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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. Indeed. Love surfer Spam breakfast sandwiches....survival energy for those waves. Don't participate...but love watching them. 😄
  2. LOL...I ended up bringing a bottle of it back home last week. Ummm....now part of my hurricane survival supply. 😄
  3. Gotcha. Moving over to Wonder next month. Four weeks...already know we will love her. 😉 Then repeat for a B2B next year.
  4. Looking forward to our six weeks on Maui this coming May. Mmmm....Spam. 😃 Actually looking forward to Mama's Fish House more than Spam...but Spam comes in second. 😄
  5. Love deck 17...GS cabins. Always loved the location near CK and the SL...but not a fan of the two level CLS cabins on that deck. Now....our favorite GS cabins occupy that whole floor. Win...win for us. Deck 18 has the higher end suites...yes, not so many CLS cabins...but works for me on 17.
  6. Love...love...that perk! The most important...IMHO. And loving the snot out of that this year!!
  7. OK...now the "cone" is forecast to drift right over our house. OK...recheck supplies.....Yeah, I am good. Plenty of wine...and a few cans of Spam. 😄
  8. It was tough and emotional to say goodbye to our favorite crew members on Harmony last week. Sigh...will miss them all. Tried to convince them to jump ship and move to Wonder. 😉
  9. The RCI terminal ("revamped" old cargo terminal) is down a block or two from the multilevel garage. The port parking for that RCI terminal is a large open lot. There are other off shoot private parking facilities near there...but I don't recommend them from previous experience. If you are able to transfer down the block or two....I would try for the garage.
  10. LOL....everyone mentions how "lucky" we Florida residents are to live so close to cruise ports....until a hurricane is breathing down our necks. 😄 Hurricane party anyone? 😉 Though I am worried about our friends in the Tampa/St. Pete/Ft. Myers area. Hoping Ian tames out in time to save them and property.
  11. Do you recall if Wonder has bottled water...or those awful cans? Thanks in advance. 🙂
  12. I always looked at it as making that next cruise....that much sweeter. 😉
  13. Francis and Jean tore up my sister's house in Vero Beach pretty badly. 😞
  14. We were supposed to do eastern last week, but Fiona changed it to western. Home now to "batten down the hatches" for Ian. But if Harmony is sticking to western...I assume she can go south, down under the already passing Ian. Might even pull the bad weather up with it, and give pax a nice weather week down there. Hoping. 🙂 I am checking my emergency supply of Spam right now...and baking some bread. Peanut butter...check!! Two cases of Dasani water...check. OK...now how do I keep my Sauvignon Blanc cold if we lose power??!! 😮
  15. I usually do JS cabins on Radiance series. Agree about not being a fan of the GS on that series, and with no Coastal Kitchen...eh. But I will absolutely do the rare D1 balcony....as long as I can snag 9256. 😉 Which I prefer over JS 1100 due to that cabin being directly under noisy outdoor WJ.
  16. Exactly. This website is called "Cruise Critic" for a reason. 😉
  17. Usually port authority...but there are RCI employees inside the terminal at times. One of them ushered us out to baggage claim this morning. 😉
  18. RCI: Really Consistently Inconsistent. Though the tag police were more likely employees of the port.
  19. I did. The noisy fuel barge starting at 4 am outside our balcony, and the smell of diesel was not pleasant.
  20. Indeed. Boarding procedures for Harmony is different than Indy.
  21. Be interesting to see if you still head west. No one on board right now knows for sure.
  22. No drinks served sitting inside the terminal before they let pax board. 😉
  23. Ft. Lauderdale. I was teasing the crew that when we dodged into Ft. Lauderdale for fuel...it was a "practice run" to get ready for the new home port. 😉
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