in matte silver. I've never seen one in gold color on a ship, so I guess they mold it in a gold color, but I don't see how it could be gold dipped or leaf because that would block radio frequency signals, which is the whole idea. We have heard of the Medallions being mailed, then finding they're DOA at the port or during the cruise and being reissued on the spot. So if you've paid extra, then what? The battery is not changable. They're designed to be used once then stuck on your 'fridge at home. We see no point in having them mailed. Also, on lets say a Japan cruise, you must pick it up at the port anyway.
  2. There are presently 7 Princess sailings that port in Bermuda, but strictly to your question, they do not sail, "to," meaning terminate, in Bermuda. I cannot mention the name of the search engine I used for this on CC, because it's a TA, but it's worth you searching this out to answer these type of questions in the future. Are you interested in like 17 days or a 111 day world cruise. Island or Sky, big or small ship? Embarking from Dubai or Southampton or LA? Let us know and we'll answer.
  3. Rather than wonder about clothing, ask yourself, what are you are looking for on a cruise? Princess is about music and dancing venues, enrichment talks, Movies Under The Stars, a cut above most lines for food and drinks and they don't market to kids. NCL you know already. Princess onboard vibe is more traditional, that's true. But I wouldn't let the question of what to wear for dinner give you pause. If you find this is the vacation you want, go with the flow, dress for dinner and enjoy.
  4. Sad but true, $100 doesn't go far on a cruise ship. Could easily use that amount and more on one shore excursion or a watch, jacket or other store purchases. I've heard some credit it towards Crew Appreciation just to square the account. Haven't done this but Passenger Services I'm guessing.
  5. The OP wants a reaction, and is getting it. It started about the money, now it's about the customer service. There is nothing any of us can actually do to help.
  6. A kilt is ceremonial wear and considered equal to Black Tie along with Mess Dress for military.
  7. Usually not a dessert guy, but amazingly good is right.
  8. Hey, post #4 was mine. I stated a true experience and the reason I quoted, rather than a link, was the the OP had never been on a Princess cruise before. Doing that and only that answered the OP's question. I usually try to be helpful in my posts. Inferring an agenda is reading into it.
  9. San Diego is not too far a drive for us and we've taken in the attractions in the harbor area, though not ported there, since Princess ports in LA. While it is a relaxing boat ride, it's important to consider that you've just gotten off a ship and might be more up for dry land things. The tour boat is not allowed near the Navy facilities, so not much to see that you couldn't make out from shore with binoculars. There is also the USS Midway, a tall ship used to be there, maybe still is and some interesting small boutique shops south of the port, still walking distance for most people. If you like animals, there's the zoo. Many things to do there. It's whatever you like.
  10. Princess, relative to your previous cruises on RCI and Carnival, dress request is more traditional. I have personally seen men turned away from the Main Dining Room (MDR) for showing up in shorts. The Princess website states that shorts, "are not welcome," in the dining room, though some will post they've gotten away with it.
  11. @wallyj, Hawaii. Didn't see you in the Roll Call. Join us.
  12. Took me awhile to find the post I referred to, but here is what I read: "Hi ..., I believe Princess also removed the complimentary steam and sauna’s in the changing rooms at the Gym. Heard they expanded some spa treatment rooms for accessibility. Have not heard if Princess plans to do this to her sister ships." Hey, how about that. It was written by, you! I get it. You are saying the facilities were physically removed, not just complimentary. Using the word, "accessibility," I took you to mean thay had altered the treatment room doorways so that the spa and sauna were accessed from a different place. Like a paid area. OK, thanks. Just want to know what to expect in August.
  13. There have been several threads about the Emerald lately, and a couple "live from." Have a search for those. Also, you'll want to join your roll call and get aquainted. We will be on the Emerald in August, so interesting to follow for us too. We always book tours through the ship so the website is the only place we look, but on the roll call, others might want to get together for a small group deal or know of local eateries. One disappointment about the Emerald is I have read the sauna/steam room is no longer free access as it is on other Grand Class ships.
