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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. I am still scratching my head...but I am sure there must have been some logical reason. Though they are sure not making that fact known. Another interesting development. Figured out we turned around again this afternoon, and started heading back south. Then the announcement and Coast Guard helicopter. They had to try it two times, but were able to land on the bow of the ship to offload a medical emergency. Interesting watching them do that, sorry for the poor soul that ended up with that.
  2. Drats....I wouldn't mind a couple of extra days at sea at their expense. 😄
  3. Hmmm. Interesting. The one time I had to hand print my own luggage tag, which was totally accepted....for some miracle...we actually received our bags. Early in fact. 😄
  4. I will still adhere to my assigned time. It gives me that excuse to enjoy that Bloody Mary. 😄 😄
  5. That's good! 🙂 We still adhered to our assigned check in times. Just because we arrived early to drop luggage and get a parking spot in the garage...did not mean that we needed to sit and wait inside the terminal. Walking over to Grills for that Bloody Mary until our assigned time...priceless. 😉
  6. Exactly. To plan on ignoring the check time assigned, is not an accident. 🙂 Now...what happens when they are enforcing the check in time. What fun to stand in line for 2 hours. 😮
  7. The only ship (besides our fuel stop call) in port at Ft. Lauderdale was Celebrity. Still quite a few ships doing their summer routes. Lightly populated ports of call for us this last week.
  8. There are actually quite a few in PC as well...but not the quantity of Ft. Lauderdale for sure.
  9. Agree and indeed...it's pretty easy to see that for anyone that wants to watch TV or pull up weather online. 😄 😄 It's even showing it on BBC on TV in the cabin on Harmony right now.
  10. We did MDR first night, then 150 second night. Was able to do early dining in CK the rest of the week (we are in JS). Probably had a lot to do with having 5:00 dining time. Both MDR and 150 were not good experiences. Breakfast every morning in CK as well. But once again, we go early. There is almost no one in there at 7:30 am. And there was no squeaking at all. Grace invited us to join them....no problem.
  11. That was my guess as well...but still not announced. Fuel does need to be allocated, as far as I know. Though odd they were able to pull fuel unscheduled at Ft. Lauderdale. They must have more supply available?
  12. Love those tags from Amazon. Have just reordered a third set. Same as you. One tag on the side, one on the top. I don't use those ties they give you, prefer using those indestructible zip ties instead.
  13. Still strange, and unexplained, why we did not simply take on the fuel tomorrow morning at home port...just 200 miles north.
  14. Indeed we are enjoying the sea day now...happy to be back out here again. Beautiful day at sea, fairly calm, mostly sunny....and very humid. No shore leave allowed in Ft. Lauderdale port stop. 😉
  15. Can always just print your own on blank piece of paper in advance. Guarantee your hand writing is much better than the porter's. 😉
  16. B2Bs first...then suites/Pinnacle/Key. Everyone else in general boarding line.
  17. No idea if Harmony is changing itinerary again next week. Supposed to go eastern this week, went western. Tomorrow is scheduled for western...which I am think won't happen now with Ian on the west side. Flip flop?
  18. Captain Johnny told us yesterday that we would be picking up the pilot outside of Ft. Lauderdale around 3 am. Which we did. Docked up by 3:30...took over 4 hours to fuel. He only told us that since we did not pick up our usual fuel at St. Maarten, that we would be instead fueling here. Never mentioned why here and not tomorrow at PC. His message this morning as we were leaving, said we now had fuel for two weeks. Still nothing about why here and not PC. Perhaps did not have an allocation for fuel set up in PC? Indeed annoying listening to the barge pump fuel all morning, and the diesel stink. And people were smoking on the open smoking deck right above it. Also very odd they let them do that.
  19. Same thing when just before we left. Dasani 2/1 purchase at Publix. 🙂
  20. Batten down the hatches me Matey!! We leave for Barcelona to meet up with Wonder on 10/13. Will still give us time to button up the bungalow after we get home on Sunday. Remember Charlie? He sure liked to tear things up mid state back then. Eeeeek! Hope this is not a repeat. 😱
  21. I love her as well....and her three sisters equally. 🙂
  22. Oh...if only I were still 23 years old....better body, but not as wise. 😄
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