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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. Me too. 😉 Though hopefully does not make it up to deck 10. 😄
  2. Thanks! Not much I did to deserve it...and had help from another member as a "nudge" to the Mods to do so. 😉 Totally unexpected.
  3. Deck 9 sticks out quite a ways further than deck 10. I used deck 10 to test my contraption for a short fly while Bucky was down on that more extended area of deck 9 to collect it. Didn't do too bad, but I was eliminated due to a crack (not break) in my egg. It was fun. 😉
  4. Plastic sheeting put down for the one they did on board last week. And they even drew a couple of circles on it for "bullseye" target for extra points...though with the angle the contraptions were tossed from on deck 9, it was almost impossible to make it over that far. Actually the first time I have seen the plastic sheeting for one of these events.
  5. Yup, as I said...good question. Though with the Costa Concordia...I think the captain was the worst of the lot. 😱
  6. Pretty...and very bright sunset last night off the balcony. We are getting into longer and longer days now with sunset around 8:30 pm. Sunrise around 5:30 am. Was beautiful weather yesterday with mostly calm seas and plenty of sunshine. Getting rougher now, lots of whitecaps...and was rather chilly on my morning walk this morning being 67 degrees.
  7. Thanks! Read that from another poster earlier. Is very nice the ship is doing that! Though, I doubt it is a common thing for shorter cruises. This is so different in so many ways.
  8. Meh...was a repeat of a show we saw 2 weeks ago (Marquee). Bucky went up to the concierge lounge for a night cap and hang out with some fellow pax...I opted to relax and read in bed. Yeah, big party girl. 😄
  9. They seem to be pretty adept at doing their job after a party night. I suppose much like any other person that has to go to work in the morning after having really good time. 😉 But indeed an interesting question...though I would think they have a tough enough time being away from family for months at a time, working long hours, sleeping in cramped quarters, etc..etc. to be denied their fun on a "what if". Worst thing (IMHO) is dealing with some pax that think they own them. 😬
  10. Both Dave and Bucky suffered the loud attacks in Nam from weapons fire. I am so sorry the same thing happened to your hubby. The best thing...is they all survived...and I am enjoying having my best friend with me. 🙂
  11. Yes, please send Fedex...err......air flight to heliopad? 😄 😄 Will be happy to take delivery.
  12. You are most welcome. 🙂 Happily our doctors understand different circumstances.
  13. Thanks my friend. Some just don't get it. What about children with hearing problems, or the little tykes with thick glasses, or worse...the poor kids with Diabetes and severe allergies. Indeed nothing to do with age...age does not help matters...but the seniors are not the only ones that need health help. Oh...and my heart medicine is from having a bad heart from when I was a baby. Meds help me live with it. 🙂
  14. I once asked my doctor about scripts for the longer adventures. She told me when I needed it, she would be sure to give me a longer script. Which only makes sense not to deny what you need. Right now I (and Bucky) refill on a 90 day basis. With our stint on Serenade only being a quarter (63 nights) was more than enough for us, but she would have given me a script for the 274 nights if I needed it. No, the ship will not refill scripts.
  15. Normally that is what I do....but with being on for 63 nights...I simply tossed all the full bottles into my big duffle bag (which had half of my medicine cabinet in it!! 😮 ) and refill as I go. 😉
  16. Good time at the "Cheers with an officer" lunch. My steak better this time, Chop's mushroom soup...totally awesome. I love it when they actually DO drizzle the Truffle oil on top, makes all the difference.
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