  14. L.A. local here, so arrived at this port several times. Surprised to see that Oceania, arriving from Tahiti, gets berth 93. Usually Princess gets 93. (Unless a Royal Class ship) No worries, same pickup area. We usually do the early walk off and no problems wherever we sail. Recommended because if flying from any port, you're always first bus out. Being a Thursday, no problems with traffic. You have plenty of time, figure 30-40 minutes transit. I'd suggest a huge breakfast onboard as food at the airport is really expensive. Customs now just takes your picture and you're on the move. It's almost like you need to keep your stuff in hand because the line moves so fast you'll hold things up to stop.
  15. If you booked with a free perk, lets say a specialty dinner for two and the fare drops $100, be sure you wouldn't lose your dining when making a change. Mostly though, if you watch the, "sales," for awhile, you'll see they shuffle the numbers around, but the bottom line stays the same. Our Cruise Vacation Planner says his slow months are January and February. If you see something you want, this being March, book sooner than later. The occasional dollar deposit specials are nice for first timers, but once you've sailed, the best thing to do is buy a Future Cruise Deposit (FCD) onboard. That is not only your next cruise deposit, but some Future Cruise Credit (FCC) credit for your next cruise. Presume from your name you live in the USA Southwest. In some countries, there is a substantial charge for a rebook/refare.
  16. You're not computer illiterate, you're posting here just fine. We've done Princess Cruisetours in Alaska and can advise if you have a specific question. The other places, Japan, Colonial America... surely someone has taken them and can advise. Basically Princess takes care of most everything except your shoreside food, unless specifically stated that they provide. Even when things go sideways, as it did when we were there, they took care of the problems. Princess was good about that. You can also use the search box in the blue bar above for past threads on your topic. What is it you want to know?
  17. Think you're right. From the FB wording, looks line a rewards points deal. As far as brand recognition. Princess went with Ernesto Uchimura for the Ernesto burger and at that time, there were only two Umami Burger locations. He has other restaurant brands and locations now. BTW, A combo at Umami Burger is like $20. I really miss the Ernesto burgers onboard.
  18. Never done the round trip. But the one we looked at was a revisit of the ports in the opposite order. If you missed an excursion you wanted, you have a second chance. You say it doesn't matter to you, but for several reasons, we believe smaller ships are better in Alaska. The Sapphire would be our choice. If you choose the northern Cruisetours. We did the Explorer package, but wish we had bought the Connoisseur as meals are included. Food was very expensive there.
  19. You might wast to read this review of the court.
  20. I don't think any line does more to keep pasengers of all ages engaged that Carnival. It was too much energy for us, a one-and-done, but they certainly always had something going on. Princess clientele, you ask? I would say the demographic for Princess is, with some generous leeway, at or nearing retirement age, white collar, likes enrichment lectures, has higher expectations for meals and drinks than average tastes. Again, similar to Celebrity, but maybe a bit less stuffy. Also consider shore excursions. as I recall, Carnival focused more on activity. Princess excursions lean toward cultural and historic interest, though some active excursions offered too.
  21. We sailed Celebrity some time back and found them closest to Princess of the lines we've sailed. His opinion about Celebrity might predict his opinion of Princess. As you said, a port intensive cruise made the deal work for him. You could go with an itinerary like that. And too, his tastes might change over time.
  22. Don't know how long to follow a ship's owner changes. P&O Pacific Aria, formerly HAL Ryndam, #9 on the list, went to Seajets, but now bought by Celestyal. Speculate that Celestyal will buy sister ship, formerly HAL Veendam as time goes forward.
  23. Which is why I didn't choose the word, "always." .
  24. ... and never be next to a white area as you see them on a deck plan. Often housekeeping storage and noisy in the early hours.
  25. Congratulations! Though not usually steak people, we celebrated our 40th in the Crown Grill. So memorable to recall even now. Dress as you would like. We dressed up, though not required. Hickory smoked salt, must try. Be sure they know of your anniversary. They will make it special. A decadent dessert will follow.
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